DAILYNEWSTHEALMANACSTORAGELIBRARY OF THEUNIVERSITYOF ILLINOIS1AT URBANA-OHAMPAICN310D1418922cop.The person this materialcharging is re-for its returnsponsible to the fromlibrarywhich it was withdrawn on or before theLatest Date below.stampedandTheft, mutilation, ofunderlining booksare reasons for actiondisciplinary and mayresult in dismissal from the University.UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGNRETURN TOMOTE STORAGESWAYli03'9696JUN051SL161 O-1096INCORPORATED 1857.. ,AND SURPLUSCAPITAL $3,600,000The Merchants'Loan and Trust Co.A BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.GENERALFOREIGN EXCHANGE .1Letters Credit and CommercialTravelers ofCredits issued available in all the World.parts of. CABLE TRANSFERS MADE.WASHINGTON& DEARBORN-STS.,CHICAGO.J. President. 2d Vice-Pres.W. ORSONDOANE, SMITH,P. L. Vice-President. F. C. Cashier.YOE, OSBORN,F. N. Ass't Cashier.WILDER,TRUSTEES:A. H. BURLEY. DEKOVEN. W.JOHN J. DOANE.MARSHALL FIELD. CYRUS H. M.McCORMICK. GEO. PULLMAN.JOHN TYRRELL. E. T. WATKINS. P. L. YOE.ALBERT KEEP. LAMBERT TREE. ERSKINE M. PHELPS.ORSON SMITH.THE DAILY NEWSALMANACANDPOLITICAL REGISTERFOR1892.COMPILED BY GEO. E. A. LL. B.PLUMBE, B.,EIGHTH YEAR.ISSUED BYTHE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS.PREFACE.THEDAILYNEWS ALMANAC whilefor cover-1892,with its usual wide iscompleteness ofing range subjects, speciallybe ato vade mecum the of thedesigned for presidential campaignA theof and underyear. complete comparison imports ...