mm -miFairmount Park, Philadelphia,TT. T(FOUNTAIN OPPOSITE S. GOV BUILDING.)AVE.,CENTENNIALExhibition,Newspaper;1876ivvA List AmericanComplete of Newspapers,A Statement the Characteristics, Populationof Industries,and Location Towns in which are ;of they published a/so,A account some the GreatDescriptive of Newspapersoftheof day,NEW YORK:COMPILED BY GEO. P. ROWELL & CO.,1876the(Licensed by Catalogue Co.)Entered to Act of in the 187(5.according Congress, year byGEO. P. KOWELL <fc (JO.,In the Office ot the Librarian of at I).Congress, C.Washington,"VTHEAT & CRUM &CORNETT, RlNGLER,JOB AND NEWSPAPER MANHATTANBOOK, ELECTROTVPK FOUNDRY,PRINTERS,iS SPEUCE N. Y. .3 NASSAU N. Y.STREET, STREET,PHEFACE.for tile celebration of the ofThe first American wasearly proposition century nationalityon no definite form. As the familiar with thebut it took ideapatriotic, people grewsimplywhich it has since assumed. Its formthis drifted into the seemedvagueness shape presentandas it utilized the world s selfishness made it eclat to the occasion. "Wethe best, giveand hereinvited all to exhibit their handiwork our millions ofpeoples products amongour and didcustomers and arid withconsumers, they accepted proposition come, bringingthem their inventions and their allAll which have benefited mankind had their in man sages originfor comforts. As the forests fell before the axe of the andcivilization, pick shovel,longingaided the coal ...