CENTENNIALNOKOMIS-1856 1956HISTORYCENTENNIALOFILLINOISNOKOMIS,-1856 1956%OKOMISMoonthedaughter ofFOREWORDtheMen in America were moving with the sun. In1850's, western lands could still be had for $8 to $12 anbegan the other arts followed. Nokomisacre. Tillage andcame to be.This Centennial History calls up long forgottenremembered sounds.scenes and the peculiar sadness ofIt records those illuminated moments which stand outfresh and vivid after many years.watches the pano-Many a Seth Thomas clock stillrama of the years, remembering a day when the sky wasblue, Nokomis was young and people wished to beremembered.This is not a complete record, but we offer it with afeeling pride and affection for all who have had a part,ofno matter how small, and those who expect to have apart, no matter how far in the distant future.917,CENTENNIALOUR TOWNS-the pastIt is a resurrection ofour eyesbook spread out beforeAn openthat history amassedWith narrativeswe dramatize.For decades which todayprovidehorse and buggy, oil-lamp daysTheskirtsevents, when swishingThe setting for-ruled the day with prideAnd bearded facesasserts.simple life, our story-bookAclaimlife which we naivelyButmetits conflicts; as theseFor those days hadglory cameWith conquest, retrospectiveyet.magnifies itself in our minds,Whichthe pages of this book,As we leaf through-we are thereWe overtake ourselves, forlook,of us - and we find, as weA partlife's thoroughfare.Contemporaries ...