In when the of1971 Sub-DepartmentSeptember Ornithologywas established at the Bird Section wasLibraryTring,1transferred there. books marked 'Z inOrnithologicalthis be atprinted catalogue may, therefore, Tring now,instead or as well in theof, as, Zoological Departmentcard in the RoomThe catalogues CatalogueLibrary.showhave been altered to locations.presentCATALOGUEOP THELIBRARYOF THEBRITISH MUSEUM(NATURAL HISTORY).PREFACE.the second volume of the of the Collection of Books,Cataloguein the Natural branch of the theMuseum,&c.,Maps, History bringsauthors' names down to the end of the letter thusseries of entries under "K,"the entire work.the first half ofcompletinginThanks for assistance its are due to the coadjutors alreadyproductionmentioned in the and introduction to the first volume.prefaceBAYE. LANKESTER,Director.BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY),1904.23rd,April;CATALOGUEOF THEBOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS,MAPS AND DKAWINGSIN THEBRITISH MUSEUM(NATUBAL HISTORY).VOL. II. E K.LONDON:FEINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES.SOLD BYLONGMANS & 39 PATERNOSTERCO., ROW, E.G.;15K. W. DULAU & 37 SOHOQUARITCH, PICCADILLY, ; CO., SQUARE, W.;KEGAN TRUBNER & 43 GERHARDPAUL, TRENCH, CO., STREET, W.SOHO, ;AND AT THEBRITISH MUSEUM CROMWELL S.W.(NATURAL HISTORY), ROAD,1904.[All rights reserved.}PRINTED BYWATttOK ANDHiZELI,, V1NEY, J.D.,LOKDON AND ATLKSBURY.CATALOGUEOP THEMAPS, &c.,BOOKS,IN THEBRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY).- after a date the ...