a^CATALOGUEOIFENGLISH PROSE FICTION.A^IsTIDJUVENILE BOOKSiisr THECHICAGOPUBLICLIBRARYcnrcAoo:LIBllAEY EOOMS, CITY HALL,Januakv, 1889.r"CATALOGUEOIFPROSEENGLISH FICTION• i• •••• ••- •• ••• ' • *. ;•••.JUVENILE BOOKSiisr THECHICAGO LIBRARY,PUBLICCHICAGO:LIBRAEY ROOMS, CITY HALL,Januaiiy, 1889.TV"-BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1888-89..'. c,.; :;WILLJAM-H; BEEBE, President.JLAWEENCE W. KADLEC, Vice-President.JOHN G. SHOETALL. MICHAEL UMBDENSTOCK.EMILBEENHAED MOOS. G. HIESCH.NOEMAN WILLIAMS. WILLIAM D. KENT.PLINY B. SMITH.B. WICKEESHAM, Secretary.WM.EEEDEEICK H. HILD, Librarian.S. Ettlinger, Printer, Street, Chicago.173 MonroePREFACE.of the sixthSince the publication edition of the Finding Lists, in 1884, theannualLibrary has issued three supplements and six bi-monthly bulletins, givingthe titles of all accessions, to February 1, 1889. Owing to the rapid growth of theLibrary (which now numbers over 145,000 volumes) it has been deemed advisable,in preparing a new edition of the Finding List, to issue the same in parts. Thefirst of these parts, containing a catalogue of English Prose Fiction and Juvenileoffered to our readers, and willBooks, is now be followed by class lists of History,Travels, Arts and Sciences,Biography, and other subjects. The bulletins, givinglists of new books added, will be issued as before.In this catalogue of English Prose Fiction, books are entered under the nameof the author,when known; under the pseudonym, ...