nyT ^\3P'Catalogueanb JSoofcof Specimensof ZT\>pe jfacesanb IprintingMaterial anbjfoun^r?>Cornet St. Clair and ntado Streets,TO. S. a., bio,IN STOCKWE CARRYallfor immediate delivery,, typeReadyand can also furnishshown in this bookjlowest castat typepricesj anypromptly.,foundries:the followingbyLUSE & Co.MARDER, FOUNDRY,TYPE ....CENTRAL FOUNDRY,SMITHSMACKELLAR,. . . AND JORDAN .FOUNDRY,TYPE . .DICKINSONTYPE FOUNDRYBOSTON& SMITH . .ALLISON FOUNDRY,CINCINNATI TYPE .AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' Co.,BENTON-WALDO TYPE FOUNDRY,JOHN RYAN FOUNDRYPALMER & REY TYPE FOUNDRY,ST. Louis TYPE FOUNDRYWe are for theagents CottrelljspecialCranston and Campbell Cylinder Presses,Uni-Chandler & Price Job Presses, GailyBenversal Presses, Challenge Gordon,Pranklin ThorneGordon, Type-Settingall BrownMachines, Paper Cutters, makesjMorrison Wire Stitch-Machines,FoldingHercules Gas and Gasoline Engines,ers,esti-and are also to furnishpreparedetc,,book-mates on all kinds of andprintingandGet our prices,binding machinery,toassured we shall do our utmostrestorders,merit yourCleveland Type Foundry,MANAGER.F. B. BERRY,189S,Cleveland, O,, January,POINT SYSTEM.ALL TYPE SHOWN IN THIS BOOK is CAST ON THE POINT SYSTEM OFINTERCHANGEABLE TYPE AND WILL WORKBODIES,TOGETHER AND JUSTIFY ACCURATELY.Below we a table between Point and the Old Bodies.print showing comparison SystemThis is for the benefit of those not familiar with the Point not togiven yet Systemthe ...