•' .0' ...'"yVV^_,'v•*>^o*>0y. -?*.\03 K°-*>y ' ^„y /Jill'.. *^SA*-*o* **U-o* &"."»bv* "o>*o%V'a?"^ * .«A*•A"* *.•'/N..-V*b A'pj*''b o a*\5v*Vvol. .. OCTOBER, no. 1.1897.TABLE OF CONTENTS. page .-IntroductionTerminalWhitehallthe AgeTh.- Wonder ofStation, A Bit of History .... 6Old Camden7Observation Carsof the Locomot 11utionand Fishing Resorts on the B. & 18Hunting1111s of the B. it O. . 20Parlor, Sleeping and Dimv. ice 21Pullmantficers of B. & O .22Ticket and Freight Agents on the B. & O 23List olILLUSTRATIONS.Race at Atlantic City Frontispiece.YachtMt. 1; n, Baltimo Back Cover.Cineinatoscope Pictures ot Royal Blue TrainringRock, Harper's FerryJefferson'sFamous Fishing (irounds of thi — 7Tu~ Shenandoah RiverThe Elk Riwr ValhOne of the B.& O.'s famous17Bass Fishing on the Youghu-henvtoh£nilof libertyCbe StatueLOOKING TOWARDS|bitebaU germinalC(52701i South ferry )v**J^ewYork CityMost ConvenientGntrancc toIn addition toLibertyNew "^orh StreetConnections made UNDERTHE SAME ROOF with Elevated Trains of Second, Third, Sixth andNinth Avenues; Broadway, Columbus and Lexington Cable Lines; East and WestSide Belt Lines; South Ferry; Staten Island Ferry; Hamilton Ave.Ferry, and Thirty-Ninth Street Brooklyn Ferry.w^ffi®®,&®i9m££>'*®mWicturcsquc8.&0.THROUGH THEValley of the VirginiasALONG THESolid Trains Historic Potomacto all ...