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summary Introduction p 4 Challenge n°1: Cap for a new global energy balance p 8 Challenge n°2: The digital transformation of our world is far from over p 16 Challenge n°3: The era of the internet of things is on its way! p 24 Challenge n°4: Towards predictive individualised medicine p 32 Challenge n°5: Innovation to support high-performance, reliable chemistry p 40 Challenge n°6: Tomorrow's buildings: efcient, durable and connected p 48 Challenge n°7: More competitive, cleaner and more fe xible factories p 56Acknowledgements Challenge n°8: Innovative and participative "smart cities" on the way p 64 We would like to thank all of our teams, especially the teams of consultant who work Challenge n°9: Towards cleaner, safer transport p 72 with our clients every day. We would like to thank our clients for placing their trust in us, over the long term, Challenge n°10: Make better use of our resources and reuse our waste p 80 to assist with large-scale technological projects that are often very innovative. Presenting the group p 88 2 3 “We want to restore the nobility and magic to technology, inspiring ambition into the coming generations.” Proud to be engineers electing one of the least high-tech objects of all - a book - to communicate about the St echnological innovations of the future might initially sound paradoxical. Have we gone about the wrong way?
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18 novembre 2016

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2 763



Poids de l'ouvrage

15 Mo

Introduction p 4
Challenge n°1: Cap for a new global energy balance p 8
Challenge n°2: The digital transformation of our world is far from over p 16
Challenge n°3: The era of the internet of things is on its way! p 24
Challenge n°4: Towards predictive individualised medicine p 32
Challenge n°5: Innovation to support high-performance, reliable chemistry p 40
Challenge n°6: Tomorrow's buildings: efcient, durable and connected p 48
Challenge n°7: More competitive, cleaner and more fe xible factories p 56Acknowledgements
Challenge n°8: Innovative and participative "smart cities" on the way p 64
We would like to thank all of our teams, especially the teams of consultant who work Challenge n°9: Towards cleaner, safer transport p 72
with our clients every day.
We would like to thank our clients for placing their trust in us, over the long term, Challenge n°10: Make better use of our resources and reuse our waste p 80
to assist with large-scale technological projects that are often very innovative.
Presenting the group p 88
2 3“We want to restore the nobility and
magic to technology, inspiring ambition
into the coming generations.”
Proud to be engineers
electing one of the least high-tech objects
of all - a book - to communicate about the St echnological innovations of the future
might initially sound paradoxical. Have we gone
about the wrong way? In reality, books - from
the very frst blocks of wood or clay to today’s
e-books - have provided a refection of all stages
of knowledge and human progress. They are a
medium that gives a lasting physical expression
to a text, an idea or a discovery. This is what we
wanted to achieve with this review of what is in
prospect: to make the future seem real.
This could well be agap2's motto for the coming
decade. We are living, worldwide, through a period
of profound change, which can be seen from the
scale of the challenges to be overcome: climate
change, energy sources and the need for housing,
food, health and transport, etc.
Arnaud Guirouvet Patrice Giudicelli Franck Deschodt
Co-founder & Managing Director Co-founder & President Co-founder & Managing Director
4 5All of these are felds where technology is called upon set to play a The solutions can also be more elegant! We should never forget that
major role in the search for solutions that allow us to both respond technology is also related to aesthetics. Aren't bridges, viaducts and
to humanity's growing requirements and the need to protect our other structures spoken of as works of art? Aeroplane designer Marcel
resources and the environment. This book gives us an opportunity to Dassault understood this well, and he loved saying: "A beautiful plane
review the main trends that are emerging in engineering to respond to is one that fies well." This is how we can reinspire the most talented
the challenges posed by this century. This is a thrilling task, which we young people with an ambition to become engineers and use their
are happy to share with you in the following pages. During this journey, intelligence and spirit in pursuit of ambitious goals.
you will note that reality is often only one step away from a dream, This pride in being an engineer is something we foster and promote at
though it might need to be a giant step. agap2's engineers are some agap2. Whatever role we play in society, more than anything else we are
of the pioneers who are working to build this brave new world. We are engineers, passionate about methods and techniques, always ready to
taking the opportunity to mention some of the large-scale projects to give the very best that we can. 10 years after the creation of agap2, we
which agap2 has contributed, and continues to contribute. are still driven by a will to win, surpass ourselves, and build the future.
But this book is also a manifesto. We want to use this book to We proclaim our decision to send our teams to work with clients that
express the pride that we feel about working as engineers. We want belong to sectors that difer greatly, one from another, so that we do
to rest ore the nobility and magic to technology, inspiring ambition in not create experts in a single culture but, instead, give our engineers
the coming generations. We are convinced that technology equates to the means to take a cross-cutting approach to problem solving. That
progress: both social and human progress. There will always be some is what our clients appreciate the most: our ability to transfer solutions
risk associated with any sort of progress, and we are happy to take from one feld to another, and to import wisdom from diferent worlds
responsibility for it. This is a risk that needs to be accepted, while being to their projects.
confdent of our ability to adapt and react if required. Indeed, the great This is much like bees pollinating fowers as they travel from one to
poet Hölderlin once wrote: "But where the danger is, also grows the the next. Our engineers could be called "technological pollinators",
saving power". resolving t echnological problems and enabling our clients to make
This confdence in the future is also typical of engineers, and especially faster progress.
those at agap2 who work on a wide range of projects around the world.
This book is written to fully acknowledge their work. E ngineers are
We are proud of our teams!
everywhere. Without them our world would come creaking to a halt.
We would be on a drifting ship. All too often engineers are kept in the
engine room, working away in the shadows while they are overfowing
with ideas that could improve our lives! At agap2, we are inclined
to bring them up to the bridge, and make them visible. They can be
expected to come up with solutions that are ever-more suited to
meeting the expectations and constraints of the age.
6 7 En Ergy
Challenge Ca p for a new global energy balance
How can a continually increasing energy 40%
demand be met while also combating
climate change? The need to respond of electricity will come to this issue means that every country
around the world has to reduce its
reliance on fossil fuels, make nuclear from renewable energy
energy safer, increase the performance of
renewable-energy systems, and optimise in 2050
their overall energy consumption. These
are the main challenges that the world's
engineers currently face.
Nuclear energy: improving security
Nuclear energy can play a key role in ensuring a
successful energy transition, thanks to innovations
that have provided improvements in 3 key areas: the
yield from uranium, processing nuclear waste, and
the safety and security of nuclear sites. European
Pressurized Reactors (EPR™) reactors are the frst
stage in a wholesale modernisation of the nuclear
energy sector around the world. French companies
have played a central role in developing these reactors,
that can cut electricity generation costs by 10% and
reduce uranium consumption in comparison with
current reactors. EPR™ systems are also safer, as
a result of design innovations and new construction Among renewable energy sources, wind power ranks second after hydro power
(78%). Its share of worldwide electricity generation is around 5%. methods.
Wind and solar are the forms of renewable energy to have developed the most
over the past 10 years (source: Observ’ER). 4 such power plants are currently being built around
the world: in France, England, Finland and China.
8 9Challenge En Ergy
TMEPR REAc TORS agap2 Exp E tis E
TMDevelopment of EPR power stations
TMagap2 is a partner in developing 4 nuclear reactors of the type EPR
worldwide: at Flamanville in France, Hinkley Point in Great Britain,
Olkiluoto in Finland and Taishan in China. This new generation
of pressurised water reactors should improve both the safety
and economic viability of nuclear power stations .
agap2 has been entrusted with modelling certain nuclear-reactor
systems. Establishing wind farms Reconversion
of the coasts of Franceof ofshore platforms
EDF EN, a subsidiary of the EDF The Kaombo project is part
group, has been successful in of a reconversion plan for 2 ofshore
the French government’s call for oil platforms of the coast of
tenders to establish 3 ofshore wind Angola. The aim is to derive
farms of the coasts of France. value from the oil deposits
to be found at depths of between There has been a second call
1400 and 1950 metres. Each for tenders, for another two wind
platform will have a production farms.
capacity of 115,000 barrels a day. Consultation with potential
suppliers; negotiations and
drawing up of contracts;
compliance with purchasing
Gwenaëlle, Purchaser,
Paris - FRANc E
Looking forward to 2050, it is hoped that the int ernational
ITER project, based on atomic fusion, will be able to
BIOMASS POWER STATIONe xtract more energy from the nuclear fusion process Listing all the theor etical aspects to be taken into account to ensure
Monitoring of Front End
than is required to initiate it. Simultaneously, the ASTRID the safety and cost-efectiveness of the piping and valve systems: Construction

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