LGc M.942.29019Aalpv.l GENEALOGY COLLECTION1379045£<+/j+ $/ *u-. ^y.£&06 iy-,/LIBRARYALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC00676 09841 8333BERKSHIREREGISTERSPARISHPHILLIMORESPARISH REGISTER SERIES.VOL. CVIH. (BERKSHIRE, VOL. I.)One hundred and printed.fifty:BerkshireParish Registers.flDarriages.Edited byW. P. W. PHILLIMORE, M.A., B.C.L.I.VOL.Hon&onIssued to the Subscribers by Phillimore & Co.,Chancery Lane.124,1908.PREFACE.The present volume is the first of a series whichthe Editor hopes may be continued until all the ParishRegisters of Berkshire have been printed.The advantage of having our ancient parish registersthus rendered accessible to the student is obvious. Greatprogress has been made in the neighbouring counties: noless than fourteen volumes of Gloucestershire Registers,eleven of Hampshire sixand of Wiltshire have alreadybeen issued. The Editor trusts that, now the Berkshireseries has been commenced, it will be possible issuetotwo volumes annually; but to secure such progress bothtranscribers and subscribers are requisite.The important Register of the town of Wantage hasbeen selected for the commencement of the series, and itwill be seen that the entries in it are very numerous,filling indeed nearly the whole of the volume.The transcript has been prepared under the directionof Canon Ponsonby, Vicar of Wantage, by Mr. W. Pumfrey,of Wantage, to whom the Editor's thanks are due forthe great care taken himby and for the valuable ...