Towards a "Post-carbon society". European research on economic incentives and social behaviour. Conference proceedings, Brussels, 24 october 2007.









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Jacques Theys, membre du Centre de prospective et de veille stratégique (CPVS), a participé à la table ronde "citizens' interactions with land-use and energy demand".
Theys (J). Luxembourg.
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Towards a “Post-Carbon Society”
European research on economic incentives
and social behaviour
Conference proceedings
Brussels, 24 October 2007
Directorate-General for Research
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P - P P
oneoeiwihfiatrendnercehrlterTABlE OF CONTENTS
Foreword 7
Background 9
energy ,environmentandsocio-economicchallenges 13
theroleoFpoliticsandsocialactors 25
citizens’interactionswithland-useandenergydemand 33
anewgovernancetow ardsapost -carBonsociety 39
conclusions 47
acknowledgements 49
glossar yandacronyms 50Forewordtitel
The European Union and the world beyond shaped differently. Public policies and private
have to face two major challenges on the way initiatives will have to be adjusted.
towards a “Post-carbon society”: adoption of
new forms of energy and adaptation to the To face these new challenges, businesses and
climate change that is already taking place. trade unions will have to cooperate. Industry
Measures from both the supply and demand and NGOs will have to work together. Natu-
sides are needed to address these challenges. ral scientists, engineers and social scientists will
have to fnd - in a multidisciplinary way - the
The ambitious 2020 European Union best solutions taking into consideration their
targets for reducing greenhouse gas technical potential and economic feasibility
emissions, improving energy efficiency and through a true dialogue with society.
increasing the share of renewable energy
sources require strong research efforts The European Union has an uncontested world
in order to develop new and sustainable political leadership in social and environmen-
technologies. tal protection. The EU is today the frst-ranked
power in the sector producing technologies
But new technologies alone are not suffcient. that do not emit greenhouse gas emissions.
A lot more is necessary if we are to have The EU is now seriously looking at economic
answers to the issues of energy security of growth “beyond GDP”.
supply, availability of natural resources and
increasing oil prices. Anticipation is a prerequisite to action. If we
want our children to live in a “Post-carbon
Political initiatives, economic incentives and society”, we need to continue to reinforce our
social behaviour should make a difference. policies, mechanisms and measures in order
Worldwide agreements to reduce greenhouse to turn this concept into a genuine reality.
gas emissions, market mechanisms to push for
the implementation of clean technologies and
local action to change the way of producing
and consuming are needed.
To move towards a “Post-carbon society” will
require time and effort. End-use technologies - Janez Potočnik
from cars to light bulbs - will have to be made Commissioner
and used in a new way. Infrastructure and for Science and
land-use (organisation of cities) will have to be Research
The scientifc evidence of anthropogenic cli- relevant technological areas are not marked by
mate change is overwhelming; it is happen- rapid innovation. The technologies of power
ing and it is accelerating. What we see today generation, thermal comfort and transport
is only the beginning and the result of past proceed through incremental improvement
greenhouse gas emissions. Present trends will rather than radical advance. The technologies
continue whatever we do. Society must cope at our disposal to cope, either exist now or are
with twin challenges: visible, although very substantial research is
still needed to get many of them to market. The
• To cope with the effects of climate provision of energy services is associated with
change that we cannot, or choose not immense and costly infrastructures with lifetimes
to, prevent. of 50 to 100 years. These infrastructures pose
• To adapt economic and social heavy constraints on the ability to change. It is
development to cope with the need to probable even so that the technologies that we
mitigate further change. have, or are likely to have, will be suffcient
to mitigate a large part of climate change if
These challenges must be met whilst simultane- society can adjust to their potential.
ously meeting as far as possible the expecta-
tions of society for a better quality of life and Understanding of the science and provision of
the correction of inequalities across countries the technological solutions is not in itself enough.
and groups. The loss of welfare brought Society must adapt according to the potential
about by climate change is enormous; the of the technology to cope with climate change
Stern Report*, while recognising the immense and in accord with the aspirations of people,
uncertainties, estimates that a 3 – 4 degree especially where economic development is
centigrade rise in temperature could reduce still not adequate. The challenges for social
per capita welfare by between 5 – 20%. scientists are complex and wide in scope.
This conference on the Post-Carbon Society
The scientifc evidence for climate change brought together politicians, offcials and
has been compiled thanks to intense research academic experts to help defne an agenda
and development in climate science all over for research in social sciences in this feld and
the world with the cooperation of many in particular to identify some concrete research
institutions**. Much remains to be done, but opportunities on the topic “Socio-economic
the science of climate change is well engaged factors and actors that shape the post-
and its importance is no in doubt. Mitigation carbon society” within the seventh Framework
depends on technology. In the main, the programme. Stakeholders from both public
* The Economics of Climate Change, Nicolas Stern, Cambridge University
Press, 2007.
** Fourth IPCC Evaluation report, UNFCCC, 2007.
9and private sector, from business and trade Less formally, this can be construed as putting
union, and from different disciplines were well our own house in order, persuading others,
represented. Most of the Commission services working to understand the problem and its
were involved with an active contribution from solutions and getting society involved. These
DG Research and DG Energy and Transport. ideas were fully explored in the conference.
Many ideas for how to change and adapt are
examined in the EU Green Paper on adapta-
tion published in June 2007*. This paper pro-
poses a strategy based on four pillars:
• Early action in the EU.
• Integrating adaptation into EU external
• Reducing uncertainty by expanding the
knowledge base through integrated
climate research.
• Involving European society, business
and public sector in the preparation
of coordinated and comprehensive
adaptation strategies.
* European Commission, Adapting to climate change in Europe
– options for EU action, COM(2007)354, 29.6.2007.

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