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01 janvier 1999
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European Coopération
in the field
of Scientific and Technical
COST 330
Teleinformatics links between
ports and their partners
Final Report of the Action
European Commission
Directorate General TransportLEGAL NOTICE
Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf
of the Commission is responsible for the use which might
be made of the following information.
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily
reflect the views of the European Commission.
A great deal of additional information on COST Transport is available on the World Wide
Web. It can be accessed through the CORDIS server (http://www.cordis.lu/COST-
Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication
Luxembourg: Office for Officiai Publications of the European Communities, 1998
ISBN 92-828-3679-7
© ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels - Luxembourg 1998
Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is
Printed in BelgiumThe COST 330 Management Committee wishes to
express hère its warmest thanks to each individual and
community in ports and différent organisations, for
having participated in this COST Action.Contents
o Chapter 1: Introduction 11
1.1 Objectives of COST 3301
1.2 Participants2
1.3 Beneficiaries of the COST 330 findings3
Chapter 2: Executive Summary of COST 330 Port Community Telematics 15
© Chapter 3: Scope and Working Method of COST 330 19
3.1 Participating countries 19
3.2 Work programme of COST 330 22
3.3 Organisation3
3.4 The questionnaire3
3.5 Acceptance of the questionnaire and processing of the answers 25
3.6 Who answered the questionnaire?5
9 Chapter 4: IST Description of the Port Community Partners7
» 4.1 Port Profiles 29
4.1.1 Introduction9
4.1.2 Géographie distribution of the ports9
4.1.3 Total annual cargo volume in tons, 1995 30
4.1.4 Total annual containerised cargo volume (number of TEUs), 1995 31
4.1.5 Number of partners in the port communities, 19953
4.1.6 Number of persons employed by the port community partners, 19954
4.1.7 Number of sailings per month, 19955
4.1.8 Total cargo volume per commodity group, 19957
4.1.9 Total cargo volumes, breakdown of hinterland transports, 1995 39
4.1.10 Total cargo volumes, breakdown of export/import, 1995 40
4.1.11 Main trading areas, 1995 42
© 4.2 IT Profile ofthe Port Community Partners5COST 330
4.2.1 Introduction 45
4.2.2 Number of IT staff members6
4.2.3 Use of software applications8
4.2.4 Software Supplier 56
4.2.5 Type of platforms and operating Systems8
4.2.6 Currently outsourced System opérations9
4.2.7 Maintenance and support of the software applications 65
4.2.8 Currently outsourced maintenance and software opérations7
4.2.9 Problems with old software and old hardware 74
4.2.10 Use of data communication networks6
4.2.11 Lack of télécommunication infrastructure, expensive teiecommunications 77
4.2.12 Current use of Internet/Intranet9
4.2.13 IT Profile Findings per Partner 82
• 4.3 EDI Profile of the Port Community Partners 93
4.3.1 Introduction 93
4.3.2 Use of EDI of port community partners and breakdown of the EDI messages in use 94
4.3.3 Number of EDI partners of the port community partners 103
4.3.4 Number of EDI messages in use 103
4.3.5 Breakdown of the Edifact messages by name, current and future use4
4.3.6 Current and future Edifact and non-Edifact messages in use4
4.3.7 Problems in message exchange, EDI users and non EDI users 105
4.3.8 EDI investments and the operating costs of EDI applications8
4.3.9 Cost éléments of EDI applications on operative level8
4.3.10 Légal aspects of EDI 109
4.3.11 Régional distribution9
4.3.12 EDI Profile Findings 111
e> 4.4 Dangerous Goods Information Management - Hazmat Directive 117
4.4.1 Management of the dangerous goods information8Contents
4.4.2 Dangerous goods information management, software applications 120
4.4.3 Use of data communication networks for dangerous goods information management 123
4.4.4 Dangerous goods messages 125
4.4.5 Hazmat Profile Findings5
« 4.5 Future IT Profile9
4.5.1 Plans for outsourcing the System opérations 130
4.5.2 Plans forg maintenance and software opérations3
4.5.3 Main areas for future development6
4.5.4 Port Community Systems 140
4.5.5 Main areas for future development - régional distribution 141
4.5.6 Future IT Profile Findings2
» Chapter 5: European Union Initiatives Related to COST3305
5.1 The Fourth Framework Programme of Community RTD&D5
5.2 The MARIS initiative6
5.3 Other initiatives7
5.4 Projects with links to COST 330 148
5.5 Conclusion 150
9 Chapter 6: Status and Organisation of Ports of COST 330 Action 151
6.1 Introduction1
6.2 General comments on the structure and governance of the ports 151
6.3 Status and organisation of ports in Europe 152
6.4 Conclusion 152
6.4.1 Green Paper on Sea Ports and Maritime Infrastructure and Trans-European Network 153
O Chapter 7: Port Community Telematics: Features and Recommendations 155
7.1 Introduction5
7.2 Port community telematics - a key factor in cargo logistics 156
7.3 Port community partners' IT infrastructure
7.4 State of the Art - Teleinformatic profile of the port community partners 157COST 330
7.5 Trends and framework for the implementation of new technologies in ports 162
7.6 Futuristic view of development 166
7.7 Recommendations8
7.7.1 Harmonisation8
7.7.2 Port community telematics9
7.7.3 Training 171
7.7.4 EDI, Edifact - Standardised data content1
7.7.5 Inland waterway ports, part of European cargo logistics 172
7.7.6 Harmonisation of légal ruies, instruments for Electronic Commerce 172
Appendix 1. Members of the Management Committee 179
Appendix 2: Mémorandum of Understanding, Technical Annex 183
Appendix 3: COST Transport Overview 189
Appendix 4: Detailed Description of Projects with Links to COST 330 191
Appendix 5: United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport 205
Appendix 6: National Contributions to Chapter 6/Section 6.3 209
6.3.1 Belgium 209
6.3.2 Bulgaria 210
6.3.3 Denmark 211
6.3.4 Finland 213
6.3.5 France 214
6.3.6 Germany 215
6.3.7 Greece 218
6.3.8 Hungary 219
6.3.9 Ireland 220
6.3.10 Italy 221
6.3.11 Portugal 222
6.3.12 Romania 224
6.3.13 Slovakia 225
6.3.14 Slovenia 227
6.3.15 Spain 228
6.3.16 United Kingdom 230
Appendix 7: Déployaient of New Technologies in Participating Countries 233
7.1 Belgium 233
7.2 Bulgaria 235
7.3 Finland 236
7.4 France 237
7.5 Germany 239Contents
7.6Greece 241
7.7 Hungary3
7.8 Ireland6
7.9 Italy7
7.10 Portugal9
7.12 Slovakia 253
7.13 Slovenia5
7.14 Spain6
7.15 United Kingdom8
Appendix 7a: New Technologies - Internet based EDI 261
Appendix 8: List of Charts 267