Stratégie nationale de développement durable 2010-2013. Vers une économie verte et équitable.- Ed. 2010.- 54 p. : 2010_1_ENG









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La Stratégie nationale de développement durable 2010-2013, adoptée le 17 juillet 2010, propose une architecture commune à tous les acteurs de la Nation, publics et privés, pour les aider à structurer leurs propres projets de développement durable autour de choix stratégiques et d'indicateurs qui ont fait l'objet d'un large consensus. Elle s'articule autour de neuf défis stratégiques, pour aller vers une économie verte et équitable. Elle a notamment vocation à assurer la cohérence et la complémentarité des engagements internationaux et européens de la France et des politiques nationales, transversales ou sectorielles.
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NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Strategy 2010  2013  Towards a green and fair economy
The National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2010-2013 was adopted by the Interministerial ommittee for Sustainable Development on 2 uly 2010
This doument was first printed in uly 2010
1Our Common Future,1987. 2Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. 3Graham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
Th es suatidved a denition ofopeRtresop8719ru Btlndd ant methaelopdvee rener feinmailsts i hihw tnempolehe tdeenfo s ste eht1 nbmeanelt - e thl- orpre p sent without ompromisin the abilit of future enerations to meet their own needs eetin the needs of humanit, now and in the future, without sarifiin the most deprived, is at the heart of this ambition o ahieve this, our teh -niues and oranisations will have to hane in order to use, protet and share our planets limited natural resoures better
ine the 199 Rio and  ohannesbur ummits, the international ommunit has raduall woen up to sustainable develop -ment issues and to the need to transform our ultural marers, our lifestles and our researh and development strateies
ll ountries have been invited to put toether sustainable development strateies to imple -ment oherent lobal poliies
n Frane, for the first time, the ational ustainable evelopment trate -8 , updated in  for reasons of ohe -rene with the uropean strate  , made sustainable development a omponent of publi ation
eision-maers and administrations showed onl modest interest ome enoed eplorin the ver onept of sustainable development for the first time, others wondered about its usefulness and how to turn it into realit he all felt that it would be a lon time before sustainable development would be effetivel inorporated into publi poliies
he ontet has haned radiall in the ensuin seven ears he phenomenon of limate hane at world sale, the renelle of nvironnement Roundtable in Frane and  the lobal eonomi and finanial risis have
aelerated the hane in mentalities, main sustainable development a shared priorit he ambitious oals set b resident aro in his onludin speeh at the renelle of nvironnement Roundtable on  Otober 7 and the introdution of the leislative framewor essential to turn them into realit have pushed our ountr into a new impetus that this seond national strate 1-1 is main onrete he eonomi risis whih has swept aross the world sine 8 has pluned the planet into reession for the first time sine orld ar  and ompelled ountries to wonder about the auses of imbalanes whih roed the eo -nomi and finanial sstems n the report submitted to the  member ountries durin the ondon ummit on  pril 9, Ottmar denhoffer2and ord iholas tern3underline that the world has to fae up to a dual risis « A structural economic crisis whih means imainin and eperimentin with a new deve -lopment model he immediate ause of this risis was the eplosion of the propert bubble and the ontration of redit, but its deep-seated roots are far wider - the imbalanes between the merian debt and the reserves of ountries whih finane it, intensified b the rowin aps in ompetitiveness and the inreased publi defi -its of developed ountries « An ecological crisis,of whih we’re diso-verin not onl the amplitude - aordin to the nterovernmental anel on Climate Chane CC, if we follow urrent trends, the averae world temperatures should inrease b  to °C over the net fift ears - but also its imminene hus, aordin to Ottmar denhoffer and ord iholas tern, iven the risin reenhouse as emissions and the planets inreasin inabilit to apture and seuester arbon, the ris assess -ment measured in the 7 tern Report should be reviewed upwards
he soial dimension must be added to these two rises he profound transformation of our oranisations and our prodution and onsumption patterns will involve all soiet staeholders Chanes of this nature mean that the onditions of soial aeptabilit and fair distribution of efforts that this assumes must be inorporated in the heart of proets and deisions he industrial and eonomi transitions must be supported b ivin soial and interenerational solidarities their rihtful plae, throuh reduin ineualities, omba -tin unemploment and inseurit, trainin, ris prevention and overnane
his risis undoubtl mars the end of a le, as analsed b of the onomi, oial and nvironmental Counil C in 94othin ould be worse than relain our efforts to ontrol the onsumption of ener and diversifiation of soures, thans to the reent drop in oil pries, as we saw between 198 and  followin the oil prie fall, or repeatin suh transressions in terms of ohe -sion when rowth returns n this ontet, the C alls for olletive and politial will throuh a hih-level national strate applied on the lon term, to implement firml a new development model5 he risis ures us to build a new model whih taes the reuirements of sustainable develop -ment into aount in the lon term t identifies new tas, enouraes us to ommit to the path of reatl-renewed rowth n most deve -loped ountries, within OC or at uropean level, reover plans and more lon-term wor both open up routes to a dearbonised eo -nom usin far fewer resoures
he ontet overnin this revision of our  reuires speial onsideration 
National Sustainable Development State 
e must respond rapidl to soial distress and unemploment b breathin new life into our ativit, mainl throuh a reener eonom without our hoies eopardiin the future Countries intervened stronl to limit the effets of the finanial risis he must now mae an unpreedented effort to re-balane the publi finanes sustainabl to prevent the rowin weiht of the publi debt and defiit weihin on future enerations he Frenh strate must therefore learl inlude the issue of sustainabilit of publi finanes he loi of interenerational solidarit is a foun -dation stone of sustainable development he Frenh strate is based on this priniple and therefore must avoid espeiall an new epen -diture not relatin to profitable investment for future enerations s stated in the budet bill for 1, the publi debt, whih was 7 of the  in 8, will reah 8 in 1 and 9 in 1 due to the emeren measures taen to tale the eonomi risis he slide in publi ependiture ould be a maor handiap for future enerations who would have to tae it on board to the detriment of their own development his onern has naturall underpinned the entire elaboration of this strate
he Frenh strate therefore sets out to main -tain the balane between the environmental, soial and eonomi aspets of sustainable development, to reonile the rihts of pre -sent and future enerations and to stru-ture the national and loal issues oherentl he ultural aspet is a deidin fator in this respet t must be taen into aount and inorporated throuh heritae, arhite-ture, aess to nowlede, information and ultural diversit if the ational ustainable evelopment trate 1-1 is to sueed
4Sustainale development and ecological footprint indicators  draft opinion sumitted  Philippe e Cléio rapporteur to the CESE a 9.. 5CESE opinion of 7 anuar 1 on the SS 9 1 – conclusion of the opinion.
in the ation - publi T la prse ihettru eota llses a ommon ar ehoporp e dedidadirstona sni dh eiostratei around or-estpoemtnp elev dleabintauss nwo rieht eruttruem sp th hel -otta erpvina d b a wide onsensus ts main purpose is to ensure the oherene and omplementarit of Franes international and uropean ommitments and national, ross-uttin and setorial poliies
B developin a dearbonised eonom usin far fewer resoures, the national strate is to mae Frane a maor plaer in the reen eonom, whih is, alone, ompatible with the development of emerin ountries, whilst pursuin a oal of soial ustie and euit t hines for this purpose on nine stratei hallenes, in line with our uropean ommitments, whih we must tae up to move towards a green and equitable economy
« susc nouspmatnibaeldna noittcudorp n,iothans to responsible onsumers and produers who tae the entire life le of produts and servies into aount
« the knowledge societyb developin information, lifelon trainin, eduation and aess to ulture and b inreased support for researh and innovation, whih onditions our ompetitiveness and therefore the durabilit of our eonomi and soial model
« governance, whih must mae it easier for us to adapt to the hane and help our soiet to evolve b involvin all staeholders
«climate change and energywhih demand reat riour and moderation in our onsumptions, the development of renewable eneries and the adaptation of territories b wathin over the situation of vulnerable people and ativities
«sustainable transport and mobilityb enourain modal shift, omplementarit and the least pollutin means of trans -port, b settin out to redue ommutin and develop pioneerin sstems meetin the needs of eonomi and eoloial effiien and soial ohesion
« conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity and natural resourcesb relin on improved nowlede - and reonition - of their ontribution to our most fundamental needs, on a more moderate and eo-innovative eonom, town plannin and oranisations
« public health, risk prevention and managementb pain speial attention to the ualit of environments and to potential soial ineualities
« demography, immigration and social inclusionwhih all have a deisive impat on the eonom and euilibrium of our soial protetion sstems, b settin out to ombat all elusions due to ae, povert, insuffiient eduation and trainin and b fousin on the multi-ultural aspet of the Frenh soiet
« the international challenges of sustainable develop -ment and the fight against global povertyb supportin the strenthenin of international overnane to better inorporate the reuirements of a sustainable development, b ontribu -tin to food and ener safet in the most deprived ountries
rtile 1 of the  uust 9 multi-ear plannin at on imple -mentin the renelle of nvironnement, nown as the First renelle t, states that the  put toether b the tate must be oherent with the uropean ustainable evelopment trate and developed in onuntion with national and loal eleted representatives, emploers, emploees and the ivil soiet, espeiall assoiations and foundations6n aordane with the priniples of sustainable development and in the spirit of the renelle of nvironnement, etensive disussions7too plae to wor out the 1-1 strate
Founded on the arhiteture of the uropean ustainable evelopment trate, the new  is shorter, more instru -tive and more stratei than its predeessor he maor india -tors from the uropean ustainable evelopment trate have been inserted to mae omparisons with uropean ountries easier and have been supplemented to produe sustainable development indiators8in line with the  stratei hoies and appliable at sub-national sale, where possible
o ensure its inlusion in national publi poliies, the tate departments will report annuall on  implementation to the nterministerial eleate for ustainable evelopment, and in aordane with rtile 1 of the First renelle t6, an annual report will be presented to arliament he soreboard for  indiators will be updated annuall and irulated widel
ustainable development is not a pre-determined ideal state to be ahieved but a onerted improvement proess, different aordin to eah ulture and its overall priorities whih aims to better interate the environmental dimension so that all itiens ain from its implementation  lose, effiient asso -iation of eolo and solidarit is at the heart of sustainable development issues and will be the fous of maor wor durin the 1-1 period
National Sustainable Development State 
6See appendices etract from irst Grenelle ct 9 97 of 89 rt. 1. 7See appendices. 8See appendices.
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