Panorama of transport 1990-2006 - Edition 2009.









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Le Panorama des transports présente une analyse stratégique des transports dans l'Union européenne, ainsi que dans les pays de l'AELE et les pays candidats. Quelques comparaisons avec les Etats-Unis et le Japon ont été réalisées.
L'analyse concerne le trafic et le transport, les infrastructures, les ressources, le transport en tant que secteur à part entière de l'économie, la sécurité et l'impact sur la consommation d'énergie et l'environnement.
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01 janvier 2009

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ISSN 1831-3280
Statistical books
Panorama of Transport
2009 editionISSN 1831-3280
Statistical books
Panorama of Transport
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Luxembourg: Ofce for Ofcial Publications of the European Communities, 2009
ISBN 978-92-79-11119-8
ISSN 1831-3280
doi 10.2785/28475
Cat. No. KS-DA-09-001-EN-N

Theme: Transport
Collection: Statistical books
© European Communities, 2009
© Cover photo: Phovoir
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ttttttPanorama of Transport, 1990-2006
Sixth edition
This publication has been produced by Eurostat unit G5 responsible for Transport Statistics. The opinions expressed
are those of the individual author alone and do not necessarily refect the position of the European Commission.
Project Management: Yves Mahieu (Eurostat)
Publication Management: Dominic Huggins and Jelle Bosch (SOGETI Luxembourg)
Author: Dominic Huggins (SOGETI Luxembourg)
Internal reviewers: Giuliano Amerini (Eurostat)
Anna Bialas-Motyl (Eurostat)
Josep Casanovas (DG Energy and Transport)
Luis de la Fuente Layos (Eurostat)
Julie Haas (Eurostat)
Yves Mahieu (Eurostat)
Andreas Nägele (DG Energy and Transport)
Jonas Noreland (Eurostat)
Simo Pasi (Eurostat)
Nikolaos Roubanis (Eurostat)
Petra Sneijers (Eurostat)
Hans Strelow (Eurostat)
Walter Sura (Eurostat)
Special acknowledgements: Andreas Nägele (DG Energy and Transport)
Jonas Noreland (Eurostat)
Layout: Sandrine Engel, Raphaëlle Méot (SOGETI Luxembourg)
For further information:
Other comments and questions: Yves Mahieu, Eurostat – Transport Statistics
Tel. (+352) 4301 37656
yves.mahieu@ec.europa.euTable of Contents
Chapter 1 - Transport in the EU-27 1
Chapter 2 - Transport infrastructure 9
Chapter 3 - Means of transport 37
Chapter 4 - Traffic and transport quantities and performances 53
4.1 Goods transport 56
4.1.1 Introduction 56
4.1.2 Road 68
4.1.3 Rail 78
4.1.4 Inland waterway 86
4.1.5 Maritime 90
4.1.6 Air freight and mail transport 95
4.2 Passenger transport 100
4.2.1 Introduction 100
4.2.2 Passenger car transport 103
4.2.3 Bus and coach 104
4.2.4 Rail 105
4.2.5 Tram and metro 108
4.2.6 Maritime 109
4.2.7 Air 113
Chapter 5 - Enterprises, employment and economic performances 119
Chapter 6 - Transport safety 137
Chapter 7 - Energy consumption and the environment 151
7.1 Energy consumption 153
7.2 Emissions 167
Background information 181Transport in the EU-27Transport in the EU-27 1
Keeping Europe moving
Efective transportation An integral part of the Treaties
Tere were close to 491 million inhabitants in the EU-27 in Transport was seen as a crucial element in the establishment
2006. From the schoolchild to the old-age pensioner, most of the Common Market, whose rules, especially those
will use transport to go to work or to school, to do shopping governing international transport, made possible the free
and to travel in their leisure time. An average of 34 km were trade of goods and the free movement of persons. Tis is why
travelled daily by EU-27 passengers in 2006, 26 km of which Transport forms an integral part of the Treaty establishing the
by passenger car. In fact, in 2006, there was nearly one car for European Community (see box below). Elements such as
two inhabitants (see Chapter 3). Ever-increasing mobility is Transport Safety and the Trans-European Transport Networks
part of everyday life in the EU-27. (TEN-T) were, for example, added with the Treaty of
Maastricht (1992).
When it comes to flling up the shelves in shops, to
transporting fuels, building materials and other inputs for Te TEN-T play an important role in securing the free
trade, industry and our homes, a tonne of goods travelled a movement of passengers and goods in the European Union.
daily average distance of 23 kilometres for every EU-27 Tey form a key element of the Lisbon strategy for
citizen, 11 km of these by Road. Te mobility of persons is an competititveness and employment in Europe. Including major
essential right of the citizen in the EU-27, and the mobility of infrastructural projects, the TEN-T aim to ensure a free fow
goods is an essential component of the competitiveness of on major transport routes as well as the sustainability of
European industry and services. transport (see Chapter 2).
Efective transportation is essential for the European Union's Transport statistics have a central function in the
prosperity and well-being. Te goal of the EU's sustainable implementation of transport policy in the EU. Te
transport policy is to ensure that our transport systems meet liberalisation of international Goods transport has been a
the citizen's economic, social and environmental needs, as major concern from the outset and this is refected in a
highlighted by the mid-term review of the 2001 White Paper, number of legal acts' extensively covering this aspect of
'Keep Europe moving' (see box, p. 4). Under the Seventh transport statistics. Legal acts governing international
Research Framework Programme (FP7), for example, the Passenger transport statistics were recently added, in the case
central objective of transport research is to develop safer, of Rail and Air, in 2003.
’greener‘ and ’smarter‘ pan-European transport systems that
will beneft all citizens, respect the environment, and increase
the comparative advantage of European industries in the
global market.
3eurostat ■

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