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Santos, S.A., J.R.B. Sereno, M.C.M. Mazza and C.A. Mazza.
EMBRAPA/CPAP C. Postal 109. 79320-900 Corumbá. MS - Brazil
Palabras clave adicionalesAdditional Keywords
Historia equina. Raza pantaneira. ColonizaciónHistoric horse. Pantaneiro breed. Brazil
del Brasil.colonization.
horse has played an important role in theThe first horses that arrived in the Pantanal,
development of the Pantanal region.a flooded land of the states of Mato Grosso and
Mato Grosso do Sul (Central Western region of
Brazil), formed a breed - the Pantaneiro horse -
RESUMENa product of natural selection over the last three
centuries, and adapted to the regional
Los primeros caballos que llegaron al pantanal,environmental conditions. Until recently, little
una planicie inundable de los Estados de Matoor no human interference was imposed on this
Grosso y Mato Grosso do Sul (región Centroprocess. There is some information about dates
Oeste de Brasil) dieron lugar a una raza - elwhen the first horses entered the region, but
caballo pantanero - producto de la selecciónnone of it is precise. The earliest origin apperars
natural por más de dos siglos, adaptada a lasto be related to such spanish expeditions as
condiciones ambientales de la región. Hay algunasthose of Pedro de Mendoza, in 1534; Alvar
informaciones sobre las fechas de la entrada deNúñez Cabeza de Vaca, in 1540; and Ñuflo de
los primeros caballos a la región, pero ninguna deChávez, in 1543. The animals brought by these
ellas es precisa. El origen más remoto estáexpeditions were, for the most part, Iberian
relacionado con las expediciones españolas, taleshorses. Some horses on these expeditions were
como las de D. Pedro de Mendoza, en 1534; Alvarlost in the Pantanal, proliferating and,
Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, en 1540, y Ñuflo deconsequently, populating the area. The Guaicuru
Chávez en 1543. Los animales traídos por estasindians helped to spread horses in the Pantanal.
expediciones fueron en su mayor parte, ibéricos.They learned horse management from the spanish
Algunos caballos de estas expediciones fueronand extended their range. Explorers arriving in
th abandonados en el pantanal, proliferando athe state of Mato Grosso, particularly in the 17
th continuación y poblando el área. Los indiosand 18 centuries, coming from the state of Sâo
Guaicuru ayudaron a diseminar los caballos en elPaulo, by way of the Tietê-Paraná-Paraguay rivers,
Pantanal. Ellos aprendieron el manejo del caballoand from Goiás by road, may have also contributed
a través de los españoles y extendieron suto the introduction of horses into the region.
dominio. Exploradores que llegaron al Estado deSince the formation of the Pantaneiro breed, this
Arch. Zootec. 41 (extra): 371-381. 1992. Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, núm. 154 (extra), p. 371.SANTOS et al.
Mato Grosso, particularmente en el siglo XVII y Seeking the conservation and en-
XVIII, desde el Estado de Sâo Paulo, por la via couragement of Pantaneiro horsebree-
fluvial Tietê-Paraná-Paraguay y, por caminos, ding, the Brazilian Agricultural Re-
desde Goiás, también pueden haber contribuido search Corporation (EMBRAPA) is
a la introducción de los caballos en la región. carrying out studies on this breed e.g.
Desde la formación de la raza pantanera, este bibliographic investigation on th
caballo representa un papel importante en el history of Pantaneiro horse origins. It
desarrollo económico y social de la región del is known that its origin is linked to the
Pantanal. history of Central and South American
occupation. Several dates relating to
the arrival of horses in the region
INTRODUCCION exist, nevertheless, there is need for
deeper studies on the origin of this
Horses introduced into the Pantanal ecotype.
by the conquerors during th
colonization period found in thi
region good environmental conditions THE INTRODUCTION OF THE
for their multiplication. As a conse- HORSE IN THE AMERICAS:
quence of the suitable processes and BRAZIL
natural selection for more than two
centuries with little or no human There were no horses in the New
action, a type of animal adapted to the World before the discovery period
environment appeared. Through the and the first introduction was due to
development of cattle breeding in the Christopher Columbus, in 1493, on
Pantanal region, the Pantaneiro horse the occasion of his second trip to the
constituted an economically an Santo Domingo island (Hermsdorff,
socially important factor, becoming a 1956; Ensminger, 1978 and Dowdall,
must for the cattle industry and for 1982). Explorers and settlers brought
regional transportation. to America all the first equine breeds
thAt the end of the 19 century, the from the Ancient World mainly of
breed started a population reduction spanish origin. The ancient settlers
process mainly caused by a disease from the east coast also brought
called Peste das cadeiras (Trypano- horses of english, berberian, arabic
somiasis). Later other menaces t and turkish origins. The breeds of
survival appeared with indiscriminate cold blood were not introduced into
crossbreeding and more recentl the Americas in significant number
thInfectious Equine Anemia. However, until the end of the 19 century. The
conservation works whith this ecotype horses brought by settlers adjusted
were started with the creation of the quickly to the new environment and
Brazilian Pantaneiro Horse Breeders in a few years they spread to the
Association and afterwards with surrounding lands, where the
initiatives from other governmental increased in number (Hermsdorff,
Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, núm. 154 (extra), p. 372.
The introduction of horses in Brazil to the Köppen classification, with
occurred during the colonization average temperatures varying from
period, immediately on the first trips, 20 to 28 C and relative humidit
with the purpose of explorating the from 60 to 80%. The annual rainfall
continent, because this was the main oscilates between 1.000 and 1.400
means of transportation during this mm. This region is a wide plain of
period (Dowdall, 1982). The first alluvial accumulation, with average
horses and cattle were brought t altitude 120 m above sea level, and it
three places along the Brazilian coast: has marked rainy and dry seasons that
Pernambuco, in 1535, Sâo Vicente in vary in intensity and geographi
1543 and Bahia in 1549, by the donees extension, according to the annual
Duarte Coelho, Martim Afonso climatic and hydrologic characteristics
Tomé de Souza, respectively (Chieffi, (Brasil, 1974).
1950 and Torres and Jardim, 1977).
These were the three original breeding
centers from which they spread to COLONIZATION AND ARRIVAL
almost all the coastland and a great OF HORSES IN THE BRAZILIAN
number of animals to the hinterland CENTER-WEST REGION
(Hermsdorff, 1956). Those brought
to Bahia and Pernambuco wer In the late 1500’s, Spain an
dispersed in the direction of th Portugal divided the discovered lands
center west, from the northeast to the and those yet to be discovered, through
north; and those of Sâo Paulo, in the a divisory line - the Tordesillas treat
direction of the states of Paraná and figure 2 ). However, the action of
Santa Catarina. The horses from the several pioneers advanced the divisor
extreme south and center wes line and incorporated into Portuguese
originally animals proceeding from dominions territories that shoul
Spain were reproduced in Argentina belong to Spain. Some of the main
and Uruguay (Goulart, 1964). areas of attrition were the Plata and
Paraguay river basins. The Paragua
THE PANTANAL basin in the CenterWest constituted
the route that facilitated th
The Matogrossense Pantanal i penetration of men in the region
situated in the centerwest region of (Almeida et al ., 1959). The first
Brazil, between 16 and 22 lat. South immigrants that arrived in this region
and 55 and 58 long. West. Th were the spanish jesuits who settled
Pantanal corresponds to 35% of the in the margins of the Aquidauana,
high Paraguay river basin, which is Miranda and Guaporé rivers an
situated in the central part of South other places, but they were dislodged
America ( figure 1 ). The Paragua by the colonial exploratory expeditions
river is a tributary of the Paraná and from S. Paulo and by force of the
both form part of the Plata basin. The international treaties (Lucidio and
climate is of the type Aw according Rondon, 1972).
Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, núm. 154 (extra), p. 373.SANTOS et al.
D. Pedro de Mendoza, born in and populate the lands and provinces
Guadiz (Cádiz), Andalusia, wa of this region. The armada (fleet) left
designated the first civil and militar San Lucar of Barrameda, in 1535
governor of the Plata river, by Carlos (Araújo, 1990) with 100 horse
V in 1534. His mission was to conquer destined for work and reproduction,
Figure 1. Map of Pantanal localization in South America. (Godoi Filho, 1986).
(Mapa de la localizació