Oakhill Drive | This Is the Space List Price:1,885,000.00 1,685,000.00 Neighborhood:Holladay Property Profile:4,650 sq. ft. | 2 bed, 2.5 bath Our Opinion:,I \RX¶UH DQ\WKLQJ OLNH XV \RX¶YH EHHQ GUHDPLQJ DERXW WKLV VSDFH GD\ DQG QLJKW VLQFH ZH ILUVW gave you aglimpse ODVW ZHHN 7KHUH¶V D ZHDOWK RI KLGGHQ JHPV WXFNHG LQWR WKH µKRRGV DQG KLOOV RI WKLV VDOW\ city, and this original-from-head-to-toe number is quickly climbing the list of our favorite spaces. Designed by UHQRZQHG DUFKLWHFW :LOOLDP 3HUHLUD LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH KRPH¶V FXUUHQW DQG original) owner, the space was made for living and livingwell. As was custom the year the home was built, 1969, this house was designed for the day-to-day, as well as for throwing a fabulous party. Everything from the art that filled it, to the (then very futuristic) sound system, to the cutting-edge furniture (think: first year Eames chair and ottoman), to the double-VLGHG ILUHSODFH ZDV DQ LQWHQWLRQDO DGGLWLRQ WR FHOHEUDWH DOO WKLQJV ³WKH JRRG OLIH´ One is first greeted by the original (in every sense of the word) bark-paneled door. Upon entering, the wall of glass across the way immediately reconnects you with the exterior, and the brick outside spills inside for a continuous, fluid feel. Parquet floors, floor-to-ceiling windows, and the aforementioned brick guide you from room to breathtaking room.