O&B L'agaptualité n°16 - January 2016







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m ;1;l0;uķagap2Ľv u-mh= u|Ŋ0-v;7 |;-l lo ;7 |o b|v m; ru;lbv;vĺ L1;v _- ; 0;;m v;| rķ 0o ;v _- ; 0;;m ;lrঞ;7 -m7 |_; 1o@;; l-1_bm; _-v 0;;m rѴ ]];7 bmĴ ); -u; u;-7 -m7 -bঞm] |o ;Ѵ1ol; -]-rb-mvĴ Frankfurt By Shirley, 7lbmbv|u- ; -m7 l-m !;vo u1;v vvbv|-m| Seizing orrou| mbঞ;v ;u -rr ; +;-u |o o -ѴѴ bm ƑƏƐѵĴ $o ;mv u; |_-| ƑƏƐѵ =oѴѴo v bm |_; =oo|v|;rv o= ƑƏƐƔķ b| bv r |o v |o vঞ1h |o = m7-l;m|-Ѵvķ o u _b]_ v|-m7-u7v bm |;ulv o= u;1u b|l;m|ķ |_; ;m;u] ; 7;rѴo bm v;1 ubm] m; l-uh;| v_-u; -m7 o u -0bѴb| |o u;l-bm lo0bѴb ;7 7;vrb|; _-uv_ ;m buoml;m|ĺ EDITORIAL By Larissa, 7lbmbv|u-ঞ ; -m7 bm-m1b-Ѵ bu;1|ou agap2conquers the West of France... In this issue: 1-u;;uv -m7 ; oѲ omv 16 January 2016 No. r;mbm] o= |_; ]uo rĻv C[;;m|_ -];m1 bm -m|;vĸ "o 7omĽ| _;vb|-|; |o 7uor 0 Ĵ By Alexis,Business Manager agap2Frankfurtzieht um ! $_bv ]uo |_ bv |_; u;v Ѵ| o= bm oѴ ;l;m| om |_; r-u| o= -ѴѴ 1om1;um;7ķ 1omv Ѵ|-m|vķ l-m-];uv -m7 -7lbmbv|u-ঞ ; -m7 ! |;-lvĺ $_bv bv -Ѵvo - - o= v;1 ubm] o u fo0v -m7 7; ;Ѵorbm] m; l-uh;|vķ -m7 bm vol; 1-v;v b| bv |_; rovvb0bѴb| o= l-hbm] |_; lov| o= orrou| mbঞ;v |o ]-bm -11;vv |o m; fo0v ou v;1|ouvĺ -lrѴ;v -Ѵu;-7 ; bv| b|_bm -]-rb-m |;-lvĹ omv Ѵ|-m|v 0;1olbm] vbm;vv -m-];uvķ !
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20 septembre 2016

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In December,agap2’s Frankfur-based eam môved ô ïs new premïses. Oîces have been se up, bôxes have been emped and he côee machïne has been pugged ïn! We are ready and waïng ô wecôme agapïans!
By Shirley,AdministraIve and Human Resources Assistant
Seizing ôppôrtuniIes
A very Happy New Year ô yôu a ïn 2016!
Tô ensure ha 2016 fôôws ïn he fôôseps ôf 2015, ï ïs up ô us ô sck ô fundamenas, ôur hïgh sandards ïn erms ôf recruïmen, he energy we depôy ïn securïng new marke share and ôur abïïy ô remaïn môbïïzed despïe a harsh envïrônmen.
EDITORIAL By Larissa, Admïnïsrave and Fïnancïa Dïrecôr
agap2conquers the West of France...
In this issue:careers and evoluions
16 January 2016 No.
OpenIng ôf he grôup’s iteenh agency In Nanes.
Sô dôn’ hesïae ô drôp by!
By Alexis,Business Manager
agap2Frankfurtzieht um !
Thïs grôwh ïs he resu ôf ïnvôvemen ôn he par ôf a côncerned, cônsuans, managers and admïnïsrave and HR eams. Thïs ïs asô a way ôf securïng ôur jôbs and deveôpïng new markes, and ïn sôme cases ï ïs he pôssïbïïy ôf makïng he môs ôf ôppôrunïes ô gaïn access ô new jôbs ôr secôrs. Exampes aready exïs wïhïn agapïan eams: Cônsuans becômïng Busïness Managers, Recruïmen Managers becômïng Busïness Managers, Busïness Managers becômïng Cônsuans.
agap2and ïs eams can be prôud ôf wha hey have achïeved ôver he pas year, despïe he harsh ecônômïc envïrônmen: new agencïes ôpened, new acvïy secôrs such as heah and aerônaucs expôred… A grea way ô ceebrae ôur 10h annïversary!
I jôïnedagap2ïn 2014 as a Busïness Manager, wïh he aïm ôf ïncreasïng ôur presence ïn he heah secôr. Fôôwïng a irs successfu experïence wïhïn he grôup, we chôse ô se ôurseves a new chaenge: ha ôf ôpenïng an agency ïn Nanes. Our ôbjecve was hreefôd: ô môve côser ô ôur eams and ôca parners, recruï ôur fuure aens ïn he area and bôôs ôur acvïes ô cônrïbue ô grôup grôwh. Fôr me,agap2 has been a career acceeraôr, advôcang a fôrm ôf managemen ha favôurs ïndïvïdua ïnïave, auônômy and greaer respônsïbïïy ôn he par ôf empôyees.
Newjob, newchallenge
As a chemIsry graduae, AlI irs wôrked as a Fôrmulaîôn TechnIcIan fôr 7 years. FôllôwIng a fresh sar and a Mehôds & MaInenance EngIneerIng dIplôma hIs agapIan career began. I cônduced my irs prôjec as Mehôds Engïneer fôr a pharmaceuca grôup. Ater hïs prôjec, I môved ôn ô a new prôcess and became a Cômmïssïônïng Engïneer fôr a wôrd eader ïn he cônsrucôn ôf dïese engïnes. Based ïn Munïch, I wôrked ôn he echnïca fôrmuaôn ôf ôperang prôcedures wïhïn he scôpe ôf a urnkey prôjec fôr he cômmïssïônïng ôf 220 MW herma pôwer saôns. Then I spen me ônsïe fôr he cômmïssïônïng prôcess and ô suppôr he engïneers ïnvôved. I hen ïnervened ïn he Energy branch ôf a Eurôpean grôup ïn he Pubïc Buïdïngs and Wôrks secôr, as Prôjec Manager wïhïn he scôpe ôf he recônsrucôn, suppyïng ôf pars, repaïr and ôpmïzaôn ôf rôang ôr sac machïnes. Tôday I’m ônce agaïn wôrkïng ôn he Pharmaceuca prôcess: I’m Prôjec Manager fôr a cômpany specïaïzed ïn pharmacy and chemïsry fôr he cômprehensïve managemen and côôrdïnaôn ôf prôjecs côncernïng maerïa prôducs.
By Ali,Project Manager
Fromfôôd prôcessing industryto healthcare HavIng wôrked fôr he fôôd prôcessIng Indusry fôr 7 years In prôcess prôjec managemen, hIs year, hanks ô agap2, Nôlwenn has been gIven he ôppôrunIy ô change her jôb and secôr! I have been a “wôrdwïde” Prôjec Quaïy Engïneer fôr a manufacurer ôf medïca maerïa fôr he pharmaceuca ïndusry sïnce Nôvember. Thïs ïs quïe a chaenge as ï côncerns quaïy ïssues fôr hïghy specïaïzed prôducs (syrïnges, sef-ïnjecôn devïces, ec.) ïn a arge grôup wïh côsey supervïsed prôcesses. I’ve aways been araced by he medïca secôr. Ater ïvïng ïn Afrïca fôr severa years, my awareness ôf he rïghs ôf he pôpuaôn ô medïca care had been raïsed, whïch resued ïn me wanng ô wôrk fôr a cômpany whïch shares my vaues and pus ïs knôw-hôw a he servïce ôf heah ïnsuôns, ïfe scïence researchers, cïnïca abôraôrïes, he pharmaceuca ïndusry and he genera pubïc.
By Nolwenn,Quality Assurance Manager
All behindOctavie! Ocavïe, a 23-year ôd cônsuan wôrkïng fôragap2 Lyôn, has been pracsïng Kïckbôxïng fôr 9 years. A very physïca cômba spôr! Sïnce she began, she has wôn he e ôf Junïôr French Champïôn (2010 and 2011), Amaeur Junïôr Wôrd Champïôn (2011), and Semï-Prôfessïôna Senïôr French Champïôn (2014), amông ôher rôphïes.
In 2015, Ocavïe became a prôfessïôna ahee andagap2 ïs prôud ô suppôr her durïng her fuure meengs.
See yôu ôn he 31s January fôr her nex igh!
Success ôf theITwôrkshôp On he 8h Ocôber, he “Gô môbïe” wôrkshôp ôrganïzed byagap2IT eams prôved very pôpuar. Côngrauaôns ô Cédrïc whô ôd us a abôu he deveôpmen ôf nave appïcaôns wïh C# and Xamarïn!
Solidarity inStrasbôurg Frôm he 23rd Nôvember ô he 4h December,agap2Srasbôurg decïded ô suppôr ïs cusômer Faurecïa, by akïng par ïn he FUELS prôjec (Faurecïa Unïes ïsEmpôyees arôundLôca Sôïdarïy-based acôns).
Thïs humanïarïan prôjec ïs appeaïng ô everyône ô môbïïze and côec fôôd prôducs fôr he benei ôf Les Resaurans du Cœur.
Côngrauaôns ôagap2Srasbôurg fôr hïs grea exampe ôf sôïdarïy!
agaptualité • No. 16 •JANUARY 2016
Cross ferIlizaIon The idea is to make it easier to gain access to new skills. How do agapians go about it? They tackle new projects, new lines of business and even diFerent sectors.
Thïs ïs he sôry ôf Thômas, whô wï be ceebrang hïs sïxh year as an agapïan ïn January 2016. In 2010, he was a quaïy côrrespônden ôn a buïdïng sïe, hen assïsan wôrks fôreman durïng he decennïa revïsïôn ôf a pôwer pan. In Nôvember 2011, he dônned a Prôjec Engïneer’s cap ô ake par ïn he ïnsaaôn ôf chargïng equïpmen fôr he irs môdes ôf eecrïc cars aunched by a majôr French car manufacurer. He was hen pu ïn charge ôf he suppïers’ unï fôr a French ôï prôducer, hen côôrdïnaed he nïgh wôrk fôr he renôvaôns ôf he famôus Fôrum des Haes ïn Parïs. He hen wôrked ïn expedïng and ïs nôw Prôjec Quaïy Engïneer fôr he cômmïssïônïng ôf a facôry ïn Bearus.“I’ve been gïven ôs ôf ôppôrunïes ïn erms ôf prôjecs, whïch have aken me frôm ied wôrk ô back-ôîce wôrk. I’ve had sôme grea human experïences!” he prôudy côncudes.
Marc sared ôu ïn he auômôbïe ïndusry and crôssedagap2’s hreshôd
agaptualité • No. 16 •JANUARY 2016
ïn March 2013 ô dïscôver he fôôd prôcessïng ïndusry. He hen wôrked ïn marïne renewabe energïes fôr wô years. Laer, s ôn he ïndusrïa sïde ôf hïngs, he ôôk an ïneres ïn pharmaceuca X-rays. He deveôped a passïôn fôr he manufacurïng ôf radïôacve môecues ha are ïnjeced ïnô he bôdy ô rea pahôôgïes. He ïs curreny ïnvôved ïn prôjec managemen fôr a manufacurer ôf pumps used by he chemïca ïndusry, ôrganïzïng he ransfer ôf heïr acvïy frôm ône ïndusrïa sïe ô anôher.
In Juy 2010,agap2 was deïghed ô wecôme ô ïs wôrkfôrce Marïanne, whô says wïh a smïe ha she ïs nôw “neary an ôd agapïan”. Bu her knôwedge ïn hydrôgeôôgy ôn he ôher hand ïs nô aughïng maer, and akes her ô Lïe, Caen and Nanes fôr he sïzïng ôf bôre hôes ïn parcuar. Three years aer her career pah ïs runnïng ôn a dïeren rack, as she ïs nôw ïnvôved ïn prôjec managemen, ensurïng ha raïn saôns ïn he
Îe-de-France area are accessïbe ô persôns wïh reduced môbïïy.
As fôr Rached, he began wôrkïng ôn he Hïgh & Lôw Vôage Prïcïng Sudy ïn he erary secôr, hen wôrked as bach manager prïôr ô ôccupyïng he pôsïôn ôf Busïness Manager fôr HTA Servïces ïn he ïndusrïa secôr.
Margaux dïscôvered he pubïc buïdïngs and wôrks secôr ïn 2012 as a Busïness Manager, and wïhïn hree years she had avaïed hersef ôf 17 cônsuans. “I hen chôse ô jôïn he buïdïng ïndusry and was gïven he ôppôrunïy ô becôme a cônsuan, and wôrk ïn a dïeren ïne ôf busïness: ha ôf Manager ôf he Purchasïng Deparmen fôr Fïnïshïng Wôrks fôr my cusômer, whïe remaïnïng wïhagap2.”
Grea côecve dynamïcs ha fôser new fôrms ôf experse, scïenic echnôôgïes and echnïques ô ensure agap2ïs irmy esabïshed and abe ô dea wïh he new chaenges facïng ïndusry.
FOCUS Change with every new project
A change ôf prôjec Is a îme full ôf ôppôrunIîes. The ôppôrunIy ô evôlve.
Our prômïse? Tô share a ôur prôspecs wïh yôu. Môve ôn ô Suppy Chaïn jôbs, prôjec managemen, and why nô dïscôver wôrksïes? Le’s remôve ôur bïnkers and dïscuss hïs ôpeny! Career advancemen means a ô ô us and we wan ô ïnspïre yôu ô enrïch yôur career pah wïh fuiïng experïences.
A new prôjec ïs he ôppôrunïy ô dïscôver a new acvïy secôr, a new ïne ôf busïness and earn new wôrkïng mehôds. Bu ï ïs asô and abôve a a new chaenge, a new amôsphere ïn whïch ô wôrk and prôve yôur wôrh.
GreeIngs frôm… Gänserndorf By Marie,Environmental Engineer
t h e n u m b e r 5 5 newagap2ôîces ïn 2015
Meengs beween agapïans and he ôppôrunïy ô mïx wïh new jôb referens and he fascïnang cônacs wôrkïng fôr ôur cusômers.agap2is all abôu yôu, and ôur successes are yôur ôwn.
Thank yôu!
By Thibault Business Manager
AGAP2 BOOK: what next?
On its tenth anniversary, agap2 is publishing a bôôk ôf fôrecasts côncerning ten majôr industrial sectôrs and their challenges.
Energy, transpôrt, health and cônstrucIôn, but alsô infôrmaIôn and cômmunicaIôn technôlôgy, chemistry, envirônment, etc., we have taken a look at the experIse ôf agap2 and future prôspects.
A word from the CEO
Prôud ô be engIneers!
We are ïvïng, wôrdwïde, hrôugh a perïôd ôf prôfôund change, whïch can be seen frôm he scae ôf he chaenges ô be ôvercôme: cïmae change, energy sôurces and he need fôr hôusïng, fôôd, heah and ranspôr, ec.
Engïneers are everywhere. Wïhôu hem ôur wôrd wôud côme creakïng ô a ha. We wôud be ôn a drïtïng shïp. Thïs prïde ïn beïng an engïneer ïs sômehïng we fôser and prômôe atagap2. Whaever rôe we pay ïn sôcïey, môre han anyhïng ese we are engïneers, passïônae abôu mehôds and echnïques, aways ready ô gïve he very bes ha we can. 10 years ater he creaôn ôfagap2, we are s drïven by a wï ô wïn, surpass ôurseves, and buïd he fuure. We prôcaïm ôur decïsïôn ô send ôur eams ô wôrk wïh cïens ha beông ô secôrs ha dïer greay, ône frôm anôher, sô ha we dô nô creae expers ïn a sïnge cuure bu, ïnsead, gïve ôur engïneers he means ô ake a crôss-cung apprôach ô prôbem sôvïng. Tha ïs wha ôur cïens apprecïae he môs: ôur abïïy ô ransfer sôuôns frôm ône ied ô anôher, and ô ïmpôr wïsdôm frôm dïeren wôrds ô heïr prôjecs. Thïs ïs much ïke bees pôïnang lôwers as hey rave frôm ône ô he nex. Our engïneers côud be caed “echnôôgïca pôïnaôrs”, resôvïng echnôôgïca prôbems and enabïng ôur cïens ô make faser prôgress.
I wïsh yôu a Happy New Year 2016!
ByPatrice, CEO
agap22016. All rights reserved. PublicaIôn Directôr: Patrice Giudicelli. Editôrial Bôard: Carôline Ander, Cyril Bergemin, Elise Canôsa, Manôn Eguireun, Ari Gôlpinar, Marie HauFenne, Camille Ollier, Angélique Ruget, Harmônie Spahn, Shirley Wack. Graphic design: Camille Ollier. Phôtôs credits © agap2 Tel.:+33141312020-Email:agaptualite@agap2.fr-www.agap2.fr
agaptualité • No. 16 •JANUARY 2016
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