In December,agap2’s Frankfur-based eam môved ô ïs new premïses. Oîces have been se up, bôxes have been emped and he côee machïne has been pugged ïn! We are ready and waïng ô wecôme agapïans!
By Shirley,AdministraIve and Human Resources Assistant
Seizing ôppôrtuniIes
A very Happy New Year ô yôu a ïn 2016!
Tô ensure ha 2016 fôôws ïn he fôôseps ôf 2015, ï ïs up ô us ô sck ô fundamenas, ôur hïgh sandards ïn erms ôf recruïmen, he energy we depôy ïn securïng new marke share and ôur abïïy ô remaïn môbïïzed despïe a harsh envïrônmen.
EDITORIAL By Larissa, Admïnïsrave and Fïnancïa Dïrecôr
agap2conquers the West of France...
In this issue:careers and evoluions
16 January 2016 No.
OpenIng ôf he grôup’s iteenh agency In Nanes.
Sô dôn’ hesïae ô drôp by!
By Alexis,Business Manager
agap2Frankfurtzieht um !
Thïs grôwh ïs he resu ôf ïnvôvemen ôn he par ôf a côncerned, cônsuans, managers and admïnïsrave and HR eams. Thïs ïs asô a way ôf securïng ôur jôbs and deveôpïng new markes, and ïn sôme cases ï ïs he pôssïbïïy ôf makïng he môs ôf ôppôrunïes ô gaïn access ô new jôbs ôr secôrs. Exampes aready exïs wïhïn agapïan eams: Cônsuans becômïng Busïness Managers, Recruïmen Managers becômïng Busïness Managers, Busïness Managers becômïng Cônsuans.
agap2and ïs eams can be prôud ôf wha hey have achïeved ôver he pas year, despïe he harsh ecônômïc envïrônmen: new agencïes ôpened, new acvïy secôrs such as heah and aerônaucs expôred… A grea way ô ceebrae ôur 10h annïversary!
I jôïnedagap2ïn 2014 as a Busïness Manager, wïh he aïm ôf ïncreasïng ôur presence ïn he heah secôr. Fôôwïng a irs successfu experïence wïhïn he grôup, we chôse ô se ôurseves a new chaenge: ha ôf ôpenïng an agency ïn Nanes. Our ôbjecve was hreefôd: ô môve côser ô ôur eams and ôca parners, recruï ôur fuure aens ïn he area and bôôs ôur acvïes ô cônrïbue ô grôup grôwh. Fôr me,agap2 has been a career acceeraôr, advôcang a fôrm ôf managemen ha favôurs ïndïvïdua ïnïave, auônômy and greaer respônsïbïïy ôn he par ôf empôyees.
Newjob, newchallenge
As a chemIsry graduae, AlI irs wôrked as a Fôrmulaîôn TechnIcIan fôr 7 years. FôllôwIng a fresh sar and a Mehôds & MaInenance EngIneerIng dIplôma hIs agapIan career began. I cônduced my irs prôjec as Mehôds Engïneer fôr a pharmaceuca grôup. Ater hïs prôjec, I môved ôn ô a new prôcess and became a Cômmïssïônïng Engïneer fôr a wôrd eader ïn he cônsrucôn ôf dïese engïnes. Based ïn Munïch, I wôrked ôn he echnïca fôrmuaôn ôf ôperang prôcedures wïhïn he scôpe ôf a urnkey prôjec fôr he cômmïssïônïng ôf 220 MW herma pôwer saôns. Then I spen me ônsïe fôr he cômmïssïônïng prôcess and ô suppôr he engïneers ïnvôved. I hen ïnervened ïn he Energy branch ôf a Eurôpean grôup ïn he Pubïc Buïdïngs and Wôrks secôr, as Prôjec Manager wïhïn he scôpe ôf he recônsrucôn, suppyïng ôf pars, repaïr and ôpmïzaôn ôf rôang ôr sac machïnes. Tôday I’m ônce agaïn wôrkïng ôn he Pharmaceuca prôcess: I’m Prôjec Manager fôr a cômpany specïaïzed ïn pharmacy and chemïsry fôr he cômprehensïve managemen and côôrdïnaôn ôf prôjecs côncernïng maerïa prôducs.
By Ali,Project Manager
Fromfôôd prôcessing industryto healthcare HavIng wôrked fôr he fôôd prôcessIng Indusry fôr 7 years In prôcess prôjec managemen, hIs year, hanks ô agap2, Nôlwenn has been gIven he ôppôrunIy ô change her jôb and secôr! I have been a “wôrdwïde” Prôjec Quaïy Engïneer fôr a manufacurer ôf medïca maerïa fôr he pharmaceuca ïndusry sïnce Nôvember. Thïs ïs quïe a chaenge as ï côncerns quaïy ïssues fôr hïghy specïaïzed prôducs (syrïnges, sef-ïnjecôn devïces, ec.) ïn a arge grôup wïh côsey supervïsed prôcesses. I’ve aways been araced by he medïca secôr. Ater ïvïng ïn Afrïca fôr severa years, my awareness ôf he rïghs ôf he pôpuaôn ô medïca care had been raïsed, whïch resued ïn me wanng ô wôrk fôr a cômpany whïch shares my vaues and pus ïs knôw-hôw a he servïce ôf heah ïnsuôns, ïfe scïence researchers, cïnïca abôraôrïes, he pharmaceuca ïndusry and he genera pubïc.
By Nolwenn,Quality Assurance Manager
All behindOctavie! Ocavïe, a 23-year ôd cônsuan wôrkïng fôragap2 Lyôn, has been pracsïng Kïckbôxïng fôr 9 years. A very physïca cômba spôr! Sïnce she began, she has wôn he e ôf Junïôr French Champïôn (2010 and 2011), Amaeur Junïôr Wôrd Champïôn (2011), and Semï-Prôfessïôna Senïôr French Champïôn (2014), amông ôher rôphïes.
In 2015, Ocavïe became a prôfessïôna ahee andagap2 ïs prôud ô suppôr her durïng her fuure meengs.
See yôu ôn he 31s January fôr her nex igh!
Success ôf theITwôrkshôp On he 8h Ocôber, he “Gô môbïe” wôrkshôp ôrganïzed byagap2IT eams prôved very pôpuar. Côngrauaôns ô Cédrïc whô ôd us a abôu he deveôpmen ôf nave appïcaôns wïh C# and Xamarïn!
Thïs humanïarïan prôjec ïs appeaïng ô everyône ô môbïïze and côec fôôd prôducs fôr he benei ôf Les Resaurans du Cœur.
Côngrauaôns ôagap2Srasbôurg fôr hïs grea exampe ôf sôïdarïy!
agaptualité • No. 16 •JANUARY 2016
Cross ferIlizaIon The idea is to make it easier to gain access to new skills. How do agapians go about it? They tackle new projects, new lines of business and even diFerent sectors.
Thïs ïs he sôry ôf Thômas, whô wï be ceebrang hïs sïxh year as an agapïan ïn January 2016. In 2010, he was a quaïy côrrespônden ôn a buïdïng sïe, hen assïsan wôrks fôreman durïng he decennïa revïsïôn ôf a pôwer pan. In Nôvember 2011, he dônned a Prôjec Engïneer’s cap ô ake par ïn he ïnsaaôn ôf chargïng equïpmen fôr he irs môdes ôf eecrïc cars aunched by a majôr French car manufacurer. He was hen pu ïn charge ôf he suppïers’ unï fôr a French ôï prôducer, hen côôrdïnaed he nïgh wôrk fôr he renôvaôns ôf he famôus Fôrum des Haes ïn Parïs. He hen wôrked ïn expedïng and ïs nôw Prôjec Quaïy Engïneer fôr he cômmïssïônïng ôf a facôry ïn Bearus.“I’ve been gïven ôs ôf ôppôrunïes ïn erms ôf prôjecs, whïch have aken me frôm ied wôrk ô back-ôîce wôrk. I’ve had sôme grea human experïences!” he prôudy côncudes.
Marc sared ôu ïn he auômôbïe ïndusry and crôssedagap2’s hreshôd
agaptualité • No. 16 •JANUARY 2016
ïn March 2013 ô dïscôver he fôôd prôcessïng ïndusry. He hen wôrked ïn marïne renewabe energïes fôr wô years. Laer, s ôn he ïndusrïa sïde ôf hïngs, he ôôk an ïneres ïn pharmaceuca X-rays. He deveôped a passïôn fôr he manufacurïng ôf radïôacve môecues ha are ïnjeced ïnô he bôdy ô rea pahôôgïes. He ïs curreny ïnvôved ïn prôjec managemen fôr a manufacurer ôf pumps used by he chemïca ïndusry, ôrganïzïng he ransfer ôf heïr acvïy frôm ône ïndusrïa sïe ô anôher.
In Juy 2010,agap2 was deïghed ô wecôme ô ïs wôrkfôrce Marïanne, whô says wïh a smïe ha she ïs nôw “neary an ôd agapïan”. Bu her knôwedge ïn hydrôgeôôgy ôn he ôher hand ïs nô aughïng maer, and akes her ô Lïe, Caen and Nanes fôr he sïzïng ôf bôre hôes ïn parcuar. Three years aer her career pah ïs runnïng ôn a dïeren rack, as she ïs nôw ïnvôved ïn prôjec managemen, ensurïng ha raïn saôns ïn he
Îe-de-France area are accessïbe ô persôns wïh reduced môbïïy.
As fôr Rached, he began wôrkïng ôn he Hïgh & Lôw Vôage Prïcïng Sudy ïn he erary secôr, hen wôrked as bach manager prïôr ô ôccupyïng he pôsïôn ôf Busïness Manager fôr HTA Servïces ïn he ïndusrïa secôr.
Margaux dïscôvered he pubïc buïdïngs and wôrks secôr ïn 2012 as a Busïness Manager, and wïhïn hree years she had avaïed hersef ôf 17 cônsuans. “I hen chôse ô jôïn he buïdïng ïndusry and was gïven he ôppôrunïy ô becôme a cônsuan, and wôrk ïn a dïeren ïne ôf busïness: ha ôf Manager ôf he Purchasïng Deparmen fôr Fïnïshïng Wôrks fôr my cusômer, whïe remaïnïng wïhagap2.”
Grea côecve dynamïcs ha fôser new fôrms ôf experse, scïenic echnôôgïes and echnïques ô ensure agap2ïs irmy esabïshed and abe ô dea wïh he new chaenges facïng ïndusry.
FOCUS Change with every new project
A change ôf prôjec Is a îme full ôf ôppôrunIîes. The ôppôrunIy ô evôlve.
Our prômïse? Tô share a ôur prôspecs wïh yôu. Môve ôn ô Suppy Chaïn jôbs, prôjec managemen, and why nô dïscôver wôrksïes? Le’s remôve ôur bïnkers and dïscuss hïs ôpeny! Career advancemen means a ô ô us and we wan ô ïnspïre yôu ô enrïch yôur career pah wïh fuiïng experïences.
A new prôjec ïs he ôppôrunïy ô dïscôver a new acvïy secôr, a new ïne ôf busïness and earn new wôrkïng mehôds. Bu ï ïs asô and abôve a a new chaenge, a new amôsphere ïn whïch ô wôrk and prôve yôur wôrh.
GreeIngs frôm… Gänserndorf By Marie,Environmental Engineer
t h e n u m b e r 5 5 newagap2ôîces ïn 2015
Meengs beween agapïans and he ôppôrunïy ô mïx wïh new jôb referens and he fascïnang cônacs wôrkïng fôr ôur cusômers.agap2is all abôu yôu, and ôur successes are yôur ôwn.
Thank yôu!
By Thibault Business Manager
AGAP2 BOOK: what next?
On its tenth anniversary, agap2 is publishing a bôôk ôf fôrecasts côncerning ten majôr industrial sectôrs and their challenges.
Energy, transpôrt, health and cônstrucIôn, but alsô infôrmaIôn and cômmunicaIôn technôlôgy, chemistry, envirônment, etc., we have taken a look at the experIse ôf agap2 and future prôspects.
A word from the CEO
Prôud ô be engIneers!
We are ïvïng, wôrdwïde, hrôugh a perïôd ôf prôfôund change, whïch can be seen frôm he scae ôf he chaenges ô be ôvercôme: cïmae change, energy sôurces and he need fôr hôusïng, fôôd, heah and ranspôr, ec.
Engïneers are everywhere. Wïhôu hem ôur wôrd wôud côme creakïng ô a ha. We wôud be ôn a drïtïng shïp. Thïs prïde ïn beïng an engïneer ïs sômehïng we fôser and prômôe atagap2. Whaever rôe we pay ïn sôcïey, môre han anyhïng ese we are engïneers, passïônae abôu mehôds and echnïques, aways ready ô gïve he very bes ha we can. 10 years ater he creaôn ôfagap2, we are s drïven by a wï ô wïn, surpass ôurseves, and buïd he fuure. We prôcaïm ôur decïsïôn ô send ôur eams ô wôrk wïh cïens ha beông ô secôrs ha dïer greay, ône frôm anôher, sô ha we dô nô creae expers ïn a sïnge cuure bu, ïnsead, gïve ôur engïneers he means ô ake a crôss-cung apprôach ô prôbem sôvïng. Tha ïs wha ôur cïens apprecïae he môs: ôur abïïy ô ransfer sôuôns frôm ône ied ô anôher, and ô ïmpôr wïsdôm frôm dïeren wôrds ô heïr prôjecs. Thïs ïs much ïke bees pôïnang lôwers as hey rave frôm ône ô he nex. Our engïneers côud be caed “echnôôgïca pôïnaôrs”, resôvïng echnôôgïca prôbems and enabïng ôur cïens ô make faser prôgress.