Maritime transport of goods and passengers 1997-2007.









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28 janvier 2009

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Author: Giuliano AMERINI

S t a t i s t i c s i n f o c u s

Maritime transport of goods and passengers 1997-2007

EU ports handled about 4 billion tonnes of goods in 2007: nearly 8 tonnes per inhabitant.

In 2007, the total weight of goods handled in In 2007, more than 60% of EU-27 seaborne goods
EU-27 maritime ports is estimated at 3.9 billion transport concerned an extra-EU-27 partner port.
tonnes (2.6% up compared with 2006 for EU-27 The international intra-EU-27 transport
excluding Italy). Of these, nearly two thirds were represented less than 30% and national transport
goods unloaded. Almost all Member States about 10%.However the situation varies widely
unloaded more than they loaded.among countries. The share of national seaborne
At 582 million tonnes, the United Kingdom had thetransport of goods is very low (less than 3%) for a
highest share (15%) of goods handled in EU-27large group of countries (either relatively small or with
ports, followed by Italy (14% in 2006), therelatively limited shorelines), and high for Greece
Netherlands (13%) and Spain (11%).(32%), Denmark, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Some estimate of the relative importance of maritimeThe number of passengers who passed through
ports in each of the EU-27 countries is given by theEU-27 ports in 2007 is estimated at 410 million
indicator “tonnes of goods handled in maritime ports(2.0% up compared with 2006 for EU-27 excluding
per inhabitant. This varies from 33.5 in Estonia to 1.3Italy).Unlike goods handling (2/3 unloaded, 1/3
in Poland, the EU-27 average (excluding Italy) being loaded), there was no significant difference between
7.8 tonnes per inhabitant (see Figure 1 below). the numbers of passengers embarking and
In most countries in 2007, liquid bulk goodsdisembarking, due to the fact that most of this
(which include petroleum products) was thetransport activity corresponds to the main national and
largest type of cargo handled in tonnage terms. Atintra-EU-27 ferry connections.
EU-27 level excluding Italy, liquid bulk represents The number of vessel calls at EU-27 main ports
38% of the total cargo handled in ports, followed
by dry bulk (26%) and containers (18%). (excluding Italian ports) showed an increase of

Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg maintained their,ret niH .6vewoosgrtos mserf ot ehv sennga efoe growthsels, th saw etar 4.3%aperc mo2 00 dot
positions as the three largest ports in terms of both6.8% This reflects th si siz
gross weight of goods and volume of containers.soptrc eningo pierati-27 n EU rea ng of vessels e
Figure 1: Gross weight of seaborne goods handled (inwards and outwards) in all ports in 2007
(in tonnes per inhabitant)













(1) Italy and Iceland: 2006 data.
(2) EU-27 excluding Italy.







This “Statistics in Focus is based on data collected the period 1997-2007. In particular for reference
in the framework of the EU maritime transport year 2007 Italy provided incomplete data and
statistics Directive (Council Directive 95/64/EC of Iceland did not provide any data. Methodological
8.12.1995 on statistical returns in respect of and other explanatory notes, including Country-
carriage of goods and passengers by sea). Not all specific remarks are available at the end of the
Member States have reported for all aspects during publication (pages 14-15).
Seaborne goods handled in ports, by country and by type of cargo
Table 1: Gross weight of seaborne goods handled in all ports (in million tonnes)
1997 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Growth rate
Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Inwards Outwardsl)%(oTat
BE161.6 179.4 174.2 173.8 181.1 187.9 206.5 218.9 134.1 102.2236.3 +7.9%
BG 9.0 15.9 20.2 20.4 21.4 23.1 24.8 27.5: :24.9 -9.5%
DK 107.7 99.7 104.0 100.4124.0 96.5 94.0 94.3 60.8 48.8109.7 +1.8%
DE 192.0 123.0213.3 242.5 246.1 246.4 254.8 271.9 284.9 302.8315.1 +4.0%
EE 7.9 40.4 44.7 47.0 44.8 46.5 50.0 37.1: :45.0 -10.1%
IE36.3 45.3 45.8 44.9 46.2 47.7 52.1 53.3 38.9 15.254.1 +1.5%
EL101.3 127.7 122.2 147.7 162.5 157.9 151.3 159.4 98.0 66.3164.3 +3.1%
ES270.6 234.9 315.1 326.0 343.7 373.1 400.0 414.4 305.7 121.0426.6 +3.0%
FR 249.4 99.6305.1 325.8 318.2 319.0 330.1 334.0 341.5 350.3349.0 -0.4%
IT : :434.3 446.6 444.8 458.0 477.0 485.0 508.9 520.2: :
CY: : : 7.2 7.3 6.8 7.3 7.6 6.3 1.27.5 -2.2%
LV: : 56.8 52.0 54.7 54.8 59.7 56.9 7.7 53.461.1 +7.4%
LT: : 10.9 18.3 21.0 24.4 30.2 25.8 26.1 27.229.3 +7.4%
MT 4.1 1.2: : : : 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.55.3 -3.6%
NL402.2 405.8 405.9 413.3 410.3 440.7 460.9 477.2 377.1 130.3507.5 +6.3%
PL 26.1 26.3 46.2 48.1 51.0 52.3 54.8 53.1: :52.4 -1.3%
PT54.7 56.4 56.2 55.6 57.5 59.1 65.3 66.9 47.1 21.268.2 +2.0%
RO: : 27.6 32.7 35.9 40.6 47.9 46.7 28.6 20.348.9 +4.8%
SI 4.7 11.2: : 10.8 12.1 12.6 15.5 9.1 9.315.9 +2.4%
FI 110.5 99.6 64.0 50.8 104.4 106.575.3 80.7 96.2 99.1114.8 +3.9%
SE 97.1 88.0149.9 159.3 152.8 154.6 161.5 167.4 178.1 180.5185.1 +2.5%
UK558.5 573.0 566.4 558.3 555.7 573.1 584.9 583.7 357.8 223.7581.5 -0.4%
EU-27 : : : : 835.9 3 718.8 3 570.2 3 452.3 3: : : :
EU-27-IT 1 140.7 3 261.6 +2.6% 402.4 315.7 2 209.9 3 085.3 3 975.3 3: : : : 2
EU-15 3 545.9 : : : : 3 091.0 3 188.8 3 304.6 3 433.82 887.2 974.0 2 037.6 3
HR 18.7 11.4: 16.9 19.1 18.6 20.3 25.2 26.2 26.330.1 +14.3%
IS : :: 5.2 5.0 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.7 5.9: :
NO 63.9 134.6: : : 190.0 186.8 198.2 201.7 196.8198.5 +0.9%
EEA+HR 3 799.0 3 952.4: : : : 3 664.4 4 065.0 : : : :
EEA-IT-IS+HR 308.7 3 437.8 3: : : : 182.4 3 407.7 1 631.0 3 538.9 3 223.3 2 +2.6%

Table 1 shows the weight of goods handled in the The most significant increases have been recorded
EU-27, Croatian, Icelandic and Norwegian ports, by Belgium (+8%), Latvia and Lithuania (both
which reported data. +7%). An 18% increase in the handling of goods in
In 2007, the total weight of goods handled in the containers mainly explains the Belgian results while
EU-27 ports is estimated at about 3.9 billion tonnes in Latvia a large increase (+31%) in the handling of
(using for Italy 2006 data as an estimate for 2007). liquid bulk going to the Netherlands was recorded.
For EU-27 excluding Italy this total rose by 2.6%
(from 3 316 million tonnes in 2006 to 3 402 million Despite the slight decrease since 2005, the United
tonnes in 2007), a slight slowing down compared to Kingdom is the leading EU-27 country in seaborne
the growth rate of +3.3% registered between 2005 transport of goods, with 582 million tonnes handled
and 2006 in the same geographical aggregate. iEn U2-02077 t, ortealp.r Tehsee nUtinK gi sa fpopllroowxiemd abteyl Iyt a1l5y %w itohf tah e
Between 2006 and 2007 the weight of goods share of 14% (2006 share), the Netherlands (13%)
handled grew in all Member States except Estonia and Spain (11%).
(- 10%), France (-0.4%), Cyprus (-2%), Malta
(-4%), Poland (-1%) and the United Kingdom Notwithstandi increase
(-0.4%). The decrease recorded by Bulgaria is 2005 and 200n7g, Dane nmark is t hofe +o1n0ly% c obuetnwtrey ewn hich

partially explained by a methodological recorded a fall in the weight of goods handled since

improvement (see explanatory notes on page 14). 1997: from 124 million tonnes in 1997 to 110 in


6/2009 Statistics in focus

2007 (-12%), mainly due to a decline in the data to Eurostat).
transport of coal and in the transport of Ro-Ro units In 2007, of the total weight of goods handled in
after the opening of the Great Belt bridge and the ports, the percentage unloaded was 84% in
Øresund bridge. On the other hand, figures for Cyprus, followed by Malta and the Netherlands
Greece and Spain show the highest increase on (with 78% and 74% respectively). In general more
the same period. However, in these cases the seaborne goods are unloaded than loaded in the
increases are mostly due to the improvement of the EU-27 countries as well as in Croatia and Iceland
statistical coverage (see explanatory notes on (2006 data).
pages 14 and 15). However, in the three Baltic countries (Estonia,
In 2007, around 63% of the tonnes handled in the dLoatmviian aannt da Lnitdh itusa nsihaa) rteh ree oaucthweadr d8 7w%ei ignh tL awtavisa and
EU-27 ports excluding Italy were goods unloaded
(inwards). The total figures (inwards + outwards) 8co2u%n tirni eEs's tsohnaira.e Iitn sthhoe utlodt able EnUo-t2e7d itsh ast mthalel.s Ien
correctly represent the “handling of goods in ports.
A lot of care must be taken when interpreting the Nwiotrh waa ys htharee oouft w68ar%d. wFeoir gthhte wtharse ael sBoa ldtioc mcionuannttr,i es
total figures (inwards + outwards) as a measure of
“transport of goods, as these totals may include the outward weight is mainly due to exports of oil
some “double counting (goods loaded in one port pcrruoddeu cotisl,, owilh eprreoadsu citt si sa nmda ionrlye sd fuoer tNo oerxwpaoyr1 t. of
and then unloaded in a second port, both reporting
Table 2: Gross weight of seaborne goods handled (inward

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