MANAGEMENTUL CRIZELOR ÎN CAZUL DISPUTELOR ASUPRA ZONELOR ŞI TERITORIILOR MARITIME Drd. Romulus HÂLDAN* The dispute among states over the maritime regions and terrritories, though it can be settled within the limits of the relevant international law, led, in many situations and for various reasons, to acute forms of manifestation, and the management of such emerging crises becomes extremely complicated. Regardless if the matter is related to open seas, islands, atolls, rocks, channels or straits, the dispute is boosted by the intrinsic potential of these geographic features, either remarkable economic resources, or important geostrategic/geopolitic locations. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, although it represents the most important legal instrument in solving the maritime disputes, it also, paradoxically, produced new controversies, what created the risk of conflict in the world. I. CONSIDERAŢII GENERALE Sistemul mondial al frontierelor, ca o diviziune primară a suprafeţei pământului, este relativ recent şi majoritatea lumii l-a adoptat în ultimii 150 de ani.[1] Numărul statelor independente a crescut extrem de rapid de la 70 înainte de cel de-al doilea război mondial, la peste 190 după 60 de ani, evident crescând şi numărul frontierelor care, în prezent, sunt în jur de 310 pe uscat iar restul pe mare, fluvii, râuri sau mixte.