A Step-By-Step System to Setup Your Own Auto-Pilot Internet Business, So You Can Fire Your Boss & Live Life On Your Own Terms The Internet Business Training Program Every Entrepreneur Should Own. Internet Jetset was created with one purpose in mind; to be the ultimate step-by-step guide for someone to start their own internet business, and become successful. When I started working in corporate America, I quickly realized that the path to becoming successful, and living a life worth living was NOT going to happen by working for someone else. So I quit my job, became an entrepreneur, and started traveling the world. It wasn't until I came across a mentor I found through reading a book called 'The Four Hour Workweek' that I was able to become asuccessfulinternet entrepreneur, and join the Internet Jetset. The Internet Jetset is a growing movement of people, not confined to any location, who are completely in control of their own time. It's been my goal to pass along my system to as many others as possible, and thousands of successful students later... I can say that we are truly starting to change the way the world works. "By entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs" But lets back up... After I left college, I started working in the corporate world, and realized I absolutely hated it. I resolved to figure out exactly what I didn't want. This would be the starting place to decide what sort of business I built. I Knew What I Didn't Want...