German resource efficiency programme (ProgRess). Programme for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources.









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L'utilisation actuelle des ressources naturelles dépasse de loin les capacités régénératrices de la Terre. Une utilisation responsable et efficace des ressources naturelles est donc une compétence clé pour toute société cherchant à assurer sa viabilité future. Améliorer l'efficacité des ressources permet de limiter les dommages environnementaux, renforcer la compétitivité de l'économie, créer de nouveaux emplois et garantir l'emploi à long terme. Par conséquent, le Cabinet fédéral a adopté le 29 février 2012 le programme allemand d'efficacité des ressources (ProgRess) dont ce document présente les éléments clés.
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01 janvier 2012

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German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess) Programme for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources
Decision of the Federal Cabinet of 29 February 2012
Compiled pursuant to Cabinet decision of 20 October 2010 on the German Government’s Raw Materials Strateg based on the ational Sustainabilit Strateg “erspectives for German” of 1 pril 2002 and the “hematic Strateg for the Sustainable se of atural Resources” of the Commission of the uropean nion of 21 ecember 200
published by:
Edited by: et:
esin: printed by:
photo credits:
ate: First print:
Federal inistry for the Environment, ature Conservation and uclear Safety  ivision    ·  erlin · ermany Email: bmubundde · ebsite: bmudeenlish  einhard aiser ,  , nne iehe, Carsten Emmerich, irit Schen ,    Federal Environment ency 
desinidee, bürofürestaltun, Erfurt onifatius mb, paderborn itle ae  hotos: ainer eisflo  : homas rutschelhotothenet  : homas rutschelhotothenet  : Fotolia  : üren FälchleFotolia  : miricFotolia  :  auleblicinel  : photorahyyFotolia   to: E FSobal Collection   button: homas Schuleicture alliance  : oer oethlinaenda  : erner tto  : aurentiu ordacheFotolia  : ainer eisflo  : sdlssdlsistochoto  : ochen iceystone  : iana aeFotolia  : homas Ernstin  : oer oethlinaenda  : ustavo labisoalabisode  : olmar Schuleystone  : homas Ernstin  : lfred uellesbachS  : tmar SmitFotolia  : Friedrich aun  : FlyinierFotolia  : mtristochoto  : pE mballeyberlaindern  : Stefan Sauericturealliance  : Fotoreort Fraunhofer nstitutictureallianceda  : lainictureFancy maes  : 
ay  , coies
 : ochen iceystone  : ioshotoornier ntoine  : ose iribas  : homas ufferCaro Fotoaentur  : olfan ummicture allianceda  : obert aasicture allianceSueddeutsche eitun photo  : ir  Friedrich  : our photooday  : acSCultura Fvenue maes  : amil adu  : aniel auoldicture alliance  : etlev Schiledetschilede  : liver ericture allianceda  : vario imaes  : allver alerie photo  : ndreas uc  : li ecicture allianceda   left: homas rutschelhotothenet   riht: alf irschbererictureallianceda  : mahoFotolia  : rs eller  : vario imaes  : homas Schleeltransit  : ainer eisflo  : photoeric  : arcoFotolia  : ramorFotolia  :   : aturbild Fonline ildaentur   : nne cermannimaetrust
 Resource efficiency – challenge and oortunity  Combinin diverse activities: a roramme for resource efficiency
 Focus of the roramme: efficient manaement of ra materials
 ther resources and their uses
Soil and land
ioloical diversity
iotic ra materials as fuel or food and feedstuff
 here do e stand  ore roth, roserity, uality of life – an increasin burden on the environment  he economic otential of resource efficiency
 esource conservation – an imortant tas for olicymaers
 Current activities in ermany – a ide rane of initiatives
Guiding rinciles and obectives  Four uidin rinciles for the aroach and rosects for the future
Combinin ecoloical necessities ith economic oortunities, innovation suort  and social resonsibility
iein lobal resonsibility as a ey focus of our national resource olicy
radually main economic and roduction ractices in ermany less deendent on rimary resources,  develoin and eandin closedcycle manaement sustainable resource use for the lon term by uidin society toards uality rothSecurin  ndicators and obectives for decisions directed at efficieny nclusion of ra materials euivalents of imorts
Consideration of er caita domestic resource consumtion ain unused material etraction Contribution of closedcycle manaement: Consideration of cascade use and recyclin
   
  
  
 
 
PRT II TRTEGI PPRE NG TE ENTIRE E IN 
 ecuring a sustainable ra material suly roach : mlementation and develoment of the Federal overnment’s a aterials Stratey roach : areted eansion of the use of reneable resources as ra materials
 Raising resource efficiency in roduction  roach : oostin innovation and cometitiveness by strenthenin efficiency advice for comanies roach : eveloment and dissemination of resource and eneryefficient roduction and  rocessin methods roach : nformation on and romotion of the use of environmental manaement systems roach : nnovation throuh the interation of resource efficiency into roduct desin roach : nteration of resource conservation into standardisation
 Maing consumtion more resourceefficient roach : Creatin ublic aareness
roach : esource efficiency as a criterion for trade and consumer decisions
roach : ntroduction of ne certification schemes, reater use of eistin schemes for ra materials
roach : ncreased use of ublic rocurement as an instrument of resource efficiency
 Enhancing resourceefficient closedcycle management roach : einforcin roduct resonsibility
roach : timisin collection and recyclin of resourcerelevant bul astes roach : an on illeal eorts, suortin aste recovery structures in nely industrialisin  and develoin countries
 sing overarching instruments roach : Strenthenin instruments for imrovin maret enetration of resourceefficient roducts  and services roach : sin economic instruments and dismantlin subsidies hich encourae resource consumtion
roach : Strenthenin research and imrovin the nolede base roach : Considerin resource efficiency in the further develoment of the leal frameor at  national level roach : echnoloy and nolede transfer, eert advice
roach : Further develoin the olitical and leal frameor at E level and in an international contet
  
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PRT III PEII EMPE 
 ectoral eamles Eamle : ul metals
Eamle : are earths and critical metals
Eamle : Sustainable lannin, construction and use of buildins and structures
Eamle : esource efficiency in future technoloies – the eamle of hotovoltaics
Eamle : esource efficiency in future technoloies – the eamle of electromobility
Eamle : reen : esource efficiency in information and communication technoloy 
Eamle : eneable ra materials in the chemical industry
 Eamles of material flos relevant to resource conservation aterial flo : phoshorus
aterial flo : ndium
aterial flo : old
aterial flo : plastic aste
PRT I PPENI 
 ctivities of the ederal Government  ctivities of the änder  ctivities of associations and institutions  ecision of the German undestag 
   
he current use of natural resources is alread far eceeding the arth’s regenerative capacit  re sponsible and efficient use of natural resources will therefore be a e competence for an societ see ing to ensure its future viabilit mproving resource efficienc can limit environmental damage strength en the competitiveness of the German econom create new obs and secure longterm emploment herefore on 2 ebruar 2012 the ederal Cabinet adopted the German Resource fficienc rogramme rogRess ith this the German government imple mented the decision in its Raw Materials Strateg of 20 October 2010 to develop a national resource effi cienc programme his paper provides an overview of the e elements of rogRess
 acground information
atural resources especiall raw materials are e production factors and are therefore at the heart of our prosperit More than  billion tonnes of raw materials were used worldwide in 200 his is around one third more than in 2000 two thirds more than in 10 and about twice as much as at the end of the 10s ith a proected world population of more than  billion people in 200 and rapid eco nomic growth in newl industrialising countries demand for raw materials continues to rise strongl er capita raw material consumption is currentl around four times higher in industrialised nations than in less developed countries
his is a maor challenge from an economic ecologi cal and social perspective Rising and volatile raw ma terial prices and suppl riss present a heav burden
for the German econom t is becoming increasingl difficult to obtain some e raw materials such as crude oil cobalt and heav rare earths from readil accessible sources t the same time resource use has impacts on the environment across the entire value chain ranging from the release of greenhouse gases and inputs of pollutants into the air water and soil to adverse effects on ecosstems and biodiversit he current use of natural resources is alread far eceed ing the arth’s regenerative capacit  responsible and efficient use of natural resources will therefore be a e competence for an societ seeing to ensure its future viabilit German is in an ecellent position to lead the wa in the necessar global transformation towards a resourceefficient econom mproving resource efficienc can limit environmental loads strengthen the competitiveness of the German econom create new obs and secure longterm emploment
German is willing to tae on a pioneering role inter nationall b proving that resource efficienc in a highl developed countr can be increased without a detrimental impact on prosperit while at the same time reducing raw material consumption German can alread demonstrate increased economic per formance with reduced resource use hile there was strong economic growth during the ears 2000 to 2010 resource consumption decreased b 111 percent s earl as in 2002 the German government in its ational Sustainabilit Strateg laid down the goal of doubling raw material productivit b 2020 com pared with 1 his goal maes German an inter national pioneer he German Resource fficienc rogramme aims to contribute to reaching it
 Programme content and goal
he goal of the German Resource fficienc ro gramme is to mae the etraction and use of natural resources more sustainable and to reduce associated environmental pollution as far as possible  doing this we want to live up to our responsibilit to future generations and create a prereuisite for securing a high ualit of life for the long term
he German government is striving to decouple eco nomic growth as far as possible from resource use to reduce the burden on the environment and to strengthen the sustainabilit and competitiveness of the German econom thus promoting stable emplo ment and social cohesion Resource efficienc polic will help us meet our global responsibilit for the ecological and social impacts of resource use Our goal must be to reduce the use of resources
n this contet rogRess deals with raw materials he focus is on abiotic nonenergetic resources sup plemented b the material use of biotic resources he use of raw materials is connected to the use of other natural resources such as water air land soil biodiversit and ecosstems owever as these resources are alread covered b other programmes processes or legislation the are not addressed in an detail b rogRess
rogRess gives an overview of numerous eisting activities and describes approaches and measures for increasing resource efficienc t covers the entire value chain
ontents and measures
rogRess is based on a draft tet b the ederal nvi ronment genc  t is divided into three parts basic programmatic statements strategic approaches along the entire value chain and specific eamples roposals for government measures are made for the strategic approaches and eamples n anne lists activities alread being carried out b the German government the ederal änder and associations and institutions in the field of resource efficienc he first part of the programme analses theoppor-tunities and potential of resource efficiencyin German and worldwide t sets outuidin prin- ciples and obectiesas well as potential indicators that can be used to measure progress in improving resource efficienc
he German Resource fficienc rogramme is shaped b four guiding principles ˘uidin principle 1oining ecological necessities with economic opportunities innovation support and social responsibilit
˘uidin principle 2iewing global responsibilit as a e focus of our national resource polic
˘uidin principle 3Graduall maing economic and production practices in German less depend ent on primar resources developing and epand ing closed ccle management
˘iucldpinrip ni  e 4Securing sustainable resource use for the long term b guiding societ towards ualit growth
encast linite mine “elo Süd”
hesecond partof the programme containsspecific easureson the basis of an analsis of the entire value chain ive strategic approaches are considered
˘Securing a sustainable raw material suppl
˘Raising resource efficienc in production
˘Steering consumption towards resource efficienc
˘nhancing resourceefficient closed ccle management
˘sing overarching instruments
 total of20 strateic approachesare identified and underpinned with measures he programme attaches particular importance to maret incentives information epert advice education research and innovation and to strengthening voluntar measures and initiatives b industr and societ amples include measures for strengthening efficienc advice
for small and mediumsied enterprises supporting environmental management sstems taing greater account of resource aspects in standardisation pro cesses placing greater focus on the use of resource efficient products and services in public procure ment strengthening voluntar product labelling and certification schemes enhancing closed ccle man agement and increasing the transfer of technologies and nowledge to developing countries and emerg ing economies hethird partof the programme presents eleven eaplesof material flows areas of life and technol ogies that are particularl relevant for the chosen strategic approaches and specif them in more
concrete terms amples include sections on bul metals rare and strategic metals future technologies such as photovoltaics and electric mobilit but also on sustainable construction which is an especiall significant sector for the resource balance and the closedccle management of plastic waste
nanneto rogRess details activities b si ederal ministries the ederal änder and 2 associations and institutions in the field of resource efficienc he anne is designed as a ‘living document’ that will be supplemented in the coming months
 Procedure
he ederal nvironment Ministr M carried out a broad consultation process in the first half of 2011 involving meetings tals and events etailed discus sions on rogRess were held with eperts and repre sentatives of civil societ associations and the änder in the course of nine meetings at woring level two conferences b the Resource fficienc etwor and numerous individual meetings participation b the general public was ensured through internet consul tation round 100 written opinions and contribu tions from associations civil societ and the scientific sector have been incorporated into the programme
hen it adopted rogRess on 2 ebruar 2012 the German government decided that it will report ever four ears on the development of resource efficienc in German assess progress and develop the Resource fficienc rogramme accordingl On  March 2012 the undestag passed a resolution to support the wor on rogRess and reuested a report ever four ears
 launching rogRess the German government is oining uropean efforts he uropean Commission has devoted one of the seven flagship initiatives un der the urope 2020 strateg to the goal of creating a resourceefficient urope and adopted a detailed roadmap on this in September 2011 n doing this the Commission has reinforced its call to the mem ber states to draw up national resource efficienc programmes ith rogRess German is one of the first uropean countries to present a comprehensive resource efficienc programme
 utloo he German Resource fficienc rogramme does not mar the end it is in fact the beginning of a process in policmaing science and societ mplementing the measures contained in rogRess will reuire a high level of selfinitiative and activities b man social actors close cooperation between politics industr science and civil societ as well as the com mitment of the German public he programme aims to provide sound and longterm orientation for all staeholders mplementing this programme will con tribute to the conservation of the ecological founda tions of life economic growth and longterm emplo ment and will safeguard the prospects of prosperit for future generations
p : EE F  E pE
 Resource efficiency – challenge and oortunity
atural resources are the arth’s natural capital and nited ations estimates indicate that the world’s the basis for all economic activit ithout natural population will grow from the present  billion to resources such as raw materials soil water and air over  billion people b 200 opulation growth and we can neither meet our dail needs for life nor cre increasing prosperit in newl industrialising and ate prosperit Global use of resources has taen a developing economies will give a further boost to the course which cannot be maintained in the long term demand for raw materials food and energ er capi without affecting the prospects of future generations ta consumption of raw materials is currentl about for economic prosperit and social cohesion ven four times greater in the industrialised countries than toda the use of natural resources considerabl in less developed countries eceeds the planet’s regeneration capacit1 Reducing the consumption of resources and materials his is not onl an ecological but also an economic is one of the central challenges of a sustainable soci and social challenge natural resources especiall et in the 21st centurut this challenge also offers raw materials are important production factors and great opportunities t is up to us to pave the wa for hence the basis for our prosperit here are limits to future generations to live in a world where economic the etent the can be replaced t the same time prosperit for all goes hand in hand with social cohe however the use of raw materials in the entire value sion and the conservation of the natural basis for life chain – from etraction through processing and use to disposal – gives rise to environmental pressures Sparing and at the same time efficient management which can range from the release of greenhouse of natural resources will be a e competence of soci gases through emission of pollutants into air water eties with a viable future n the necessar process of and soil to harmful impacts on ecosstems and global change German is in an ecellent position to biodiversit lead the wa towards resourceefficient management and become one of the world’s most resourceeffi  large proportion of natural resources are onl avail cient economies contributor factors include innova able on a limited scale and are not renewable or e tive strength a modern industrial structure ambi ample a number of important raw materials such as tious environmental standards and a population with oil cobalt and certain heav rare earths2 great  aawareness of the need for sustainabilit husare becom ing increasingl difficult to obtain from readil acces improving resource efficienc can become a German sible sources rice increases and price fluctuations hallmar strengthen the competitive position of the which are eacerbated b growing demand specula German econom create new obs and safeguard em tion and political intervention and uncertaint about ploment on a sustainable basis the availabilit of raw materials can affect economic and social development in both the eporting and
the importing countries
1 ational Sustainabilit Strateg rogress Report 2012 p 1 2 he heav rare earths are ttrium  samarium Sm europium u gadolinium Gd terbium b dsprosium  holmium o erbium r thulium m tterbium b and lutetium u  ational Sustainabilit Strateg rogress Report 2012 p 10
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