Teonia SPRL You will find in this document all extracts from the information prospectus making reference to the following subjects: Historical financial ① Balance sheet Income statement ② Deal structure Existing shareholders Forcasted capital increase Basis of valuation Financial Plan ③ Profit forecasts Forecasted Income statement ④ Appendix This document should be read as an introduction to the information Prospectus. Every decision to invest needs to be built on an exhaustive examination of the information Pros ectus which can be downloaded on the company page. Historical financial ① 1. Balance Sheet The numbers presented below are expressed in EUR. The consecutive losses of Teonia SPRL these past several years have as a result reduced equity to a sum less than half the capital.The company thus find itself in the situation described in article 332 of the Companies Lawand has undertaken the formalities required in this regard. An Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders decided on 5 November 2014 to continue the company’s activities based on a special report prepared by the CEO of Teonia SPRL in performance of the aforementioned article. 2. Income Statement The numbers presented below are expressed in EUR. Deal Structure ② 1. Existing shareholders At present, the capital of Teonia SPRL, comes to 18.