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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres








Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

by Nicholas Kazan
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Original Screenplay
Nicholas Kazan
EXT. TENOCHTITLAN. MOONLIT NIGHT. A man in a loincloth running along a causeway. The moon hangs in the water behind him. A conch-shell trumpet blows. Ancient haunting call...
Legend: City of Tenochtitlan Aztec year: 1 bundle, 13 rabbits The Runner is carrying something.
Sprinting all out, for his life.
CUT TO: INT. MOCTEZUMA'S PALACE. NIGHT. The Runner breathless, babbling in a language we cannot understand. He throws down what he was carrying. Facing him is a PAPA (Priest) dressed in black robe, long black hair matted with blood, 4" fingernails, bloody earlobes, wild eyes. The Papa waves his hand, dismissing the Runner, and bends down to pick up the Runner's burden. CUT TO:
The Papa enters hesitantly. As he moves through the dark room, we glimpse furnishings which suggest an austere elegance. A low "bed" covered with a spectacular feather blanket...
The Papa passes the empty bed, goes out onto a: EXT. BORDERED ROOF. NIGHT. From the rear: MOCTEZUMA staring at a comet blazing in the sky. The Papa speaks, eyes lowered to the ground. Moctezuma replies with a single word. The Papa sets down the Runner's burden and leaves. Moctezuma turns and stares at what is on the ground: CORPSE of a large bird. The Emperor's features betray no reaction - he's seen it before - but his eyes fill with sick apprehension of his fate. He turns back toward the comet.
Runs his hand along the parapet.
No...along a snake. 5-foot python. We hear a smokey old voice: DIAZ (V.O.)  Forget it. With an ease suggesting great familiarity, Moctezuma picks up the snake and carries it inside...
DIAZ (V.O.) (CONT'D) Forget who you are...where you are...what you know. DISSOLVE TO:
Rain assaults the windows as a half-dozen HIDALGOS (landowners) and their wives feast, drink, and listen to a wild and ribald story. DIAZ (V.O.) Forget it all and come.
A rain of obliteration, seemingly capable of washing away our memories. A carriage hurtles through the storm. DIAZ (V.O.) Come with me, back to my youth... INSIDE THE CARRIAGE
DIERO, a sniveling hunchback, hands wringing, eyes gleaming. DIAZ (V.O.) Back to the greatest military campaign in human history.
From these few moments inside this house, we will infer the state of Western civilization. Everything proudly displayed yet primitive: we are scarcely out of the Middle Ages.
DIAZ (V.O.) Cuba. 1519. Just 27 years after Columbus. It was the time, the place, and the age...of Cortes.
As the titles flash, we focus on the man telling the ribald story.
DIAZ (V.O.) When I met him, he seemed like any other man.
Volume up faintly in the room. CORTES, 34, is speaking with mocking sophistication of the youthful fantasies which drew him to Cuba.
CORTES Yes, of course I dreamt of knighthood and wealth, but the real dream was: To go where no Christian has gone... To see what no Christian has seen... His audience in the palm of his hand... CORTES (CONT'D) But first there was a married woman who had smiled at me and I wondered... They laugh, and he continues (volume down): how he was chased by an angry husband, broke his leg, and had to stay in Spain another year. DIAZ (V.O.) Cortes laughed, drank, told a good story. He looked happy. But, like many other men, his life was not as good or peaceful as it seemed.
CORTES' WIFE sits at the far end of the table.
DIAZ (V.O.) (CONT'D) He had been forced to marry his wife, and did not love her.
Pan to ANOTHER WOMAN, odder and more beautiful than his wife. DIAZ (V.O.) (CONT'D) The woman he loved he could not have. Pan along his FRIENDS: idle gentry. DIAZ (V.O.) (CONT'D) And his friends were men he wanted to love, but could not find cause. (the CAMERA approaches his FACE) Cortes...was a man...who was waiting...
Cortes finishes his story, to laughter and applause, immediately interrupted by: POUNDING AT THE DOOR. The knock of fate.
A SERVANT ushers in a drenched Diero.
CORTES Come in, come in, my little twisted gnome. Sit down! Have some wine!
DIERO Velasquez is sending another expedition to Yucatan Island.
For an instant Cortes stops short -
Diero snatches some wine and heads off toward another room...
Cortes stares after him, then recovers his "amiable" exterior:
CORTES I have always admired his beautiful manners. (to the others) Excuse me.
Diero drinks directly from the wine bottle...
DIERO The Governor wants Bermudez to head the expedition, but perhaps, with my influence...
He stares at Cortes with glee, relishing his power. To his dismay, Cortesisremarkablymatter-of-fact. CORTES How much do you want?
DIERO Half your profit.
He smiles nervously, thinking Cortes will erupt angrily.
Instead Cortes stares at him with an expression close to amusement. Then he sticks out his hand.
Diero stares at the hand, hesitates (should he ask for more?) and shakes. The deal is done.
DIERO (CONT'D) Well, I...guess I'll join the others. (retreating) I can't believe it was so easy.
He starts out. As the door is closing:
CORTES Nothing is that easy.
Meaning: he won't pay.
He opens the shutters, stares out at the rain.
We study his face. Cheekbones rising, nostrils flaring slightly... Something is happening to him. Something dramatic. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly...only this is masculine.
He crosses the room and pulls a curtain. Revealing: A MAP of "THE KNOWN WORLD." Europe is carefully drawn but disproportionately large and central. Africa is sketched. Asia is huge, vague. South America does not exist at all. Below North America is Cuba, and below Cuba is the Yucatan "island." Handwritten on the Yucatan: "Per Cordoba and Grijalva expeditions." Cortes stares at the map and dips his quill into ink.
From the Yucatan, he draws an arrow Westward.
Deep into what we now know to be Pacific Ocean, his pen stops.
He draws a question mark.
Stares at it.
Sets down his quill...
The fire in his eyes would light a city.
Cortes stands before DON DIEGO VELASQUEZ, Governor of Cuba.
VELASQUEZ ...explore the area, and trade with the natives. You are not to venture inland, not to settle the land, not on any cause to consort with Indian  women. As Velasquez drones on, we realize: Cortes isn't just accepting his commission; he's also - despite his respectful pose - carefully studying his patron. DIAZ (V.O.) Don Diego Velasquez, conqueror and Governor of Cuba, vassal of King Carlos of Spain, benefactor and future enemy of Hernan Cortes. (as CAMERA MOVES IN ON VELASQUEZ) He was a man ruled by cowardice, fear, and greed. Remember his face. (MORE)
DIAZ(CONT'D) There was hardly a moment in our campaign when this man's spectre did not stalk us... Yet we never saw him again.
Velasquez finishes his speech, licks his fat lips
Cortes makes a standing bow with his hat.
Velasquez moves away.
Cortes turns toward a crucifix, kneels quickly, and crosses himself. We realize that the bow toward Velasquez was pro forma; Cortes is now paying homage to his true master.
Velasquez stares at him, realizing the same thing...
Men load a ship. Some plain and rough, some gentry; even the gentry are tough, self-made men, rather than limp aristocrats.
Cortes' banner flies high over a line of recruiting tables set up on the dock. We move down the line:
1ST INTERVIEWER Which expedition were you on?
2ND RECRUIT, WITH SCAR (VILLAFANA) (charming grin) I want a cauldron full of gold.
THIRD INTERVIEWER (VELASQUEZ DE LEON) ...a business venture! If you contribute money, a musket, a horse, then you get extra shares.
CORTES (FOURTH INTERVIEWER) I wrote to your father, not you! You're too young!
He's addressing Gonzalo de SANDOVAL, whose enthusiasm, intensity, and slightstammermakehimverylikeableandsomewhatcomic. SANDOVAL I'm t-t-twenty-two!
CORTES Exactly. Tend to your pimples.
SANDOVAL I haven't had a pimple in years. Find me a place or I will stow with the rats!
As Sandoval steps aside, the Third Interviewer (JUAN VELASQUEZ DE LEON, 27) mutters something to Cortes about the applicant he's interviewing: PEDRO DE ALVARADO, 34, a golden boy with long red hair, a massive physique, a gold chain, and sublime confidence.
ALVARADO Isn't trouble what we're looking for? I'm stronger than any man in your army, and happier, I can wiggle my ears, and I can pull a horse down with one hand. Cortes stares at him. But his stare is interrupted by a terrible squawking from the other end of the dock. Cortes glances that way, turns back to Alvarado:
CORTES Step over there.
Alvarado saunters to one side as the commotion moves toward them: CRISTOBAL DE OLID, protesting loudly, is being dragged by THREE MEN. Olid is so strong he could toss the others into the drink, so we sense he's actually coming of his own free will. CORTES (CONT'D) Senor Cristobal! So nice of you to visit. How are your headaches? CRISTOBAL OLID Try to make me join, I'll kill you. CORTES No, no, you misunderstand. I brought you here for a contest of strength. CRISTOBAL OLID Don't bore me. CORTES This man claims he can beat you. ALVARADO Not just you. I can beat anybody. CORTES (motions: see?) Please. Teach him some humility. CRISTOBAL OLID I am not a schoolmarm. CORTES You're walking from a challenge? Cristobal blinks, stalks to Alvarado, holds out his right arm with a confidencethatiselectrifying:nowayhecanlose.
Alvarado grabs the outstretched hand, and they commence. A terrifying display of raw strength. CORTES' PAGE sprints down the dock and whispers to Cortes.
Cortes turns to PUERTOCARRERO, a shy, handsome nobleman. CORTES (CONT'D) How soon can we sail?
PUERTOCARRERO Two-three days.
CORTES How many minutes?
Diero is heading toward them, accompanied by armed SOLDIERS. Puertocarrero makes for the boats, starts shouting orders.
The contest of strength continues: so equal it's comic. Both men strain and grunt, but their hands do not move even a millimeter.
As Diero approaches, Cortes motions to a SECOND PAGE, hiding in one of the dock buildings.
The Second Page unmuzzles and releases a MASTIFF, which races toward the men, barking fiercely, leaping up on them -
Cristobal curses, flails at the dog with his free arm, which allows: Alvarado to throw Cristobal to the deck.
Diero tries to speak with Cortes -
Cristobal leaps up, enraged -
CORTES (CONT'D) (to Cristobal) It's true, then. He is stronger? (to Diero) One minute.
CRISTOBAL OLID That miserable cur almost bit me! I demand a proper contest!
CORTES We're sailing. Only way to get satisfaction is to come along.
Cristobal glares. Cortes takes him aside, ignoring Diero's protests -
CORTES (CONT'D) I'll give you a quarter of my profits.
CRISTOBAL OLID What profit? You're going to die.
CORTES Then do it out of friendship. CRISTOBAL OLID I never liked you. Cortes rolls his eyes. Clearly they have a friendship, but Cristobal is professionally grumpy -CORTES For glory then? CRISTOBAL OLID Whose? You'll get it all. CORTES (clutching at straws) Well... I hear the native women... three hours with one of them is worth a five year affair here in Cuba. And you can take as many as you want. CRISTOBAL OLID A hundred? Cortes does a slight double-take, quickly recovers: CORTES Two hundred, or more... Cristobal nods soberly. Certainly a factor worth considering. DIERO Cortes! As mayor of this town and emissary of the governor, I demand -CORTES What is it, my friend? DIERO You are under arrest. If you do not go quietly, my soldiers will fire. The Soldiers aim their muskets at Cortes. CORTES What am I charged with? DIERO Treason. Plotting to exceed your authority and conquer the Indians. Both men look up at Cortes' BANNER, which reads: "Comrades: Follow the sign of the cross and through it we shall conquer." Cortes stares at the muskets. He doesn't seem to have much choice. He holds out his hands to be manacled, and for a moment it seems our story will be over before it begins.
DIAZ (V.O.) Looking back, I have often wondered how many men, in Cortes' place, would even have made it out of port?
As the Soldiers move to shackle Cortes, he says loudly:
CORTES But I must caution you. These men already feel loyalty to me. I can't be responsible for what they might do to your town, or your person -
DIERO (outraged) You are inciting them to -
CORTES (quiet confidence) No. If I incite them, you'll know it. (as Diero hesitates) We sail in ten minutes. (giving him his excuse) What a pity you didn't get here in time to stop us.
Diero nods. He will accept this ploy.
CORTES (CONT'D) You cowardly sack of slime. (as Diero bridles) Just a figure of speech. (embracing him, whispers:) Don't forget your 50%!
DIERO You will regret that insult.
CORTES No. I'll either dine with trumpets or die on the gallows, but I'll  regret nothing. Cortes heads toward his ship, Puertocarrero at his side. On the deck of the ship: a huge pile of crucifixes of varying sizes.
CORTES (CONT'D) How short are we?
PUERTOCARRERO Fifty men and half our supplies.
CORTES We'll stop in Havana.
He notices Sandoval climbing aboard ship -
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