Building Broadband









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Access to broadband connectivity is a country's passport to the global information society and knowledge economy-the future. However, the adoption and use of broadband technology today remains extremely uneven and threatens to create a new digital divide. At the end of 2009, countries in North America and the European Union accounted for more than 50 percent of the world's 1 billion fixed and mobile broadband subscriptions, but South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa together accounted for less than 3 percent. The experience with mobile telephony though shows the potential for growth in the information and communication technology sector in developing countries. Almost 75 percent of the world's mobile telephone subscriptions are in low- and middle-income countries, which have also promoted exciting innovations and realized significant economic development benefits.
In fact, a growing number of countries are seeking to spur broadband development. To aid governments as they design their own programs, this volume offers examples and ideas from some of the most successful broadband markets: particularly the Republic of Korea, but also Finland, France, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 'Building Broadband' does not suggest a universal solution but rather provides a long list of policies and programs organized within a strategic framework that allows solutions tailored to country circumstances. The essential building blocks identified are useful everywhere because they focus on improving incentives and the climate for private investment. This is a policy that even countries with very limited resources will be able to exploit.
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Publié le

22 juin 2010

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Yongsoo Kim
Tim Kelly
Yongsoo Kim
Tim Kelly
Siddhartha Raja© 2010 T e International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / T e World Bank
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ISBN: 978-0-8213-8419-0
eISBN: 978-0-8213-8420-6
DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-8419-0
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kim, Yongsoo.
Building broadband : strategies and policies for the developing world / Yongsoo Kim,
Tim Kelly, and Siddhartha Raja.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8213-8419-0 — ISBN 978-0-8213-8420-6 (electronic)
1. Internet service providers—Korea (South) 2. Broadband communication
systems—Korea (South) I. Kelly, Tim (Tim John Charles) II. Raja, Siddhartha, 1980-
III. Title.
HE8420.5.K564 2010
384.3'3—dc22 2010021581Contents
Foreword ix
Acknowledgments xiii
About the Authors xv
Abbreviations xvii
Executive Summary xxi
1 The Status and Importance of Broadband 1
The Status of Broadband Connectivity 1
Why Has Broadband Become a Policy Issue? 4
This Volume’s Contents 8
Notes 11
References 12
2 Rethinking Broadband as an Ecosystem 15
The Broadband Ecosystem 15
The Importance of the Ecosystem 16
Networks 18
Services 21
Applications 24
Users 25
Notes 29
References 30
3 Broadband Market Development in the
Republic of Korea 35
Why Korea? 36
Country Profile 42
Broadband Market 43
Developing the Broadband Ecosystem 50
The Strategic Framework: Informatization Plans
and Funding 54
Supply-Side Policy 55
Demand-Side Policy 62
Evaluating Korea’s Approach 63
Notes 64
References 65
4 Experiences of Other Broadband Leaders 67
Finland 67
France 69
Japan 71
Sweden 73
United Kingdom 75
United States 78
Analyzing the Approaches of Broadband Leaders 80
Notes 84
References 88
5 Strategies to Build the Broadband Ecosystem 95
The Public Sector’s Evolving Role in Broadband 95
Defining Broadband Strategies 99
The Institutional Base for Policy Implementation 109
Note 110
6 Policies and Programs to Build Broadband 113
Promote: Policies as a Pump Primer 116
Oversee: Facilitate Competition-Led Growth through
Consistent Oversight 126
Universalize: Focus on Widespread Diffusion as the
Broadband Market Grows 131
Notes 133
7 Building Blocks for Broadband 137
Building Block 1: Be Visionary, Yet Flexible 137
Building Block 2: Use Competition to Promote Market Growth 139
Building Block 3: Facilitate Demand 141
Implications for Developing Countries 141
Note 143
Index 145
2.1 Truth in Labeling for Broadband Speeds 20
2.2 Three Trends in User Devices 26
4.1 Digital Britain 76
5.1 Broadband Strategies in Middle-Income Countries 97
5.2 Using Strategies Strategically: Raising Awareness
and the Profile of Broadband 100
6.1 Subsidizing User Devices 123
6.2 Local Loop Unbundling 129
ES.1 The Broadband Ecosystem xxii
1.1 Growth Effects of Telecommunications 5
1.2 Broadband Activities Cited as Important by Users 7
2.1 16
2.2 Monthly Internet Traffic per Capita, 2009 23
3.1 Korea’s Approach to Developing the Broadband
Ecosystem 38
3.2 Penetration of Wireline Broadband Services in
Various Countries, 2000–09 40
3.3 Share of 3G Subscriptions in Wireless Markets in
Various Countries, 2002–09 41
3.4 Korea’s Gross National Income per Capita, 1957–2007 43
3.5 Korea’s Fixed Broadband Market by Access
Technology, 2002–08 45
3.6 Market Shares of Korea’s Fixed Broadband Operators,
2001–09 47
3.7 The Transition to Internet Banking in Korea, 2003–08 51
3.8 Evolving Goals of Content Promotion Policies in Korea 59
5.1 Number of Countries with Commercially Available
Broadband, 2002–08 101
6.1 Cost Analysis for a Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH)
Deployment, Greenfield Scenario 120
6.2 Average Cost of Infrastructure Installation per Kilometer 120
6.3 Cost of User Devices Relative to GDP per Capita i n
Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries 122
7.1 Telephony and Fixed Broadband Subscribers in
Developing Countries 138
ES.1 Stages of Broadband Development xxiv
1.1 Global Broadband Subscriptions: Wireline and Wireless,
September 2009 2
1.2 Broadband Connections Relative to Voice
Telecommunication Connections, December 2008 3
2.1 Penetration of Wireless and Wireline Broadband
Subscriptions, December 2009 21
3.1 The Dominance of Local Firms in the Search Market:
Search Properties by Query Volume 51
3.2 Strategies, Policies, and Regulations Used to
Develop Korea’s Broadband Ecosystem 52
3.3 Korea’s Broadband Infrastructure Development Policies 56
3.4 Public and Private Investments in Broadband in
Korea, 1995–2005 57
3.5 Content Promotion Plans in Korea 59
3.6 Korea’s Regulations for Broadband 61
4.1 Average Broadband Prices and Speeds in
Case Study Countries, September–October 2008 81
4.2 Performance of Case Study Countries in Selected
ICT Indexes 82
5.1 Broadband Strategies and Service Goals in the
Surveyed Countries 104
5.2 The Three Pillars of Facilitating Broadband
Demand among Users 106
6.1 Key Policies and Programs for Building the
Broadband Ecosystem 114

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