Atomic energy for military purposes; the official report on the development of the atomic bomb under the auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945
ATOMIC ENERGYFOR MILITARY PURPOSESH. D.1945, byCopyright, Smythin whole or inReproduction partauthorized and permittedPrinted in the United States ofAmericaby Maple Press, York, PennsylvaniaFOREWORDtheof the atomic bombof the development bystoryUnited States is aTHE efforts of in thecombined many groupsan enormous enter-but technical account ofhighlyfascinatingthis fromstory beingObviously military security preventsprise.there is no reason thetold in full at this time. However, whyAtomic Bomb and the basicadministrative of the Projecthistoryon which the several werescientific developmentsknowledgeavailable now to the To thisbased should not be general public.Professor H. D. isend this account Smyth presented.byscientific information which can be released toAll pertinentof nationalat this time without the needsthe violatingpublicfor additionalis contained in this volume. No requestssecurityorinformation should be made to private persons organizationsthe Persons dis-associated or withdirectly indirectly project.means whatso-or additional information by anyclosing securingare to severe underever without authorization subject penaltiesthe Act.Espionageof is due to the thousandsThe success the development manyworkmen and administrators bothof scientists, engineers,and whose silentcivilian military prolonged labor, perseverance,and whole-hearted have made the un-cooperation possibletechnical here described.accomplishmentsprecedentedL. R. ...
FOR MILITARY PURPOSESH. D.1945, byCopyright, Smyth
in whole or inReproduction part
authorized and permitted
Printed in the United States ofAmerica
by Maple Press, York, PennsylvaniaFOREWORD
theof the atomic bombof the development bystory
United States is aTHE efforts of in thecombined many groups
an enormous enter-but technical account ofhighlyfascinating
this fromstory beingObviously military security preventsprise.
there is no reason thetold in full at this time. However, why
Atomic Bomb and the basicadministrative of the Projecthistory
on which the several werescientific developmentsknowledge
available now to the To thisbased should not be general public.
Professor H. D. isend this account Smyth
scientific information which can be released toAll pertinent
of nationalat this time without the needsthe violatingpublic
for additionalis contained in this volume. No requestssecurity
orinformation should be made to private persons organizations
the Persons dis-associated or withdirectly indirectly project.
means whatso-or additional information by anyclosing securing
are to severe underever without authorization subject penalties
the Act.Espionage
of is due to the thousandsThe success the development many
workmen and administrators bothof scientists, engineers,
and whose silentcivilian military prolonged labor, perseverance,
and whole-hearted have made the un-cooperation possible
technical here described.accomplishmentsprecedented
USAMajor General,
War Department
D. C.Washington,
for our nation's rests onultimate policyresponsibility
THE and can suchits citizens discharge responsibilities wiselythey
if are informed. The citizen cannot bethey average expectedonly
to understand how an atomic bomb is constructed or howclearly
it works but there is in this a substantial ofcountry group engi-
neers and scientific men who can understand such andthings
theirwho can the ofatomic bombs to fellowexplain potentialities
citizens. The is written for thispresent report professional group
account of work in the Unitedand is a matter-of-fact, general
since 1939 aimed at the of such bombs. It isStates production
neither a documented official nor a technical treatise forhistory
have affected both the detailedexperts. Secrecy requirements
content and so thatgeneral emphasis many interesting develop-
ments have been omitted.
References to British and Canadian work are not intended to
be since this is written from the of view of thecomplete point
activities in this country.
The writer that this account is accurate,hopes substantially
thanks to from all in the he takescooperation groups project;
full for such errors as occur.mayresponsibility
Minor have been made for this edition. Thesechanges changes
consist of the variations from the as issuedfollowing report
1945: Minor clarifications and corrections inAugust 12, (1)
Inclusion of a on radioactive effectswording; (2) paragraph
issued theWar to the releaseby Department accompany originalviii Preface
of Addition of a fewthis sentences on the success of(3)report;
the health Addition of a few Additionprecautions; (4) names; (5)
of the War release on the NewAppendix 6, giving Department
Mexico test of Inclusion of the1945;July 16, (6) photographic
Inclusion of an index.section; (7)
H. D. S.
1945September 7,