Appetizer aSSIETTE dE FRomaGES Daily Cheese Plate Selection EScaRGoTS Escargots in Garlic Butter Sauce on Baguette palouRdES au vIn Blanc Steamed Clams with white wine, garlic and re aSSIETTE dE chaRcuTERIE Assortment of Pâté, Cured Meats, and Pickled conFIT dE canaRd Duck Legs Confit with a Berry Vinaigrette
soupes et sALAdes 14GRaTInéE Á l'oIGnon8 Onion Soup 12SoupE du jouR8
EntréEs RavIolI aux champIGnonS16 Shitake, Portobello and White Button Mushrooms, Sage and Black Truffle Oil *Saumon GRIlléE au pISTou18 Grilled Wild Salmon on Pesto Sauce TRuITE amandInE, haRIcoTS vERT19 Filet of trout with lemon butter sauce and almonds served on a bed of green beans RaScaSSE à la GREnoBloISE16 Fillet of Red Snapper on Diced Lemon, Capers, Brown Butter and Parsley *KoBE BuRGER14 Kobe Beef, Brie and Caramelized Onions Served with Fries *onGlET à l'échaloTTE17 Hanger Steak in Shallot Sauce * médaIllon dE BoEuF23 SaucE poIvRE vERT , FRITES Pan seared Beef medallion withgreen peppercorn sauce served with french fries poulET RôTI18 Free-range half roast chicken with fingerling potatoes and jus de poulet *côTE dE poRc GRIlléE17 Grilled Pork Chop with Lime-Mango Chutney, Balsamic Reduction
uE Îch sh herbs ES ET Eu s Salad
es M moulES aux champIGnonS ET Bacon14 Mussels in Mushrooms, Bacon, White Wine and Cream Saucce moulES maRInIÈRES14 Mussels in Onion, Celery and Thyme moulES aux poIREaux14 Mussels in White Wine and Cream Sauce with Leeks moulES pRovEncalE14 Mussels in Broth of Tomato, Garlic and Fresh Thyme
Les side dish FRITES5haRIcoTS vERTS7 French FriesGreen Beans SpEcIal oF6GRaTIn dE macaRonI7 Macaroni and Cheese á la Française ThE day
S p E c I a l SE v E n T S
W e d N e s d AYs T h r e eC o u r s eD i n n e rf o r$ 2 7 Dine off our regular menu anD choose one soup or salaD, one entrée, anD one Dessert for $27. SpecialS, Beef MedallionS & appetizerS are excluded.
s u N d AYs W i n es p e C i a l enjoy bottles of wine for 50% off when you join us for Dinner. fooD purchase must be maDe to receive wine special.
Special Events are subject to change.
les DesserTs mouSSE au chocolaT7dESSERT du jouR Chocolate MousseSpecial Dessert pRoFITERolES9TaRTE au cITRon Ice Cream Filled Puffed Pastries with Warm Chocolate SauceLemon Tart caFé lIéGEoIS8cRèmE BRûLÉe Coffee Ice Cream with Coffee Syrup,Chantilly andCrème Brûlée Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
*Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness.
20% gratuity will be added to parties of 6 or more.