THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT Established in 1977 NO. 14333 TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 / JAMADI AL-THANI 14, 1432 AH 52 PAGES 150 FILS Dogs sniff out C-4 explosives in truck at Kuwaiti port
Pakistan Taleban claim responsibilityLegal pain forGate guards seize vehicle census dodgeBy Muneef Naif Gunmen kill Saudi diplomat in KarachiKUWAIT CITY, MaySpecial to the Arab Times andAgencies 16: The Central Census KUWAIT CITY, May 16: Kuwaiti police dogs sniffed out plastic GKuAnRmAeCnHoI/nISmLoAtoMrcAycBleAsDs,hoMtaaynd16k,ill(eAdgeancSiaeus)d:is2p.ecialforcesinaPakistanimilitarytownonMayAdtemnidneisdtratthieonperiodhfaosrexplosiveshiddeninapickuptruckthatwastryingtoenteran diplomatinthePakistanicityofKarachionFourpeopleridingmotorcyclesopenedfireonexnlineregistrationuntilindustrialseaportinthecountry,securityofficialssaidonMonday. Monday,policeandtheSaudiambassadorsaid,thetheSaudidiplomat’scar,aKarachipoliceofficialonextSaturdduetotheTheysaidthedriverofthetruck,whichbelongedtothe secondattackonthemissionsincethekillingofsaid.Thediplomat,alowrankingsecurityofficial,growingdaeymandforElectricityandWaterMinistry,wastakenintocustody.They line access to the cen- described him as an Asian national but gave no further details. on “The suspected explosive material was found in a white pickup’s Osama bin Laden increased tension in the region. was on his way to the consulate when the assailants sus process, reports Al- exhaust, entering Shuaiba port on Saturday,” one of the officials waPrankeidsttahne’sUnTitaeledbSatnatecslaaigmaeindstreatstpaocnksiinbgiliittsy,claonsdestrPuacckkki.satnadn’sordienrteedrioKraramcihniisateurthocriotinedsetmonepdrovtihdeeSeyassahdailyquotingsaid,speakingonconditionofanonymity.“ThesubstanceisC4 sources. and is the size of two fingers.” apllleyAlat-lh-QeQaearedodayaah.lasfawmaiglyedaandblogoodvyercnammepnatigonftoStauodpi-a“ttthhcteaomciptlyh,etewexhtseoerrcetuiroainntyaal”yntsdotrsSoaabyubdemiriilneiatsta.inotnsaglsensteartaitoenfeudnidnsonlSinoeurcreesgisetxraptliainnedmtuhsteC4isahigh-velocitymilitaryexplosive. Arabia,thebirthplaceofitsleaderbinLaden.TherougbedonebythehoouseholdAnothersecurityofficialsaidtherewasnoimmediateindication group has also vowed to avenge his killing by US on Page 43 ContinuedContinued on Page 43the explosive was toCboentuisneude idnoanPmailgieta4nt3 in the world’s attack Pakistani volunteers look at the bullet-riddled dead body of a Saudi diplomat May 16. (AFP)GADDAFI ARREST WARRANT SOUGHT AFTER TRUCE CALL on a hospital stretcher in Karachi on OpinionavgrineMsasetorhtsrySpaiub Nakba ends with tragedyBahrain adjourns By Ahmed Al-JarallahDAMASCUS, May 16, Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times(Agencies): Syria’s brutal THE recent celebration of thecrackdown against pro-anniversary of the occupation ofdemocracy protests took Palestinian territories resulted ina chilling turn Monday a series of tragedies along thewith the discovery of a border where the so-called resist-e in Daraa ance group continues to engage ,mass grav the in war. The slogans used by thetown at the heart of group as cover fell when itgniehtnuocyrt-pterosstilronatwoforhs,mont spilled the blood of demonstra-activist said. tors. The situation is the same in A witness, meanwhile, said South Lebanon in which corpses and wounded people Hezbollah is incapable of pro- were lying on the streets of tecting the demonstrators from Tall Kalakh, a besieged west-Israeli gunshots, despite the ern town. threats from its Secretary Ammar Qurabi, head of the General. This is also the case in National Organisation for Golan Heights where the protest- Human Rights in Syria, told ers went alive and returned dead. AFP by telephone that the grim The Syrian soldiers did not take find in Daraa, which has been any step while watching the sealed off for nearly a month, Israelis spill the blood of the was made after the army people of Palestine and Syria. allowed residents to venture The demonstrators did not con- outside their homes for two sider the entry to the occupied hours daily. Syrian city of Majdal Shams an “They discovered a mass opportunity to liberate the terri- grave in the old part of town tory, as if they were not really but authorities immediately keen on liberating Golan. It cordoned off the area to pre-appears that the liberation, based vent residents from recovering on the projection of Syria, will the bodies, some of which they start from Tel Kalkh with several promised would be handed tanks firing on their houses, over later,” Qurabi said on the instead of Majdal Shams. phone from Cairo.dwosayuassK-hanabliefDominiqueStrdeinedeihcFMIYewAN.dgjukoroYkreNwy61,aMlCominainurt,siseenectnre)ttanCriatManhaimoDuqinhFMdaeKas-(hnSteusraI$1ututopaemestfenesidThe fabricated stories about He was unable to say how million pordered the IMF chief detained, t in cash and surrender all his travel documents. The judg e on Monday, despite an offer from h resistance, challenge and the lib- many bodies were found in theplane and accused of trying to rape a Manhattan hotel chambermaid. (AFP)after he was pulled off a eration of Palestine, which have mass grave.Cha carry 70-plus years in prison been spreading for 63 years and His account could not be used as slogans or justification independently verified asrges for certain actions, were exposed Syrian authorities have pre-long ago. The number of refugees vented journalists from travel-has continued to rise, instead of ing to cities and towns acrossIMF chief pleads not guilty, denied bail allowingpeopletoreturntotheirtuhneprceocuendternytetdoprreopteosrttstohnrthe homes; hence, the settlement has eat-become the ultimate alternative. ening the authoritarian rule of This has been happening due to President Bashar al-Assad. NEW YORK, May 16, (Agencies): IMF chief their long lenses aimed at him like the rifles of a firing at the luxury Sofitel hotel near Times Square, picked theefforttoprotectthesystemshadQuarlasobibseaeindktilhlaetdi3n4thpeeoppalsetaDsosamuilntiiqnugeaNSetrwauYsosr-kKahhotnelcdheanimebdermMaoind,dabyuttsheexjuuadllgyesquIandt.hecross-hairsofasexscandalthathastorpedoedShtardauwsso-nKaahwnaroruatntoftoaslieneek-uDpNSAunedvaidy,eanscepoolnicheissacildotthheesy. without touching the leaders, who destroyed the country and its five days in the towns of turned down his $1 million bail offer and ordered him to his French presidential hopes and likely ended his stellar The maid, described by police as “female, black, 32 people,asifitwereagarden.Jas“sIemfeaanrdIthnkhil,donzeeanrsDamraoar.eremainbeunhniinndbars.politicalcareer,therewasnowhereleftforStrauss-Kahnyearsold,”allegesthatataroundmiddayonSaturday, Over the last six decades, the at Arab countries have not offered casualties may be lying in near- er The st g fall from grace of one of the most pow- to hide. Strauss-Kahn shut her in his plush 500-dollar-a-night anythingtothePalestinians,bbeycawusheeaftamfiielildshaanvdenoortchbaerdesncofururnltrmoeonminwthheerewtohreld62p-layyeaerd-ooludtiSntraaupsasc-kKeadhnMsahnahraettdaanund“eHrethdeelnaiews,”thhiessleawchyaerrgBese.njHaemiinsBprraefsummanedtolidnnJoucdegnetsuitHee.“grabbed(the)informant’sbreastswithoutcon-except their service as loyal pro- es abletoaccesstheregionwhichdwroug-,usweroso.dendefendants’benchwithhoodlumsandMeBliustsathJeacjkusdogne.turneddownStrauss-Kahn’soffertoacsnhedanrt;fgoearttcseihbemleypttgesradaitbdobepdul(lthdeo)winn(ftohrem)ainntf’osrvmaagnitn’salpaarnetay,”hotshee Continued on Page 43is encircled by security troops andsnipers,”hesaid.keTnhheeagdriomfcthhearIgnetserangaatiinosntatlheMoflnaetmabryoyFauntndanwdeoreutsppuob--asgurbemeittoalrleshiidsetrwaivtehlhdioscduamuegnhttse,rpionstN$e1wmYilolriko,nobradielrianngdinfoHremtahnetn’s“fmorcib.hlytwmiacdeeacnodn.t..acwtawsitahblheistopeanciscoamndpltihseh Email: to remain in jail until the next hearing on Friday. out himdocuments prescribing up to 25 years in in court lishedIn Tall Kalakh, the western Follow me on:town besieged by the army, a witness told AFP of corpses prison for each of the two gravest allegations. “Weare obviously disappointed by the court deci- the above by using actual physical force,” it alleged. and wounded people left lying Appearing haggard and shrunken under his black rain- sion,” Brafman told reporters afterwards, but insisted: An “anal sexual conduct” allegation mentioned in the inthestreets,withlocalresi-ccooautl,dSttroauasvso-iKdathhnesgaatzaeshofena-fcaocuerdt,rdoooimngcervaemrymtehidngwihteh“TThihsebeaxttelceuthiavsejubsotabredgoufn.t”heIMFwastomeet“infor-chTarhgeteo-stseahvleeentncwtoeaunsnctnesotoafrge7afi4enrsyrteedaStrtrsoaauinsnsd-dtKehtaraheilen.cmaorrnythasimnajxaii-l se mumdents unable to recover them police mally” later Monday to discuss the Strauss-Kahn scan-officers and reporters from the international because of shelling and heavy gunfire.meTdihae.npandemonium:agroupofphotographersandddiarle,ctaorm’isdpwosiidteiospnrewadassnpoecwuluatnitoennatbhlaetatnhdehmeanwaogiunldgrifenPsterrtovesreemcdusct,oormnsseeacnwiuntoignvehletyh.weTohuebladjiulodnglayergfcuaocuelduntpa,ltlooswu2g5cgyoeenstacirunsr.g-He said many corpses were cameramen were suddenly admitted and jostled with have to resign. on Page 4Co inuedm3e ▼U S $ / K0D.27580/90alsoCboenitnignukeedptoninPraefgreig4e3 alleged victim, employed for the past three years The other, directly opposite the jet-setting politician,rated eachnt ▲Euro/K0.D3927 ■Ye n / K0D.0034Newswatch ▲British £/0K.D4485Study finds easier way See Page 41to prevent tuberculosisBRUSSELS:TheEuropean Commissioncalled on Monday for ▲KS E+27.5 ptsat closing, May 16 contributions to anEUstrategy on cloud computing, saying the ▼Dow-47.38 ptsat closing, May 16toirrebrakyengaessiaddris,solucrebutgnipoelevdofskritaafaisrelpmhtraperfoyperleophtoffciaislsyatheyhavefound,KROYWEN,61yaM):RSRT(alheSUbmem-72.colbrenuvereeheottesasggnivdlunirbaslughasselweromologycotetechn See Page 42preventing the spread of th diseThe EU executive said cloud computing could generate 35 billion ▼Nasda-q46.6 ptsat closing, May 16ocbmnitatookaentswhoase.Patieohtwesohdasfarelaswelrheerethtsmno12tusjovsmetitfonoisgurdowo)$4T9RSbRil)lioessasinepbuheluodlsnctaoi-gluretghriethdan4102ybeporuEingtcostsbynhtiervanisgoradeesblckesionnemnamtgdnrevo us ▼F T S E-2.18 ptsat closing, May 16egqouitraesl2n7a0mddraailkyrdtoaseemst,neactchotrtdairnrytdeudasehleenddteasMdnaorgUSeroveenrnmsvtitecy.ondaOTTAWA:A wildfire❑engulfedth❑etof❑Slave Lakein western own ▼Nikke-i90.47 ptsat closing, May 16kthroughihsrbae,dadntstnenoawsyelrrpveto“Nsimpew,tnegrueredeenyldTBtenaseeaistChaenfaodreaf,ucaveehtgnicrouahtno,eisrotiMonsaidday.taoinfoist70,00residentsatehtratsfotfsteirasse ofthebiggestdevelopmentsinTBretprreeastementinTwo fires had razed 2,900 hectares of nearby forests before sud-▼Gold$1,500.75per oz (London)decades,” Thomas Frieden, director of the US Centersahtytinicivehtnirsheoterethen.deatethrnowtarelnedwonnadsdtehtngtowaryshifti ▼NYMEX cru$d9e8.09 per barrelbdlbitnitoirudakgmFrychenireSnafoorfisDesaenoClortdnaPrevention,saidniasatetemtnarfhe.Tonseslersuoreninemigestvolvgriakin-nitafepnaaen,royamt’hidndW“eevaynanrawiead,”SlaveLakesrpKnagrionfehPoiwllaqyu-iKciknlynetedoltceihfurpilbeoclud ▼Brent crud$e113.01 per barrelAn image grab taken from footage uploaded by Sham SNN on YouTubec soyintotsquickl”A(PF)ehtwo.nirfhedtreersfanyawhgihssorcaeustsalgantiubsttrttahiwdnofC.“rCBadsWehrbsaetaocd 3-month $ LIBOR rate 0.260%on May 16, shows bodies in an alleged collective grave in Daraa, theContinued on Page 43 Continued on Page 43 town at the heart of protests roiling the country for two months. (AFP)