DOCTORAL COURSE EN-2.2 Optimisation methods and their applications to hydric resource systems (Integrated water resources management) Prof. Maria da Conceição Cunha Universidade de Coimbra – Portugal Total hours: 28 hours – 2 credits Examination procedure: Written Exam and Project Report 1) Introduction There many different ongoing initiatives demanding scientific and professional expertise regarding integrated water resources management (IWRM). IWRM approach as addressed by the European Water Initiative (EWI) demands conceiving and operationalising methodologies for addressing the water-related Millenium Development Goals, including halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water and sanitation. The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is very challenging and many different methodological tools should be considered for the different aspects of its operationalization. A Common Implementation Strategy through the elaboration of guidance documents is being created. The Work Package 2 regarding the Best Practices in River Basin Planning (WP2) is an example of a contribution that will facilitate the application of the WFD. This document, considers decision-aid models to be attractive tools that can help in river basin planning. They do not replace the decision procedure but they can be very helpful in structuring the analysis of all the issues involved in such problems, and identifying good decisions once ...