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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

Vince Gill a brief biography Many have dubbed Vince the un-official ambassador of country music. This isn’t his official title, of course, but it’s the role he occupies—whether he’s picking bluegrass with his boyhood heroes backstage at the Grand Ole Opry or trading jazz licks with the house band on The Late Show with David Letterman. Gill’s prodigious talent, legendary compassion and quick wit have made him the face that country music likes to show the world. Vincent Grant Gill was born April 12, 1957, in Norman, Oklahoma, the son of a federal judge and a homemaker. By the time he was in high school, he had become proficient on the banjo and guitar and was playing in his first bluegrass band. After graduation, he turned professional, working with such acts as the Bluegrass Alliance, Boone Creek, Sundance and, most famously, Pure Prairie League. For a time, Gill also toured with Rodney Crowell’s high-octane backup band, the Cherry Bombs. In 1983, he signed to RCA Records, where he scored his first solo country hits, among them “Oklahoma Borderline” and “Cinderella.” Gill moved to MCA Records in 1989. The following year, he achieved his big breakthrough with “When I Call Your Name,” which won the Country Music Association’s Single of the Year award. Since then, he has won 17 more CMA honors, including Entertainer of the Year twice and Song of the Year four times. To date, Gill has earned more CMA trophies than anyone else in history. ...
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  Vince Gill a brief biography   Many have dubbed Vince the un-official ambassador of country music.  This isnt his official title, of course, but its the role he occupieswhether hes picking bluegrass with his boyhood heroes backstage at the Grand Ole Opry or trading jazz licks with the house band onThe Late Show with David Letterman prodigious talent, legendary compassion. Gills and quick wit have made him the face that country music likes to show the world. Vincent Grant Gill was born April 12, 1957, in Norman, Oklahoma, the son of a federal judge and a homemaker. By the time he was in high school, he had become proficient on the banjo and guitar and was playing in his first bluegrass band. After graduation, he turned professional, working with such acts as the Bluegrass Alliance, Boone Creek, Sundance and, most famously, Pure Prairie League. For a time, Gill also toured with Rodney Crowells high-octane backup band, the Cherry Bombs. In 1983, he signed to RCA Records, where he scored his first solo country hits, among them Oklahoma Borderline and Cinderella. Gill moved to MCA Records in 1989. The following year, he achieved his big breakthrough with When I Call Your Name, which won the Country Music Associations Single of the Year award. Since then, he has won 17 more CMA honors, including Entertainer of the Year twice and Song of the Year four times. To date, Gill has earned more CMA trophies than anyone else in history. He hosted the nationally televised CMA awards show from 1992 - 2003. Since 1990, Gill has walked away with 17 Grammy awards. In 1991, he was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry and remains one of that revered radio shows most active members. As a recording artist, Gill has racked up sales in excess of 22 million. His high, pure tenor voice and unerring sense of harmony have made him a favorite duet recording partner for dozens of fellow artistsfrom Ralph Stanley to Barbra Streisand.  Active in a wide array of charities, one of Gills causes is the annual The Vinny pro-celebrity golf tournament, which he established in 1993 to raise money for the Junior Golf program. Gills recent projects included reuniting with the legendary Notorious Cherry Bombs, the group of famed musicians Gill played with in the late 1970s. The group released a critically-acclaimed album in 2004. Gill co-produced wife Amy Grants second hymns project,Of Ages . . . Hymns &Rock Faith,which was awarded a Grammy forBest Southern, Country, or Bluegrass Gospel Album.
Gills next project is a 4-CD set of 43 new and original songs that MCA Records will release
Oct. 17 under the titleThese Days collection is an artistic tour de force that displays Gill's. The
mastery of lyrics and musical styles, ranging from traditional country and bluegrass to jazz and rock.
These Daysfeatures such musical guests as Sheryl Crow, Diana Krall, Bonnie Raitt, Gretchen
Wilson, Del McCoury, Amy Grant, Phil Every, Lee Ann Womack, Trisha Yearwood, Emmylou Harris
and John Anderson, among others.
VINCE GILL These DaysAn Essay  This didnt start out as a set of four very different CDs. There was no plan to record forty-three original songs and gather them into an unprecedented offering of diverse, accomplished artistry. When Vince Gill went into the studio with some trusted musical colleagues back in September 2005, he intended to assemble another in a long line of first-rate albums, mixing a little hard-core country, maybe a bluegrass number or two, perhaps a sacred tune. Butthanks in part to the Beatlesthings turned out differently.  Its not that he hadntthoughtbefore about undertaking a lengthy exploration of the various musical sides of his creative self. Indeed, with an adventurousness rivaling Willie Nelsons, he had imagined releasing a bluegrass record, a country record, a contemporary record, and an instrumental record all in a row. But, for whatever reason, he had never won support for his idea, and such a series of different releases was not in the cards as this project got underway.  When Gill started in on the new album, however, something unusual and wonderful began to take shape. For starters, his prolific songwriting had given him a body of some forty new songs, from which he was to choose ten or eleven to recorda daunting task. Instead of trying to pick the winners on the front end, though, he simply went to work, determined to capture a song a day in the studio.  At this relatively relaxed pace, Vince and his musicians were free to work on arrangements, on sonic textures, on making changes that occurred to them in the democratic recording process that Gilla musician himself, after allencourages when hes in charge. This method quickly yielded remarkable resultsthe songs sounded good, and the musicians enjoyed the experience.  I had so many songs I wanted to record, and I really had no deadlines. Gill recalls, I just kept checking with the guys to see if they were available.  Five weeks later, when Gill and his musical cohorts came up for air, he discovered they had cut thirty-one songs, which meant that he would have to cull two-thirds of his work to turn in a single album. This is where the Beatles come in. Working at Blackbird Studios, some paraphernalia on the wall caught Gills eye and reminded him that the Beatles had released multiple albums in a single year. That set him to thinking. The songs he had recorded fell pretty neatly into distinct styles: traditional country songs, ballads, and some up-tempo, contemporary stuff. Why not release one album every three or four months, over the course of a year?  Gill took the idea to Luke Lewis, Universal Music Group Nashville Co-Chairman, who supported his notion of multiple releases. Since Gill had an established fan base, more albums on the market would mean more sales in a yearand the music was good. Then, when the question loomed of which batch of songs to release first, Lewis came up with an even more radical strategy: record one more set of songsVince wanted to do an album exploring acoustic sounds and bluegrassand release all four as a single package. Collectively, they would tell the story of the full depth and range of Gills creativity at this stage in his highly successful country music career. And thats what happened.  Each disc in this set explores a different musical mood, which encourages sustained listening in the same way that satellite radios musically themed stations do. Each song on these discs has been carefully shaped and formed by Gill the songwriter, Gill the musician, Gill the singer, and Gill the producer (collaborating with engineer-producer Justin Niebank and musician-producer John Hobbs).  
Gill cast the songs in the same way that a movie director would cast a film, looking for role players who would help tell the story best and give character to the finished product. Every player, every singer, every part had to ring true to his ears, to what he heard in his head. Even the backing vocalistsperhapsespeciallythe backing vocalists, considering how often Gill has been that for other singershad to mean something.   I could go sing all those harmonies myself, Gill says, but then theres only one heart, only one spirit, only one kind of thing on there. I think those textures, and the characters of Emmylou Harriss voice and Sheryl Crows voice and Bekka Bramletts voice and Amys voice are what make them more interesting to listen to. Im asking myself, What voice do I hear on here?   In one sense, Eric Clapton inspired Gill to follow his creative impulses. In 2004, Clapton called to invite him to participate in Claptons Crossroads Guitar Festival, a one-time gathering of master guitarists in Dallas. When he phoned, Clapton told Gill he was only inviting people whose work he admired. Gill follows a similar approach here, making musical artistry his yardstick. Im not ever trying to fill up my records with famous people, he says. I try to fill em up with the most talented people I can find on the face of the earth. I feel like every time you try to make something better than it could be, youre doing your job.  Gill has deftly matched his songs to the singers he asks to sing them. The Rock of Your Love is tailor-made for Bonnie Raitt, just as Take This Country Back is for John Anderson. Diana Krall loved Faint of Heart and was eager to record it. Phil Everly appreciated the Everly Brothers nod of Sweet Little Corrina. For Emmylou Harris, Vince inserted a bluebird wine reference (the title of a Rodney Crowell song that was the first track on her major label debut) into Some Things Never Get Old. The wistful If I Can Make Mississippi took on special meaning for Gill and Lee Ann Womack when they recorded it on the very day that Hurricane Katrina slammed that states Gulf Coast. And Vince says he has waited his whole life to hear the family harmony that he and daughter Jenny, now fully mature as a vocalist, got when they sang together on A River Like You and Time To Carry On.  The songs themselves range in subject matter from the sacred (Tell Me One More Time About Jesus  , co-written withand featuringMrs. Gill, Amy Grant) to the naughty (Cowboy Up, with Gretchen Wilson), to the dark (Which Way Will You Go) and daring (Molly Brown). In style, theyre as quiet as Almost Home (featuring Guy Clark), as lush as What You Dont Say (with LeAnn Rimes, and strings arranged by David Campbell, Becks father) or This Memory of You (also with Campbell-arranged strings, and guest vocalist Trisha Yearwood), and as rowdy as Smiling Song (Michael McDonald) or Dont Pretend With Me (one of a half-dozen recordings graced by steel guitar legend Buddy Emmons).  Finally, though, it comes down to this: never has a country artist so fully exploredor revealedhis creative soul in a single work. WithThese Days, Gill makes a major statement about who he is and where his musical journey has brought him. I am as passionate today as I have ever been about playing music, he says. The proof is in these four outstanding discs. I believe Im better now than Ive ever been, and my wish is for everybody to come along on this journey and really get the opportunity to see what Im doing. The crux of it, for me, is that the desire and dream have not waned one bit. I am still moved by music, and wish others to be as well.      
Vince Gills Tour Reflects Diversity ofThese DaysAlbum    Will Draw on Man Musicians as He Moves from St le to St le                NASHVILLE8/31/2006--Welcome to Vince-O-Rama.    Millions of fans know Vince Gill as the witt and s ellbindin master of countr music. But on his u cominThese Da s Tour ewel see more sides of this musical than a diamond cutter could reveal., the re oin to    The tour heralds the Oct. 17 release of GillsThese Da s all of which thealbum, a 4-CD collection of 43 new son s, sin er wrote or co-wrote. Each CD in the set s otli hts a different st le of music, ran in from countr to blue rass to azz-inflected o to strai ht-out rock n roll. Gill launched this artistic tour de force with the sin le The Reason Wh , which features the an elic uest vocals of Alison Krauss.    Other uest artists on the album include Sher l Crow, Bonnie Raitt, Diana Krall, Rodne Crowell, Phil Everl , the Del McCour Band, Emm lou Harris, John Anderson, Lee Ann Womack, Jenn Gill, Am Grant, LeAnn Rimes, Gretchen Wilson, Gu Clark, Trisha Yearwood, Bekka Bramlett, Michael McDonald, and steel- uitar master Budd Emmons.    To showcase the new son s on his tourwhile still coverin his most-re uested standardsGill and his musical director, John Hobbs, have desi ned a four-se ment erformance with a shiftin cast of nearl 20 musicians and back round sin ers. Gill will be in each se ment with selections from his hits and then introduce, in turn, new material from the four CDs that make u the album. The are Some Thin s Never Get OldThe Countr & Western Record, Little BrotherThe Acoustic Record, The Reason Wh The Groovin Record, and Workin On A Bi ChillThe Rockin Record. The show will run for a roximatel three and a half hours, includin an intermission.    In s ite of size and len th of the show, Gill has insisted on kee in the ticket rices affordable. Vince wants this to be a show that cou les and families can en o , sa s his mana er, Terr Elam of the Fitz erald-Hartle Co. On the three-tier ricin s stem in lace throu hout the tour, tickets will to out at around $50.     Gill will be backed b a core band made u of Jeff White, uitar and vocals; Bill Thomas, drum and vocals; Pete Wasner and John Hobbs, ke boards; Tom Britt, electric uitar; Michael Rhodes, bass; and Dawn Sears, back round vocals.     Additional la ers, who will be brou ht in as the musical st les shift, are Charlie Cushman, ban o, acoustic uitar, mandolin, dobro; Al Anderson, electric uitar, acoustic uitar, vocals; Russ Pahl, steel uitar; Deanie Richardson, fiddle; Dou Moffit, baritone sax; Mark Douthit, tenor and alto sax; Mike Ha nes, trum et; Barr Green, trombone and horn leader and Bekka Bramlett, backu vocals.     Its been like castin a movie, Gill sa s of uttin his musicians to ether. All these u s are endlessl talented.     TheThese Da Tour s as u s 7-9 at the Las Ve Dec.starts Oct. 16 at the Nokia Theatre in New York Cit wra and Hilton Theater. Here is the com lete itinerar :     
             s TourVince Gill s These Da    10/16 New York, NY Nokia Theatre Times S uare 10/19 Worcester, MA Mechanics Hall 10/20 Glenside, PA Keswick Theatre 10/21 Detroit, MI Fox Theatre 10/23 Columbus, OH Palace Theatre 10/24 Louisville, KY Whitne Hall 10/25 South Bend, IN Morris Performin Arts Center 10/26 Milwaukee, WI Riverside Theatre 10/27 St. Paul, MN O'Shau hness Auditorium 10/28 Chica o, IL Chica o Theatre 10/30 Dallas, TX Me erson S m hon Center 10/31 Fa etteville, AR Walton Arts Center 11/2 Mobile, AL Saen er Theater Performin Arts 11/3 Duluth, GA The Arena At Gwinnett Center 11/4 Charlotte, NC Ovens Auditorium 11/8 Mesa, AZ Mesa Arts Center 11/11 Escondido, CA California Center For The Arts 11/12 Los An eles, CA The Wiltern 11/14 Bakersfield, CA Fox Theater 11/16 Seattle, WA Paramount Theatre 11/17 Portland, OR Roseland Theater 11/18 S okane, WA INB Performin Arts Center 11/20 Salt Lake Cit , UT Abravanel Hall 11/21 Denver, CO Paramount Theatre 12/7-9 Las Ve as, NV Las Ve as Hilton Theater          Contacts: Alison Auerbach / AAPR / 615.269.6440 Erin Morris / Morris Public Relations / 615.952.9250 Re ina Stuve / MCA Records / 615.524.7543 Jason Owen / MCA Records / 615.524.7563  
# # # 
P.O. Box 210588 Nashville TN 37221-0588 Phone: 615 952-9250 
 Vince Gill Launches HisThese Days 4-CD, Multi- enre Set With New Single-"The Reason Why"-and National Tour    To listen to the new single click on Vince's photo                    NASHVILLE - August 8, 2006-- Vince Gill opened the curtain on his landmark 4-CD album,These Days,Aug. 7 with the release of "The Reason Why," his first new single in two years. Then, on Oct. 16, the day before the album debuts, he embarks on a 25-date tour that takes him from New York City to Los Angeles and then back to Las Vegas for a three-day finale.     Even for an endlessly inventive entertainer like Gill, the announcement that his next MCA Records album would contain four discs instead of one--and that it would embrace country, bluegrass, rock and jazz--came as a surprise.    Fueling the excitement, of course, is the fact thatThese Daysgleams with guest performances by more than 20 of the most revered artists in popular music. Among these are Sheryl Crow, Bonnie Raitt, Diana Krall, Rodney Crowell, Phil Everly, the Del McCoury Band, Emmylou Harris, John Anderson, Lee Ann Womack, Amy Grant, LeAnn Rimes, Gretchen Wilson, Guy Clark, Trisha Yearwood, Bekka Bramlett, Michael McDonald and steel-guitar virtuoso Buddy Emmons.    Remarkably, Gill wrote or co-wrote every one of the 43 songs onThese Days. He also co-produced the musical treasure chest with fabled keyboardist John Hobbs and sound engineering master Justin Niebank.    Here are the tour dates and venues:  10/16 New York, NY Nokia Theatre Times Square 10/19 Worcester, MA Mechanics Hall 10/20 Glenside, PA Keswick Theatre 10/21 Detroit, MI Fox Theatre 10/23 Columbus, OH Palace Theatre 10/24 Louisville, KY Whitney Hall 10/25 South Bend, IN Morris Performing Arts Center 10/26 Milwaukee, WI Riverside Theatre 10/27 St. Paul, MN O'Shaughnessy Auditorium 10/28 Chicago, IL Chicago Theatre 10/30 Dallas, TX Meyerson Symphony Center 10/31 Fayetteville, AR Walton Arts Center 11/2 Mobile, AL Saenger Theater Ctr. For The Living Arts
11/3 Duluth, GA Gwinnett Performin Arts Center 11/4 Charlotte, NC Ovens Auditorium 11/8 Mesa, AZ Mesa Arts Center 11/11 Escondido, CA California Center For The Arts 11/12 Los An eles,CA The Wiltern LG 11/14 Bakersfield, CA The Fox Theater 11/16 Seattle, WA The Paramount Theatre 11/17 Portland, OR Roseland Theater 11/18 S okane, WA INB Performin Arts Center 11/20 Salt Lake Cit , UT Abravanel Hall 11/21 Denver, CO Paramount Theatre 12/7-9 Las Ve as, NV Las Ve as Hilton Theater    Contact: Alison Auerbach / AAPR / 615.269.6440 Erin Morris / Morris Public Relations / 615.952.9250 Re ina Stuve / Universal Music Grou / 615.524.7543     
P.O. Box 210588 Nashville TN 37221-0588 Phone: 615 952-9250   This email was sent you continue receiving our emails, please add us to your address book or safeTo ensure that  list.  manageyour preferences |opt outusingTrueRemove®.  Got this as a forward?Sign upto receive our future emails. powered b  
(Gold) (Gold) (Platinum) (Platinum) (Triple Platinum)
  VINCE GILL CAREER STATISTICS  ALBUM DISCOGRAPHY 2006 These Days(MCA Records) 2003 Next Big Thing(MCA Records) 2000 Lets Make Sure We Kiss Goodbye(MCA Records) 1998 Breath Of Heaven(MCA Records) 1998 The Key(MCA Records) 1997 Vintage Gill (RCA Records) 1997 35 All Time Favorites(BMG Special Products) 1996 High Lonesome Sound(MCA Records) 1996 Super Hits (RCA Records) 1995 Souvenirs(MCA Records) 1995 The Essential Vince Gill (RCA Records) 1994 Vince Gill And Friends (RCA Records) 1994 Turn Me Loose(re-release) (RCA Records) 1994 When Love Finds You(MCA Records) 1993  Let There Be Peace On Earth(MCA Records) 1992 I Still Believe In You(Video Hits) (MCA) 1992 I Still Believe In You(MCA) 1992 I Never Knew Lonely- Greatest Hits (RCA) 1991 Pocket Full Of Gold(MCA Records) 1989 When I Call Your Name(MCA Records) 1989 The Best Of Vince Gill(RCA Records) 1987 The Way Back Home(RCA Records) 1985 The Things That Matter(RCA Records) 1984 Turn Me Loose(EP) (RCA Records) 1982 Here Today(Gill, David Grisman, Herb Pedersen, Jim Buchanan and Emory Gordy) (Rounder Records)  PURE PRAIRIE LEAGUE 1995The Best Of Pure Prairie League(Mercury Records) 1981 Something In The Night(Mercury Records) 1980 Firin' Up (Casablanca Records) 1979 Can't Hold Back (RCA Records)  BLUEGRASS/EARLY RECORDINGS 1975 Bluegrass Alliance:Kentucky Blue(American Heritage) 1975 Mountain Smoke:On Blue Ridge
(Quadruple Platinum) (Double Platinum) (Platinum) (5x Platinum) (Gold) (Double Platinum) (Double Platinum) (Platinum)
SOUNDTRACKS Honeymoon In Vegas 8 Seconds Maverick Indecent Proposal Ghosts Of Mississippi Switchback Long Journey Home Prince Of Egypt For The Love Of The Game Tin Cup The Apostle  VARIOUS ARTISTS ALBUMS Kermit Unpigged Mama's Hungry Eyes: A Tribute To Merle Haggard George Jones: The Bradley Barn Sessions Common Thread: The Songs Of The Eagles Red Hot & Country Asleep At The Wheel Tribute To The Music Of Bob Wills And The Texas Playboys The Essential Series- A Sampler One Voice Rhythm, Country & Blues Mark O'connor And The New Nashville Cats The Festival Tapes- Tellulive Sounds Of Wood And Steel  DUETS If It Werent For Him with Rosanne Cash Oklahoma Swing with Reba McEntire The Heart Wont Lie with Reba McEntire House Of Love with Amy Grant Matters Of The Heart with Michael McDonald Aint Nothing Like The Real Thing with Gladys Knight I Will Always Love You with Dolly Parton If You Ever Leave Me with Barbra Streisand My Kind Of Woman/My Kind Of Man with Patty Loveless When I Look Into Your Heart with Amy Grant  *Vince has performed on over 500 other artists albums.
TOP-10 HITS    SINGLE TITLE: ALBUM TITLE: 2000Feels Like Love Make Sure We Kiss Lets  (writer: Vince Gill) Goodbye  1998You Ever Have Forever In MindIf  The Key  (writers: Vince Gill/Troy Seals)  1997"You and You Alone" Lonesome Sound High  (writer: Vince Gill)   "A Little More Love" High Lonesome Sound  (writer: Vince Gill)  1996"Worlds Apart" High Lonesome Sound  (writers: Vince Gill/Bob DiPiero)   "Pretty Little Adriana" Lonesome Sound High  (writer: Vince Gill)  1995"Which Bridge to Cross (Which Bridge to Burn)" Love Finds You When  (writers: Vince Gill/Bill Anderson)   "You Better Think Twice" Love Finds You When  (writers: Vince Gill/Reed Nielsen)  1994"Whenever You Come Around" When Love Finds You  (writers: Vince Gill/Pete Wasner)   "What the Cowgirls Do" Love Finds You When  (writers: Vince Gill/Reed Nielsen)   "When Love Finds You" Love Finds You When  (writers: Vince Gill/Michael OMartian)   "Tryin' To Get Over You" I Still Believe In You  (writer: Vince Gill)  1993"The Heart Won't Lie" (with Reba McEntire)        "No Future In the Past" Still Believe In You I  (writers: Vince Gill/Carl Jackson)   "One More Last Chance" I Still Believe In You  (writers: Vince Gill/Gary Nicholson)  1992"I Still Believe In You" Still Believe In You I  (writers: Vince Gill/John Barlow Jarvis)   "Don't Let Our Love Start Slippin' Away" Still Believe In You I  (writers: Vince Gill/Pete Wasner)   "Take Your Memory With You" Pocket Full Of Gold  (writer: Vince Gill)  1991"Pocket Full of Gold" Pocket Full Of Gold  (writers: Vince Gill/Brian Allsmiller)   "Liza Jane" Pocket Full Of Gold  (writers: Vince Gill/Reed Nielsen)   "Look At Us" Full Of Gold Pocket  (writers: Vince Gill/Max D. Barnes)  
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