:c-pm^^^a-:/f^'ji'xi~.f] :(1t^ ft??Ä ^^m, ^t mr^ m» f3 3ê JtftTHEJOURNALOF THECOLLEGE OF SCIENCEIMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO.Vol. XLI.PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVEESITY.TOKYO. JAPAN.1917—1921.TAISHO 6-10.Committee,PublishingDirector of the CollegeProf. Bigakuhakushi, (exS. Goto, officio).Prof. I. Ijima, Ph. D., Bigakuhakushi.Prof. F. Ömori, Bigakuhakushi.Prof. S. Watasé, Ph. D., Bigakuhakushi.— — —CONTENTS.:and Tukamoto1. T. Terada, M. ]\iuti J. On diural variation ofArt.Publ. November 20th, 1917.barometric pressure.:Y. Shibata and T. Muraki Mesotomisation of diammine-Art. 2.complex and determination of the configura-dinitro-oxalo-cobaltdiammine-tetranitro-cobalt complex.tions ofthis complex and ofNovember 30th, 1917.Publ.: on the distrib ition of theArt. 3. K. Hirayama —Researches meanWifJi 1 plate. Publ. March 30th,motions of the asteroids.1918.:4. M. Kuntieda —Asymptotic formulae for oscillating Dirichlet'sArt.Publ. April 30th, 1919.coefificients of power series.integrals and:Ishimoto and M. Imamura —On the effectT. Terada, M. ofArt. 5.Publ. June 13th,topography on the precipitation in Japan.1919.:Y. Shibata Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption desArt. 6.III. Spectres desammine-complexes métalliques.chrome et de cuivre. Avec 18sels complexes de nickel, dePubl. March 20th, 1920.figures.:7. Yamada Magnetic separations of the lines of iron, nickelArt. K. —Publ. Februarydifferent fields. With 20 plates.and zinc in28th, 1921.of ...