iri î^Tl '^^ ^:^ nàm m m»Ä E3 SêTHEJOURNALOF THECOLLEGE OE SCIENCE,IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO.Vol. XL.'7f? ± <^ r^n ftm M mPUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY.TOKYO, JAPAN.1917-1913.6-7.TAISHOCommittee.PublishingLL. D., Rigahukalcuslii, Director of the College {ex officio).Prof. J. SakLirai,Prof. P^f- D-, Rigakuhakushi.Ijima,I.BtgnhJtahfsJà.Prof. F. Omori,Prof. ^^'- lUgakuhakn^/n.S. Watase, ^^mCONTENTS.T. Doi:—Art. 1. Über die Sonnen- und Schattenblätter einiger3/// andBäume. 1 Tafel 4 Iciifigurev. Publ. June 20tli, 1917.H. Xakam > :Art. 2. —Untersuchungen über die Entwicklungs- undTnùi.iErnährungsphysiologie einiger Chlorophyceen. Mit -J.9und TextfiçiumL. Pub!. Xov. 2.5tJi, 1917.—^". Yatsl:Art. 3. Notes on the Chartjhdeaphysiology ofrasfonii. Wit/i ô fc.vtfigure.^. Pull. Decemher 5rî.. 1917.H. Hatj.>i;i :Art. 4. -Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen über einigeMit G Tajrln. Puhl,japanische Wasserleitungen. Dcember30tli, 1917.Y. ïoDA : ScldstosteyaArt. 5. -Physiological Studies on os-mundr(cea ^Vith 2 plufcf (ind 2 fe.rtfigtu-f-s.(Dicks.) Mohr.Publ. :NLavli aist, 1918.I. Ikeda and Y. OzAia:—Art. 6. Notes on a new Boveria species,Boveria labialis H7//( 21 l'ull. 2ötb,n. sp. tcxtficpircs. May1918.:—A. MATsoruiuArt. 7. Contributions to the ethnography of Mic-'iVith 36 and 72 textßgure.s.ronesia. liâtes PiiM. Dcceinber lorji,1918.:—Art. A. Kryshtofovich8. On the cretaceous flora of RussianWith lo te.rfßg,u-e.-<. Publ. A])ril l-nli, 1918 ...