Since its conception in 1987, quite a evidence of enhanced performance follo-numberofstudieshavebeenundertakwei n g consumption of Red Bull. Ever bydoctorsandscientistswhoarerenosiwn-ceRedBullwasintroducedtothe ned in their particular fields to under-market, it has been used by champions in stand the physiological significance ofboth recreational and competitive sports Red Bull Energy Drink and its unique to achieve improved performance. combinationofingredients.ThesestuIdnieasdditiontotheresultsobtainedfrom indicate that Red Bull Energy Drink scientific studies, the ongoing partner-produces a significant increase in bothship between a wide variety of athletes physical performance and cognitive and Red Bull is testimony to the claim functions. The studies, some of whichthat Red Bull actually works. were carried out on top athletes, provided
The Institute of Sport Sciences at determine the pumping capacity of the the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universithyeart. They found a significant increase in Frankfurt took this working hypo- in performance at the maximum intensity thesisandverifieditinafurtherstudlyevel,confirmingthepreviousfindings, with17amateursportsmen.Apartfroalmongwithaconcurrentsignificantly endurance, they also looked at the higher oxygen uptake in the Red Bull maximumoxygenuptake(VO2max),graoupcomparedtothecontrolgroup parameter which is used to indirectly(Fig. 2) 2) .
Fig. 2: Maximum oxygen uptake 2 ( m V a O) x
Cont grou
ml/kg/min 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
Another study of physical perfor- increase in aerobic endurance capacity at mancebynon-athleteswasconductetdhaethighestintensitylevelfollowing the Department of Psychology, Univera-dministration of Red Bull versus the sity of the West of England, Bristol. control drink (Fig. 3). This study demonstrated a significant
Fig. 3: A
Control group
sec. 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120
Björn Dunkerbeck/NED, windsurfing
t S s ummary obtainedbyGermanresearchersandoRnecdeBullisanenergydrinkthatimproves againdemonstratestheroleofRedBulelnidnuranceatmaximumintensitylevels. boosting enduranc 3) e . Athletic performance, and endurance in Improvedpumpingcapacityoftheparticular,dependsonanoptimumsupply heart increases the maximum oxygen of energy. Athletes need proper training uptake,whichleadstoimprovedperfora-ndnutritiontomaximisetheirperfor-mance(endurance).Thepumpingcapamciatynce.Inadditiontopropersportsnutri-oftheheartcanbedetermineddirectltyiobny,adequatefluidintake(water,etc.)is means of ultrasonic tests (echocardioc- ritical, especially during intensive sport graphy).Thistypeoftestingwascarriedactivities.Withoutadequatefluidintake, outbytheInstituteofSportsMedicineina t ense physical activity may lead to theUniversityofPaderborninGermanydehydration.AsRedBullhasnotbeen toestablishtheeffectofRedBullEnefrogrymulatedtodeliverre-hydration,we Drink on heart performance. Subjects encourage people who are engaged in weregivendifferentdrinksatrest,befsorpeorttoalsodrinklotsofwaterduring and shortly after maximum exertion. Itintense exercise. was shown that the cardiac stroke volume (the quantity of blood pumped into the Red Bull Energy Drink increases arteries with each heartbeat) was high e er ndurance. after taking Red Bull Energy Drink than after the placebo and control d 4 r ) inks.
Markus Kröll/AUT, mountain running
Red Bull makes champions.
Evenathleteswhoareextremelyfitfaeilverydaylife.Theyarefactorswhich to give their best performance if theydetermine one’s success or failure. lose concentration during sporting Red Bull Energy Drink contains sub-activity. Attention or vigilance, concens-tances which have a positive influence tration and reaction time reflect the on mental strength. This has been mental capacity of the brain and can demonstrated by various working play a critical role in winning or losin g raoups applying neuro-physiological game or ra.ce and neuro-psychological tests. Whilst it is relatively easy for an athle te The Institute for Sports Medicine at to evaluate his or her physical streng t h e, University of Paderborn in Germany it is considerably more difficult to used EEG (electroencephalography) to determine one’s mental strength. It isanalyse the influence of Red Bull Energy often only during the analysis after aDrink on brain activity. Thirteen athletes defeatthatathletesrecognisetheexi-wererecruitedforthisstudy,which stence of problems like lack of attent i onnv,olvedtestingonacycleergometer.The concentration and/or delayed reactiontest consisted of three trials, and the time. This can be a real problem for volunteers were given a placebo (carbohy-athletes.Thesecretliesingoodmentdarlatesolution),acontroldrink(carbohy-preparation, adequate sleep, rest an d rate solution with caffeine) or Red Bull relaxation, and adequate sports nutri(-verum) before the test. The results reve-tion. Optimising these elements has aled the greatest increase in readiness beenshowntoenhancementalpowerp.otential–whichindicatesalertnessand Enhanced mental focus, together withconcentration – after drinking Red Bull fiercedetermination,arecriticalfactoErnse,rgyDrinkcomparedtothecontrol not only in sport but also in and placebo drin 5 k ) s.