Do These Jeans Make Me Look Fat? Shopping for clothes is a blast. After all, you’re spending money and buying clothes that should make you look great and feel good, right? Sure – if you’re one of those people that has the body of the perfect model. It seems like most of the clothes out there are for women that are 5’6”, barely tip the scales, and have plenty of breasts to fill out shirts but thighs that slip right into skin-hugging jeans. For the rest of us women, the ones who have boobs two sizes too big or none at all, the female fashion plates that sport lovely labels like “pears” or “apples”, clothes shopping can be a frustrating venture. Some of us have kids, which means that tailored outfit worth $500 is just a dream. It’d fit perfectly, but sporting cookie crumbs, spit-up and greasy fingerprints isn’t the ideal of style. So what’s a girl to do? Settle for glamorous sweatpants, baggy t-shirts, and avoid public places? No way. Just shop smart! If It Doesn’t Fit, Don’t Buy It Plenty of people fall in love with a piece of clothing and try to stuff themselves into something that doesn’t fit well. Nice jeans, but if your caboose looks twice as wide in them, why are you spending money to look worse? Because everyone else wears those style of jeans? Because that’s all you can find? Come on, get real. If something is too tight across your chest, too short on the torso, or sags at your bum, don’t buy it. If you do find something that fits ...