f,.4CORPUS INSCRIPTIONUM INDICARUMVOL. VINSCRIPTIONSOFTHE VÂKÂTAKASARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIACORPUS INSCRIPTIONUM INDICARUMVOL. VINSCRIPTIONSOFTHE VlKÂTAKASEDITED BYVasudev Vîshnu Mîrashi, M.A., D.Lîtt»Hony Piofessor of Ancient Indian History & CultureUniversity of NagpurGOVERNMENT EPIGRAPHIST FOR INDIAOOTACAMUND196340-00Rs.Pnce:ARGHAEOLOGIGAL SURVEY OF INDIAPLATES PRINTED BV THE BIRECTOK, SHRVEV O. INDIA, EASTERN CIRCLE, CALCU'LETI^RPRESS PRINTED AT THE JOB PRESS PRIVATE LTD, KANPURPREFACEafter the publication of the Inscriptions the Kalachun-Chëdi Era (Corpusof Inscrip-SOONtionum Indicarum, Vol IV)m I1955, thought of preparing a corpus of the inscriptions ofthe Vâkâtakas for the Vâkàtaka dynasty was the most, glorious one m the ancient historyofVidarbha, where I hâve spent the best part ofmy life, and I had already edited or re-editedmore than half the number of its records I soon completed the work and was thmkingof gettmg it pubhshedj when Shri A Ghosh, Director General of Archaeology, who thenhappened to bem Nagpur, came to know of it He offered to pubhsh it as Volume V ofthe Corpus Inscripùonum Indicarum Séries I was veiy glad to avail myself of the offerand submitted the work to the Archaeological Departmentm 1957 It was soon approved.The order for prmting it was given to the Job Press (Private) Ltd Kanpur,, on the 7th1958 Owmg to varionsJuly, difficulties, the work ofprmtmg went on very slowly I amglad to find that it ...