Archer j p martin nobel lecture








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AR C H E RJ. P. MA R T I N The development of partition chromato graphy Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1952 The subject of partitio nchro mato grap hyhas now an extensive literature and I ccasio nsuch as this it is better to dfeel on an oo fescribe the develo pment the method rather than to summarize the presentpo sitio no rto attemptto p utfo rw ardany of the more recent advances, which have been described elsew here.Perhap sind eed ,if enough histories, written while the ideas are still fresh in the minds of the peo p leco ncerned ,are available for a variety of d isco verieso rinventio ns,it may eventually be possible to lay do w nso meo f the princip lesrequired to facilitate the obtaining of fruitful results in scientific research in general. Clearly also the background of know led geat the time the advance was made will be best understo o dif the history is as recent as possible. Partitio nchro mato graphyresulted from the marrying of two techniques, that of chromato graphyand thato fco untercurrentso lventextractio n.A llo f the ideas are simple and had peoples’ minds been directed thatw aythe metho dw o uldhave flourished perhap sa century earlier. In fact the minds of labo rato ryw o rkersseem to have been closed to countercurrent proced ures, w hichw eread o p tedin industry, e.g. in distillatio nand lixiviation, long befo rethey were generally used in the laborato ry.
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The develo pment o f partitio n chro mato graphy
Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1952
The subject o f p artitio n chro mato grap hy has no w an extensive literature and Iccasio n such as this it is better to d feel o n an o o fescribe the d evelo pment the metho d rather than to summarize the present po sitio n o r to attempt to p ut fo rw ard any o f the mo re recent ad vances, w hich have been d escribed elsew here. Perhap s ind eed , if eno ugh histo ries, w ritten w hile the id eas are still fresh in the mind s o f the p eo p le co ncerned , are available fo r a variety o f d isco veries o r inventio ns, it may eventually be po ssible to lay d o w n so me o f the p rincip les required to facilitate the o btaining o f fruitful results in sci entific research in general. Clearly also the backgro und o f kno w led ge at the time the ad vance w as mad e w ill be best und ersto o d if the histo ry is as recent as po ssible. Partitio n chro mato graphy resulted fro m the marrying o f tw o techniques, that o f chro mato graphy and that o f co untercurrent so lvent extractio n. A ll o f the ideas are simple and had peo ples’ minds been directed that w ay the meth o d w o uld have flo urished p erhap s a century earlier. In fact the mind s o f labo rato ry w o rkers seem to have been clo sed to co untercurrent pro ced ures, w hich w ere ad o p ted in ind ustry, e.g. in d istillatio n and lixiviatio n, lo ng be fo re they w ere generally used in the labo rato ry. In ind ustry the use o f the co untercurrent p rincip le led to great eco no mies in heat and so lvents, and its value w as o bvio us: in the labo rato ry such eco no mies are o f co mp aratively little imp o rtance and the mo re subtle p o int that by its aid a vast imp ro ve ment in certain d ifficult sep aratio ns co uld be effected w as no t ap p reciated . Ind eed it is o nly w ithin the last tw enty years that high efficiency d istillatio n apparatus has been available in the labo rato ry and tw entyfive years elapsed after Tsvett’ s classical w o rk o n chro mato graphy befo re the latter metho d w as p ut to general use. Synge and I w ere fo rtunate to w o rk at a time w hen the need fo r new metho ds w as apparent to many peo ple, so that o ur metho ds hav e gained general accep tance in ten years. I w as fascinated by fractio nal d istillatio n as a metho d w hile still a scho o l bo y, and built in the cellar o f my ho me, w hich w as my co mbined w o rksho p and labo rato ry, d istillatio n co lumns, p acked w ith co ke o f grad ed size, so me
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