Americans justified in celebrating Osama's death








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Americans justified in celebrating Osama's death
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The Island
Americans justified in celebrating Osama’s death
inister DEW Gunasekera is right. Last night and today, there is a sense of M euphoria and people all across the USA are celebrating the death of America’s most wanted terrorist leader.The similarities of the outpouring of emotions are amazing. The vic tim’s families are happy that there is some clo sure. Ordinary Americans are waving flags, peo ple blogging on the internet, people waving flags and driving around in major cities and even on a smaller key in small towns as well. It is fully worth noting it. This is how normal humans being are when given good news in tough times. The American public waited 10 years to avenge the attacks on 9.11; Kenyans also waited so long for the bomb attacks organ ized by Bin Laden in Kenya without respect for ordinary lives.Bin Laden was an unrelenting unrepenting man like Prabakaran. Bin Laden was a dangerous person who wanted to estab lish an Islamic Caliphate and fancied himself as a mediaevalwarrior God. Who else did we know who wanted a racially exclusive state for a Sun God and considered himself invincible
and had a cult following and sent innocent brainwashed people to their deaths blowing themselves up for an extremist cause? Americans have every right to celebrate just like all Sri Lankans who were against sepa ratism and racially exclusive nations had that right in May 2009. There is another amazing similarity between the two military operations. To pre vent martyrdom for Bin Laden the master ter rorist, the US disposed of his body by dumping it in the ocean. Sri Lanka did a similar thing for similar reasons. Prabakaran and his cohort’s bodies would have been gathering grounds for Eelam supporters. Another fact is that not only did the great American Special Forces kill Bin Laden; they killed one of his sons in combat and also a woman who was shamefully used as a human shield. Mr. DEW Gunasekera was absolutely right. This week, all Americans are happy and celebrating the end of this monster but they too realize that they have to remain vigilant. There is no triumphalism in the US or Sri Lanka. Justlike how President Rajapaske stat
ed, that war was not against Tamils, Obama reiterated that this attack was not an attack on Muslims. Just like Prabakaran killed more Tamils than anyone else, Bin Laden and his ter rorists killed more innocent Muslim people than anyone else.No difference. This is some thing Butenis and Blake should take into account very carefully. We taxpaying Americans are watching your double standards and double speak closely. Mano Ratwatte USA
S President Obama informed the world onattacks against us. We must  and we will  Sunday night that US forces had killedremain vigilant at home and abroad. forUces too killed a terrorist, a ruthless murderer.Lanka is not  and never will be  at war with Osama Bin Laden. Two years ago, SL“As we do, we must also reaffirm that Sri With apologies to President Obama, we canTamil people. I’ve made clear, just as our earlier recast his speech with Sri Lankan Presidentleaders that our war is not against Tamil people. Mahinda Rajapaksa as the speaker announcingPrabhakaran was not a Tamil leader; he was a Prabhakaran’s death. Here we go:mass murderer of Tamils. Indeed, LTTE has “Good evening. Today, I can report to the Srislaughtered scores of Tamils and forced them to Lanka people and to the world that Sri Lankafight for him and also used the innocent Tamil has conducted an operation that killedpeople as human shields to protect himself. So Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of LTTE andhis demise should be welcomed by all who a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder ofbelieve in peace and human dignity. thousands of innocent men, women, and chil“The Sri Lankan people did not choose this dren. fight.It came to our shores, and started with the 25 years of our days have been darkened bysenseless slaughter of our citizens. After nearly the ruthless attacks on the Sri Lanka people in30 years of service, struggle, and sacrifice, we our history. The images of January 1996 whenknow well the costs of terrorism. These efforts the Central Bank was bombed and hundreds ofweigh on me every time I, as Commanderin innocent people were killed; the massacres atChief, have to sign a letter to a family that has the Sacred Bo tree; the indiscriminate killings atlost a loved one, or look into the eyes of a serv the Maradana and Pettah bus stands and theice member who’s been gravely wounded. Dehiwala railway station, the gunning down of“So Sri Lankans understand the costs of ter Buddhist monks at Aranthalawa are seared intororism. Yet as a country, we will never tolerate Mahinda our national memory – including planes cuttingour security being threatened, nor stand idly by through a cloudless March sky in 2007.when our people have been killed. We “And yet we know that the worstwill be relentless in defence of our the world. The empty seat at the dinBattling terror:that make us who we are. And on images are those that were unseen tocitizens. We will be true to the values ner table; children who were forced tonights like this one, we can say to grow up without their mother or theirthose families who have lost loved Obama and father; parents who would never knowones to LTTE terror: Justice has been the feeling of their child’s embrace.done. Nearly 60,000 citizens taken from us,“Tonight, we give thanks to the leaving a gaping hole in our hearts.countless intelligence and counterter During this time of our grief, therorism professionals who’ve worked Mahinda Sri Lanka people came together. Wetirelessly to achieve this outcome. offered our neighbours a hand, and weThe Sri Lankan people do not see offered the wounded our blood. Wetheir work, nor know their names. reaffirmed our ties to each other, andBut tonight, they feel the satisfaction our love of community and country. Rightof their work and the result of their pursuit of throughout this terrible period, no matter wherejustice. we came from, what God we prayed to, or what“We give thanks for the men who carried out race or ethnicity we were, we were united as onethis operation, for they exemplify the profes Sri Lanka family.sionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage “We were also united in our resolve to proof those who serve our country. And they are tect our nation and to bring those who commitpart of a generation that has borne the heaviest ted these vicious attacks and killings to justice.share of the burden since the LTTE started The killing of innocents in our country and akilling innocent civilians. leader of our friendly neighbour were done by“Finally, let me say to the families who lost LTTE. Failing all attempts to bring about aloved ones during the period of terror that we peaceful resolution, even with the assistance ofhave never forgotten your loss, nor wavered in international community, we were committed toour commitment to see that we do whatever it end this madness to protect our citizens and ourtakes to prevent terrorism on our shores. friends. “Andtonight, let us think back to the sense of “Over the last 2 years, thanks to the tirelessunity that prevailed during the dark days of ter and heroic work of our military and our counror. I know that it has, at times, frayed. Yet terterrorism professionals, we’ve made greattoday’s achievement is a testament to the great strides in that effort. We’ve disrupted terroristness of our country and the determination of attacks and strengthened our homeland defence.the Sri Lankan people. In the Eastern Province we removed the LTTE“The cause of securing our country is not terror, which had given Prabhakaran and LTTEcomplete. But tonight, we are once again safe haven and support. And around the globe,reminded that Sri Lanka can do whatever we set we worked with our friends and allies to end theour mind to. That is the story of our history, violence and stop the funding of terror activiObamawhether it’s the pursuit of prosperity for our ties. people,or the struggle for equality for all our Prabhakaran marks the most significant “Today, at my direction, the Sri Lanka Armycitizens; our commitment to stand up for our achievement to date in our nation’s effort to launched a targeted operation against a hideoutvalues and our sacrifices to make the country a defeat terrorism. of Prabhakaran. Our Army carried out the opersafer place. “Yet his death does not mark the end of our ation with extraordinary courage and capability.“Let us remember that we can do these effort. There’s no doubt that the LTTE diasporas They took care to avoid civilian casualties. Afterthings not just because of wealth or power, but and those who made money out of his opera a firefight, they killed Prabhakaran and tookbecause of who we are: one nation, with liberty tions and the politicians who require the sup custody of his body.and justice for all. port of those blinded by thetruth and realities “For nearly three decades, Prabhakaran has“Thank you. May the blessings of the Triple of Prbhakaran and LTTE to win elections in been the leader and symbol, and has continuedGem be with you.” their constituencies will continue to pursue to plot attacks against our country. The death ofParakrama Karunaratne
Has the UNO lived up to its ideals? he Paris Peace Conference, which endedmake use of this body to achieve their ownassess the balance sheet of work done by the T the World War I, provided for the estabobjectives. The provisions about war crimesUNO, since its creation, for the establishment lishment of the League of Nations for theand crimes against humanity are being misof international peace. It is also necessary to settlement of disputes arising between states.used to chastise countries that do not toe theirfind out whether it has acted in compliance As time passed, it became clear that this organline. withthe agenda of a few powerful countries to ization was incapable of fulfilling the purposeWar crimes and killing of innocent civiliansthe detriment of its other member states. for which it was created. It was dissolved incommitted by them are never questioned. WhatThe general opinion is that the UNO has 1946 and replaced by the United Nationsis happening in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya,overacted or not acted at all in violation of its Organization after the end of the World War II.can be cited to prove its duplicity. Thecharter. There is a strong case for replacing it The goal of founding this organization too wasSecretary General’s unrelenting effort to indictwith a completely new mechanism that will the achievement of world peace.Sri Lanka for committing war crimes duringensure international peace and equality of The charter creating the UNO expects it tothe last stages of her campaign against thetreatment of all members irrespective of their function in an atmosphere of complete neutralLTTE is a glaring example of his partiality.size and military might. ity. It is apparent that a few powerful countriesThe time is opportune for the world toN. Bemmulla
Wednesday 4th May, 2011
Americans are over the moon-quite rightly so!
sama na enas eene ane sover the moon and rightly so. Never mind the covert US action violating the sovereignity of a member state of the UN, never mind the numerous civilians killed by drones & other attacks in pursuit of this target over the last decade. Western military theory accepts these civilian deaths as collateral damage.The important thing is the world is minus another terrorist monster. Mr. Moon of UN fame is also over the moon. He has hailed Osama Bin Laden’s death as a key turning point in the world’s struggle against terrorism. “The death of Osama bin Laden, announced by President Obama last night, is a watershed moment in our common global fight against terrorism. The crimes of al Qaeda touched most continents, bringing tragedy and loss of life to thousands of men, women and children,” Ban said.”This is a day to remember the victims and families of victims here in the United States and every where in the world,” he added. Ban never uttered anything similar when we eliminated Prabakharan & his terrorist movement. Why then may I ask is the UN at the behest of the US pointing its guns at little Sri Lanka not allowing us to enjoy the fruits of our own victory over an equally despicable monster and terrorist leader whose killings spread over three decades and included Presidents , Prime Ministers, clergy at prayer, soldiers made to surrender, innocent com muters, at random, to name only a few of his victims. Will Mr. Moon (if he is still there) at the behest of say China or Russia apppoint a panel comprising anti US elements to probe violations related to sovereignity or human rights in the military exercise carried out by the US in gunning down Bin Laden.Will the US accept findings of such a panel which will be critical of the US. A feature of the news coverage on US channels in the immediate aftermath of Bin Laden killing is the rightful praise for the Commander in Chief for his commitment to the capture (preferably killing) of Bin Laden and bravery of US service personnel who sacrificed life and limb in pursuit of this mission. Likewise let it be known, specially to the envoys of foreign missions in our country who are abusing their welcome, that as a nation, we too are fully behind our own Commander in Chief and our gallant service personnel who made our victory a possibility. These envoys will be despised and forgotten when they are gone. But there will be monuments to perpetuate the memory of our heroes.
Rontjen Perera
Outcome of Killing Terrorists - USA’s and Sri Lanka’s BC quotes Mr. Barack Obama as having said B the killing Osama Bin Laden was “the most signifi cant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda”. The same source refers to former US President George W Bush describing the news as a “momentous achievement”. Bin Laden was accused of approving the 9/11 attacks on New York’s Twin Towers in which nearly 3,000 people died. Pirabaharan is accused of Prabhakaran responsibility for over 70,000 deaths of Sri Lankans. He was found guilty of assassi nating an Indian Prime Minister, a Sri Lankan President and many civilians in numerous attacks on vari ous targets. The US President obvious ly feels he has the right to boast of his soldiers’ achieve ment. But the armed forces in Sri Lanka, which got rid of the leader of the worst terror ist group in the world, and the Sri Lankan President and his inner circle that gave able direction that led to everyone Bin Laden in the country having two years so far of bombfree exis tence are being branded as war criminals. The really sad state of affairs is that UN, which by statute is expected to act impartially, is forced to tow the US line, and its Secretary General who has assumed the mantle of accuser, judge, jury and executioner is asking other countries to act on the Darusman Report concocted and released by his handpicked trio. All these experts, advisers, and high offi cials connected to or originating from the affluent West should be thankful that the average Sri Lankan is a relative ly peaceful character.
Gamini Premadasa
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