917.91 F29 1182956Federal Writer s projectArizinakansasjcity publicj librarykansas missouriSI city,Books will be issued onlyon of card.presentation libraryPlease lost cards andreportof residencechange promptly.Card holders are forresponsibleall books, records, films, picturesor other materialslibrarychecked out on their cards.026600330DA IE DUt.MI a1974JULLIBRARYpU8LICotrrmsMAI*A R IZOWAA STATE GUIDEWorkers the WritersCompiled by of Programthe Work Administrationof Projectsin the State ArizonaofAMERICAN GUIDE SERIESILLUSTRATEDTheArizona StateSponsored Teachersby atCollege Flagstaff-HASTINGS -HOUSE Publishers NEW YORKIN APRIL 1940""*-s:": .v.***J, **"!WORKS AGENCYFEDERALM. AdministratorCARMODY,JOHNWORK ADMINISTRATIONPROJECTSF. C. CommissionerHARRINGTON,FLORENCE AssistantKERR,W. State AdministratorJ. JAMIESON,The Arizona WPA Writers, isProject sponsoredthe Arizona State Commissionby HighwayFourth PrintingCOPYRIGHT BY1940THE ARIZONA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT FLAGSTAFFPRINTED IN U. S. A.All arerights the to book orreserved, including this partsrights reproducethereof in form.anyForewordTHE ARIZONA GUIDE seeks to tell the of thestory wide-opencolor that nature has of townsthespaces, generously splashed,inhabited to the of the whitecontinuously prior coming man,and of the missions. It contrasts the air-cooled-by-nature, pineclad northern area with the desert area of cenair-cooled-by-mantral ...