iiiiiiiilii:l-J^^IN MEMORIAMFLORIAN CAJORIO^^X^i^J^^A. (Ay/^n.-^-nx^'tin CX C^U ^V-a*t.^X-^(./f^o-^Ciy^.il^APPLIED MATHEMATICSFORJUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS;AND : .%,, ;; -^HIGH SCHO0tSji:V;i:-i^iBYEUGENE HENRY BARKERFORMBRLY HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS IN THEPOLYTECHNIC HIGH LOS CALIFORNIASCHOOL, ANGELES,ALLYN AND BACONBOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGOATLANTA SAN FRANCISCOBYCOPYRIGHT, 1920.H. BARKEREUGENECAJORlNortoooti ^rcBBCo. Berwick & Smith Co.J. S. GushingU.S.A.Norwood, Mass.,PREFACE,has been written to meetThis book the demand for acourse in mathematics which shall coor-appliedpracticalschoolroom lesson and thedinate the actual ofproblemindustrial and commercial world. Itthe thepresentsof mathematical information which is to be ofbody likelymatter what one'sno be.service,daily occupation mayMathematics is the of twelveApplied outgrowth yearsin a ofof school over two thousandexperimentation highand the exercises in the book have stood thestudents,The andtest of classroom trial. haveexamples problemsbeen selected from fields industrial, commercial,manyas far as are suchmechanical, and,agricultural possible,as occur in the on the in thehousehold, farm, factory,inand at the office. The book teachable form:givesAn treatment of the fundamental opera-(1) adequatetions of with attention to modernarithmetic, propermethods of theseperforming operations.A consideration of business transactions.ordinary(2)A with the ofsufficient(3) ...