FORNIA. SAN DIEGO£&:'\:ii!i(!f'iii'llipi::wmmm"k•:.'''.^-'ill'sto:s:iiii:aM!»3:^LIBRARYOFUMIVERSITYC«iMFORNlA- -! >iSGODIEGOUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SAN3 1822 00719 8203LIBRARYUNIVERSITYCENTRALSan DiegoofCalifornia,UniversityDUEDATE'^FP 3 1939jidARUQl';^"^jf^P^94iqq4JAN 6 m'\Ml1^531DECIUlw^A>iNL,'-->J6 ;-.0ANTIQUITIESANNALS ANDOF RAJASTHANJAMES TOD.COLONELLt.-Col. E. W.(From the bust by Vo. Livi, 1837. By peiinission ofBlunt-.Mackenzie, U.A.).Frontispiece.ANTIQUITIESANDANNALSOFRAJASTHANWESTERNCENTRAL ANDTHEOROF INDIASTATESRAJPUTBYrpDLiEUT.-CoL. JAMESWESTERN RAJPUT STATESPOLITICAL AGENT TO THELATENOTES BYINTRODUCTION ANDWITH ANEDITEDCLE.WILLIAM CROOKE,OXON., B.A., F.R.A.l.HON. D.SC.CIVIL SERVICELATE OF THE INDIANTHREE VOLUMESINVOL. IMILFORDHUMPHREYPRESSUNIVERSITYOXFORDNEW YORKGLASGOWLONDON EDINBURGHBOMBAYTORONTO MELBOURNE1920Dedication the First Volume.^[Oriyinat ofTOHIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTYTHE FOURTHGEORGESire,at the foot ofthe ThroneThe gracious permission accorded me, to laythe fruit of my lahours, allows me to propitiate Your Majesty's con-sideration work, the prosecution of wliich 1towards the object of thishave made a paramount duty.happily of BritishThe Rajput princes, rescued, by the triumph thearms, from the yoke of lawless oppression, are now the most remotetributaries to Your Majesty's extensive empire and their admirer and;annalist may, the sighs of thisperhaps, be permitted ...