Annala Rioghachta Eireann : Annals of the kingdom of Ireland Volumes 5 and 6








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=U"J w- -- -- - =: fJ) - - Ul ... - __IT"" Q - :>: =M - a " -= M --: I, -,rn I - ... J . -.. ",,'. I <.;> '. . thE pRESEnCE o th IS Book thE ].m. kElly lIBRaRY has BEEn maÒE POSSIBLE th ROUCj h thE CjEnEROSlty StEphEn B. Roman From the Library of Daniel Binchy atlaLa ll1o(ShachLo elReaNN. , " . . . ,. 1- , 1 , ... " aNlaLa Rlo(Shachr;a elReaNN. ANN ALS OF THE I{INGDOl OF IRELÄXD BY THE FOUR MASTERS, FBO THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1616. EDITED FROM 1[85. L'i THE LIBRA1!.Y OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADIDIY AXD OF TRIITY COLLEGE, m. BLI, \\ JIH A TRAXSLATIO. A.XD cOPlOrs KOTES, BY JOHN O'DONOVAN, LL.D" M. R.I.,A.. BARRISTER A.T LAW. .. Olim Regibus pareballt, nUDC per Principe! f'actionibus et studm trahuutur: nee aliud ad\ersua ,alicfu;,imu !;eÐ\a pro nobis utiIius, quam quod in commune non consuIunt. Rarns doabua tribuave civitatibua ad propulsaudom t"OlIImuDf' pencuIum couyentus: ita dum singuli pugunt universi vincuntur."-TAClTt"s, AGRICOLA, e.12. SECOND EDITION. VOL. Y. DUBLI.: HOD(ES, SMITH, AXD CO., GRAFTO-TnEET. BOOKSELLERS TO THE t:'XIVrRSIn. 185U. DUBLIN : 1)Jrínttl1 at It! BmtJtISlI!! l:Jnss, liT M. H. GILL. aNl\laLa JlI0öhachm elReaNN. ON110La llObhachLa elReaNl. . - a01S CR10S'C, 1501. amr Crnort:, mlle, CÚ1CC ceb, a haon. SeaN mae Rora mle t:omUIr ólee meEU1òlp bal na ëanánaë eopabll}lI cdoëap, na peapJ'ún,l na UIpëmneë 1 naehaò lupëmp ...
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: =M - a " -= M --: I, -,rn I - ... J . -.. ",,'. I '. . thE pRESEnCE o th IS Book thE ].m. kElly lIBRaRY has BEEn maÒE POSSIBLE th ROUCj h thE CjEnEROSlty StEphEn B. Roman From the Library of Daniel Binchy atlaLa ll1o(ShachLo elReaNN. , " . . . ,. 1- , 1 , ... " aNlaLa Rlo(Shachr;a elReaNN. ANN ALS OF THE I{INGDOl OF IRELÄXD BY THE FOUR MASTERS, FBO THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1616. EDITED FROM 1[85. L'i THE LIBRA1!.Y OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADIDIY AXD OF TRIITY COLLEGE, m. BLI, \\ JIH A TRAXSLATIO. A.XD cOPlOrs KOTES, BY JOHN O'DONOVAN, LL.D" M. R.I.,A.. BARRISTER A.T LAW. .. Olim Regibus pareballt, nUDC per Principe! f'actionibus et studm trahuutur: nee aliud ad\ersua ,alicfu;,imu !;eÐ\a pro nobis utiIius, quam quod in commune non consuIunt. Rarns doabua tribuave civitatibua ad propulsaudom t"OlIImuDf' pencuIum couyentus: ita dum singuli pugunt universi vincuntur."-TAClTt"s, AGRICOLA, e.12. SECOND EDITION. VOL. Y. DUBLI.: HOD(ES, SMITH, AXD CO., GRAFTO-TnEET. BOOKSELLERS TO THE t:'XIVrRSIn. 185U. DUBLIN : 1)Jrínttl1 at It! BmtJtISlI!! l:Jnss, liT M. H. GILL. aNl\laLa JlI0öhachm elReaNN. ON110La llObhachLa elReaNl. . - a01S CR10S'C, 1501. amr Crnort:, mlle, CÚ1CC ceb, a haon. SeaN mae Rora mle t:omUIr ólee meEU1òlp bal na ëanánaë eopabll}lI cdoëap, na peapJ'ún,l na UIpëmneë 1 naehaò lupëmp ..." />
=U"J w- -- -- - =: fJ) - - Ul ... - __IT"" Q - :>: =M - a " -= M --: I, -, rn I - ... J . -.. ",,'. I <.;> '. . thE pRESEnCE o th IS Book thE ].m. kElly lIBRaRY has BEEn maÒE POSSIBLE th ROUCj h thE CjEnEROSlty StEphEn B. Roman From the Library of Daniel Binchy at l aLa ll1o(ShachLo elReaNN. , " . . . ,. 1- , 1 , ... " aNl aLa Rlo(Shachr;a elReaNN. ANN ALS OF THE I{INGDO l OF IRELÄXD BY THE FOUR MASTERS, FBO THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1616. EDITED FROM 1[85. L'i THE LIBRA1!.Y OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADIDIY AXD OF TRI ITY COLLEGE, m. BLI , \\ JIH A TRAXSLATIO . A.XD cOPlOrs KOTES, BY JOHN O'DONOVAN, LL.D" M. R.I.,A.. BARRISTER A.T LAW. .. Olim Regibus pareballt, nUDC per Principe! f'actionibus et studm trahuutur: nee aliud ad\ersua ,alicfu;,imu !;eÐ\a pro nobis utiIius, quam quod in commune non consuIunt. Rarns doabua tribuave civitatibua ad propulsaudom t"OlIImuDf' pencuIum couyentus: ita dum singuli pugu nt universi vincuntur."-TAClTt"s, AGRICOLA, e.12. SECOND EDITION. VOL. Y. DUBLI. : HOD( ES, SMITH, AXD CO., GRAFTO - TnEET. BOOKSELLERS TO THE t:'XIVrRSIn. 185U. DUBLIN : 1)Jrínttl1 at It! BmtJtISlI!! l:Jnss, liT M. H. GILL. aNl\laLa JlI0öhachm elReaNN. ON110La l lObhachLa elReaNl . . - a01S CR10S'C, 1501. amr Crnort:, mlle, CÚ1CC ceb, a haon. SeaN mae Rora mle t:omUIr ólee meEU1òlp bal na ëanánaë eopabll}lI cdoëap, na peapJ'ún,l na UIpëmneë 1 naehaò lupëmp Saoi' eeeTlmòe eapccna lltalOm, 1 1 nEaOJtn lee Fe}l t:leëe aOJòeab cmcÒno ba Eaë aon nó plcceaò a leaf, 1 a écc m 10 lún. NlUU mae mpt: mlC eoccam uí né1l1 bécc. RúopUIi)e mae uf ëonëoDmp fUIIElt), .1. mac cataoíp mlc cmnn mlC an ëatDUIt) Décc. 'RuopUIt)e mac meEmat:Eamna, .1. bplUn mac Remamn 00 rilUpoaò lá clomn méE aenEura. Coecab et:lp 01pt)JaUUIO FCm, .1. StJoët: aooa pUUIo,l r1lOët: Remamn. mÓE matt)arima (Rora) 00 bplìt a ëaopUIi)eëca le1r FOP an luët: t:lt)e,l r1lOèt: Remamn bo ëop ar an 'CÍp amaë 1 cCnn hm nel1t. máE matiimnna blOnnfUIcÒò FOP j'llOèt: Remamn,l t:CcerilUll bá p011e bOlO acc át an cOl1elp. · John, the son of Rossa.-The Dublin copy of the Annals of Ulster adds, that this John was the son of Ross the Bishop, and that he died " in id. Jun. mane die Dominico." h Creaghts, i. e. his cattle and their caretakers. -See note f, under the year 1496, p.1224, supra. 'Lough1!J, or Louty, a territory which, as appears from various old maps of Ulster, is now comprised in the barony of Monaghan, in the county of Monaghan, and which was so called because it was allotted for the maintenance of Mac Mahon's loëc cljÏje or household.-See Ac- count of the Territory or Dominion of Farney, by Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq., p. 30, note I ï. ANNALS OF THE KINGDO I OF IRELAXD. . THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1501. The Age of Clu'ist, one thousand jive hundred one. J OlIN, the son of Rossa g , son of Thomas One Manuire , who had been a canon o 0 chorister in Clogher, Parson and Erenagh in Achadh-Urchair [Aghalurcher], a wise man, learned in Latin and Irish, who kept a house of general hospitality for all that stood in need of it, died in the Ides of June. Niall, the son of Art, son of Owen O'Neill, died. Rury, the son of O'Conor Faly, i. e. the son of Cahir, son of COIl, son of Calvagh, died. Rury, the son of Mac Mahon, i. e. of Brian, the son of Redmond, was slain by the sons of Magennis. A war [broke out] among the people of Oriel themselvef:, i. e. bctween the descendants of Hugh Roe and the descendants of Redmond. Mac Iahon (Rossa) brought his creaghts h with him into the Loughti, and drove the de- scendants of Redmond from the country to O' eill. Mac .Mahon pursueù the descendants of Redmond and the ) ' came to an enganement with each other at , .... 0 ::;ee abo Harris's edition of 'Ware's Antiquities, p. 70, where the following notice of the term Loughty occurs: ., The Dynast, or Chieftane, being elected, supported himself and his train, partly out of certain Lands set apart for the Iaintenance of his Table, called Loghty" [or Logh-tee], "bu\ particularly out of some tributary Exactions called COSl1ERINGS, which he impo ed on all Lands except tho e of the Church, and of such to whom he granted special priviledges of E1:- emption." l:.2GO atU-1aLa RJoohachr:a emeaNN. [1501. 'GOIpp6eaU:'Jaè (.1. mae mt me an 1apla) mae eumn mle enpl U1 nelU '00 bnt aee eOTlbf1am lá rboèt: l10 OIle DO mapDab ammUe FPIÚ. Cmrlén rhccli) DO i)aomt le DpelmlTl1b,l t:oèt:: Fmp anuar ar a oapp tft domn RU016pl mlC t"olpp6ealoars ëappmi) U1 concooOlp, 1 tá domn Fel6- bmlò mlc cOII'pbealomi) coppmi) UI concooOlp. an Catbaé caoè mac DOm- nmlt mlc eoccam ui conèoDmp DO mal'oa6 ann,l SCan mac Rum6pI mlc t:OlppDeatD01i) éapl'mi) u1 conëoomp DO tmt:lm lar an ccaloaë a FFPlti)um op m latOlp rm. alone mac SCam 1 carom '00 mapOab tá a Deapbpatmp FClrr m bplOTI flOnn. mac 'OorilnmU clomne ceaUmi) (ölOUa na naem mac rl6e copbmmc mlc ml'C) DO map5ab ta Felbtlmlb mac DOJlTlcl1m6 mlC t:omólr mé ö 1.11blp, Emann mac RlcmpD a búpc DO i;aoátl té mac 1.11 UlOm domm RlOcmp'O aò coëc ó cupur San Sem. Fuarcda6 móp DO oCm ar,l bpmi;De mmte Dm mUJnclp Imó mac. . Atl -an-choileir, i. e. the ford of the quarry. This name is now obsolete. I The Earl's daughter, i. e. the daughter of the Earl of Kildare. m Tllis Turlou!Jh.- This is a remarkable in- tance of tbe defect of tbe style of tbese Annals. The language should be thus constructed: b"onnrQl mae mai urima FOP j'tlOét: Ré- mmnn, 1 po t:e mmret: o'ó p01Le ace ó'i; an è01lélp, Ro bool u con num ta rhoèt: Re- mamn, t:OIp6eat5aè, mae m me lopta bUe t>apa, .1. mae cumn, mle enpl ui neill, an mae t:1 eapna a nOire F06ém ba Ferp 00 aolòea- tcuo an t:an pn, 1 t>o mapbaò é Ir m ;scat; hlpn, lea . n Sliahh Beatha, i. e. Bith's mountain, now Slieve Bãhd, or Slieve Beagh, a long range of mountains extending in a north-eastern direc- tion through the barony of l\Iagberastephana, in the county of Fermanagb, and through the pa- . 1501.] ANNALS OJ!' THE KINGDO)! OF IRELAND. 1261 Ath-an-choileir k . Turlough (i. e. son of the Earl's daughtcrl), the son of Con, son of Henry O' eill, assisted the descendants of Redmond ; [and] this Tur- loughm, who was the best son of a lord of the Irish of his time, was there slain by Mac Mahon, as was Iac Donnell Galloglagh (John, the son of Colla), with many others. The son of Maguire, i. e. Thomas, son of Thomas Oge, son of Gilla-Duv, i. e. the )Iaguire, was slain on Sliabh Beatha D , by the sons of Brian, son of Red- mond Mac.ðlahon, with a slaughter of his people along with him. The folIowing are the chieftains who were there slain: Gilla-Isa, son of Edmond; Thomas, the son of Don, son of Edmond; and Cormac, the son of John, son of Edmond Maguire; Rory Boy, the son of Edmond Oge Maguire; Edmond and Ianus Eoghanagh, the two sons of Hugh, son of Brian Maf:,l"llÍre; Brian and Donough, the two sons of Teige, son of David, son of Gina-Boy Mac Ianus, and five of the same tribe, besides numbers of o hers. The castle of Sligo was taken by [means of] ladders; and t11e sons of Rory, son of Turlough Carragh O'Conor, and the sons ofFelim, son ofTurlough Car- ragh O'Conor, made their way into it from the top. Calvagh Caech, the son of Donnell, son of Owen O'Conor, was slain in it; and Jo}m, the SOn of Rory, son of Turlough CaITagh O'Conor, fell by [the hand of] Calvagh in the heat of the contest. Aibhne, the son of .John O'Kane, was slain by his own brother, Brian Finn. :Mac Donnen of Clankelly (Gilla-na-naev, the son of Cormac, who was son of Art), was slain by Felim, the son of Donougb, son of Thomas Maguire. Edmond, the son of Rickard Burke, was taken by 'lac ',",illiam of Clan- rickard, on his return from the pilgrimage of St. Jafles [in Spain]. A. great ransom was exacted for him, and good hostages of his people, besides his son rishes of Clones and Tedavnet, and along the western boundary of the barony of Trough, in the county of Monaghan, and through a part of the parish of Clogher, in the county of Tyrone. For some account of the origin of this name the reader is referred to the Leahhar Gabhala of the O'Clerys; Haliday's edition of the first part of Keating's History of Ireland, pp. 152, 154; and O'Flaherty's Ogygia, part iii. c. I. Colgan describes the situation of this mountnin as fol- lows in his Acta Sallct/)rum, p. 2 I 6, note 13 : " Est mons Beatha in Ultonia in comitatum ùe l\Ionechan et de Fermanach confinibus:' In the Down Survey the name of this mountain is correctly cnough anglicised t'lievc Beagh; but in Seward"s Topographical Dictionary it is in- correctly made Slieve Baugh. The local and aboriginal pronunciation of the name will t, . 1262 GNNaLa moûhach'Ca emeaNN. [1502. maoneadamn mae mlham me1ïpa1;nmU 'Ca01feaë mllm'Clpe neólmf bécc Jap eClan aoir. . 'Ca6E mae 'C01pp6eatDaJ1; mle Féllim Fmn bO rilapDI16 lá domn RllaJOYI1 mec DJapmaDa. bpJan mae Rua16pl mee mapma'C'a no mapDa6 a caJflén 'C'mUfce amaë naon upëop rm1;ne, 1 ní po haDma6 eIG pOf mapD. Cpeaë la hua eeonc05aJp FOP ëonë05ap mae mapma'Ca 111 ecmr1l1t bpa- cám llÍ bpoeam, 1 an bmte no tOfeca6 laJf. OorimaU ua hmecm
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