P.TTS»»W^OFUUNIV£RS*UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGHJjarlington Aleinorial L/ibrary^«i../-Oi IDANGLO-SAXONANDOLD-ENGLISH VOCABULARIESTHOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ., M. A.,F. S. A, HON. M. R. S. L.EDITED AND COLLATEDRICHARD PAUL WiJLCKER.PART. I.LONDON:LUDGATE HILL.TRUBNER & CO.,1883.[AW rights reserved.]CONTENTS.PagoAuglo-Saxou Vocabulary. 8th Century 1Glosses. 9th CenturyKentish 55Colloquy of ^Ifric 89Abbot iElfric's Vorabulary . 104Supplement to iElfric's Vocabulary 16810thAnglo-Saxon Glossary. Century 19210thAuglo-Saxon Glosses. 24810'^ 11th Vocabulary. or Century . 2581thAnglo-Saxon 1 Century 284 Vocabulary. lUh 30411thGlosses, Latin and Anglo-Saxon. Century . 338Miscellaneous Anglo-Saxon Glosses, ll'h Century 474Itith 536Semi-Saxon Vocabulary. Century13thVocabulary of the Names of Plants. Century 554English Vocabulary, loth Century 560Latin and15thMetrical Vocabularies. Century , 62215thNames of Parts of the Human' Body. Century 63115th Century 633English Vocabulary.5thNomiuale. 1 Century 673Vocabulary. 15th Century 745PictorialEREATA.Pag. 554 I. 3 for merherbarnm read maierherbarura.I.ANGLO-SAXON YOCABULARY,OF THE EIGHTH CENTURY'.Interpretatio nommum ebraicorum et grecorum.Adsida, flood. Libitorium, saa.Caluarice locus, cualmstou. Lignarium, uuidubinde.Coliferte, gepofta. Mantega, taeg.Clauis, helma. Medina, fylled flood.Crepidinem, neoJ)ouard. 5 Mappa, cneoribt.Doleus, byden. Maculosus, spec-faag.Dasile, boor. Menta, minte ...