Anglo-Saxon and Old English vocabularies








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P.TTS»»W^OFUUNIV£RS*UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGHJjarlington Aleinorial L/ibrary^«i../-Oi IDANGLO-SAXONANDOLD-ENGLISH VOCABULARIESTHOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ., M. A.,F. S. A, HON. M. R. S. L.EDITED AND COLLATEDRICHARD PAUL WiJLCKER.PART. I.LONDON:LUDGATE HILL.TRUBNER & CO.,1883.[AW rights reserved.]CONTENTS.PagoAuglo-Saxou Vocabulary. 8th Century 1Glosses. 9th CenturyKentish 55Colloquy of ^Ifric 89Abbot iElfric's Vorabulary . 104Supplement to iElfric's Vocabulary 16810thAnglo-Saxon Glossary. Century 19210thAuglo-Saxon Glosses. 24810'^ 11th Vocabulary. or Century . 2581thAnglo-Saxon 1 Century 284 Vocabulary. lUh 30411thGlosses, Latin and Anglo-Saxon. Century . 338Miscellaneous Anglo-Saxon Glosses, ll'h Century 474Itith 536Semi-Saxon Vocabulary. Century13thVocabulary of the Names of Plants. Century 554English Vocabulary, loth Century 560Latin and15thMetrical Vocabularies. Century , 62215thNames of Parts of the Human' Body. Century 63115th Century 633English Vocabulary.5thNomiuale. 1 Century 673Vocabulary. 15th Century 745PictorialEREATA.Pag. 554 I. 3 for merherbarnm read maierherbarura.I.ANGLO-SAXON YOCABULARY,OF THE EIGHTH CENTURY'.Interpretatio nommum ebraicorum et grecorum.Adsida, flood. Libitorium, saa.Caluarice locus, cualmstou. Lignarium, uuidubinde.Coliferte, gepofta. Mantega, taeg.Clauis, helma. Medina, fylled flood.Crepidinem, neoJ)ouard. 5 Mappa, cneoribt.Doleus, byden. Maculosus, spec-faag.Dasile, boor. Menta, minte ...
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P.TTS»»W^ OFUUNIV£RS* UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Jjarlington Aleinorial L/ibrary ^«i.. /- Oi I D ANGLO-SAXON AND OLD-ENGLISH VOCABULARIES THOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ., M. A., F. S. A, HON. M. R. S. L. EDITED AND COLLATED RICHARD PAUL WiJLCKER. PART. I. LONDON: LUDGATE HILL.TRUBNER & CO., 1883. [AW rights reserved.] CONTENTS. Pago Auglo-Saxou Vocabulary. 8th Century 1 Glosses. 9th CenturyKentish 55 Colloquy of ^Ifric 89 Abbot iElfric's Vorabulary . 104 Supplement to iElfric's Vocabulary 168 10thAnglo-Saxon Glossary. Century 192 10thAuglo-Saxon Glosses. 248 10'^ 11th Vocabulary. or Century . 258 1thAnglo-Saxon 1 Century 284 Vocabulary. lUh 304 11thGlosses, Latin and Anglo-Saxon. Century . 338 Miscellaneous Anglo-Saxon Glosses, ll'h Century 474 Itith 536Semi-Saxon Vocabulary. Century 13thVocabulary of the Names of Plants. Century 554 English Vocabulary, loth Century 560Latin and 15thMetrical Vocabularies. Century , 622 15thNames of Parts of the Human' Body. Century 631 15th Century 633English Vocabulary. 5thNomiuale. 1 Century 673 Vocabulary. 15th Century 745Pictorial EREATA. Pag. 554 I. 3 for merherbarnm read maierherbarura. I. ANGLO-SAXON YOCABULARY, OF THE EIGHTH CENTURY'. Interpretatio nommum ebraicorum et grecorum. Adsida, flood. Libitorium, saa. Caluarice locus, cualmstou. Lignarium, uuidubinde. Coliferte, gepofta. Mantega, taeg. Clauis, helma. Medina, fylled flood. Crepidinem, neoJ)ouard. 5 Mappa, cneoribt. Doleus, byden. Maculosus, spec-faag. Dasile, boor. Menta, minte. Decurat, hornnaap. Rastrum, raece. Ferula, hreod. Scisca, eofor|)rote. Fu7idus, bodan. 10 Sublatoriwn, bloestbaelg"''. Gemellus, getuin. Tantalus, aelbitn. Clelulwn, hrider. Ua, euwa. Jungula, geoc-boga. Vomer , scser. Ledo, nepfiod. Incipit glosa secundum ordincm elimentorum alphabet!, Abelena, haeselhnutu. lb Abshuhium, wermod., Abies, etspe. Abortus, raisbyrd. 1 This early and interesting monument Archbishop Parker. It is, therefore, not of our language is preserved in a fine improbable that this Vocabulary was ori- vellum manuscript in the collectiori ginally for schoolof compiled and written the Archbishop Parker, in the Library ofCorpus of Canterbury. Christi College, Cambridge, No. XCLIV. [The text of the present edition is based I have hesitation in ascribing the on a collation recently made by J. writing to the eighth century. It re- Zupitza, of Beilin. Some of the foreign sembles rather closely that of the well- terms are rendered by Latin, some by -known Durham Book, its characters ap- Anglo Saxon expressions; only those proaching almost to uncials. Some Anglo-Saxon were retained,one rendered into has written on the first leaf, in a hand including some which were omitted by —perhaps of the thirteenth century, that Wright.' R. W.] it belonged — 2 literally n the church of Canterbury or hlast-baely, liber Snncti Augustini Cant. — whence The Anglo-Saxon word for no doubt lame into the possession of GLOSSES.LATIN AND ANGLO-SAXON geeodun.binuinine. Adgrediuntur,Ablata, tonwinto.genycthlice. Adlido,Abunde, tilgendum.wereth. Adnitentibus,Abiget, wraene.eastansudan. Ad libidines,Ab euro, 5 blysnende.eastsuth. Adtonitus,Ad euronothum, weordmyndum.gehyddura. Ad fasces, toAbditis, sudanwestan. Adfligit, gebuaeb.Ab affrico, , Adrogantissime, wloncli.Ab borea, eastannorJ)an. Adplaudat, onbliorrouuit.Aconito, |)iTngas. '. \0 Adcommodcdurus, uuoende.Ace7^uus, mi\ba Aduentio, sarwo.A circio, nordanwestan. Aduocatus, pingere.Aciionaris, folcgeroebum. Adhibuit, geladade, uel aduocauit.Acisculum, piic. Adplicuit, gej)iudde.Aerabulus, mapuldur. uel roscinia, \b Aequatis, efnum.Achalcmiis, uel luscinia, Aesculus, boece.nehtegale. Aegit, wraec.holegn .Acrifolus, Aestuaria, fleotas.holthona.Acega, Aere alieno, geabuli.steli.Acceariimi, 20 Aegesta, gors. Acitula, hromsa. Aequipensum, ebnwege.hromsan crop.Acitelmn, [ellende]*, a finibus pro-sure.. AfinicidumAccituUimi, gseces cid.Acinu7n, hindberiae. '. ansuaep.Afflarat,Acris, fortis uel from 25 suj)anwestan.A fafonio,Actionabatur, scirde. westsudwind.Affricus,Actuarius, wraec. megsibbe, uel dileciione.Affectui,Accetum, gefeotodne. wildte,Agre{,Acegia, suite. aegmang.Agastrum,Aceti cotilla, uas, i. bolle. 30 Agitatio, unstilnis.Acus, net], uel, gronuisc. Agitate, onettad.Accidia, tedium, uel anxietas, i. sorg, Agapem, suoesendo.Accinctu, denetle. Agmen, weorod.Adsutce, gesiiiwide. Alea, tebl.Addictus, forscrifen. 35 Aleator, teblere.Adridente, tyctende. Albido, flio.Aduncis, gebegdum. Alizim, gaarleec.Ad penses, to nyttum. Alba spina, beagodorn.Adsensore, fultemendnm. Alcion, isern.Adclinis, to-bald, uel incuinbens. 40 Alnus, aler.Atqueue, end suelce. Alneum, fulaetreo.Ademto, gebinumini. Alietum, spaerhabuc.Adsaedum, pegn, [minister turpitu- *]. Ahieta, alerbolt.dinis 3 MS. reads acris fortio. R. W.1 word also occurs in .Elfric's TheThis rare another4 These two words are added inHeptateuch, Ex. 22,6. R. W. 2 glossar, and later hand, R. W.Cf. Leo, Angelsiichsisches 5 Added in a later hand. R. W.u. 1877 pag. 12:). R. W.Malle 1872
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