PTS42 V3NO750.BEDA[:-P i t ca i rn Rober t. 1798 1 o :, ,Date dueKING PRESS NO. 3O3ANCIENTTRIALSCRIMINALSCOTLAND.INIII. PART II.VOL.1615-1624.ANCIENTTRIALSCRIMINALIN SCOTLAND;COMPILEDFROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS AND MSS.,&c.WITH HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS,BY.ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ.VOL. III.PART SECOND.EDINBURGH:PRINTED FOR THE BANNATYNE CLUB.M.DCCC.XXXIII.TKS (.48 & 13 JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 361titdrirt--ratstng Coalpits.Jun. 10. JOHNNE HENRIE in Littill Faufide.and be Sir Williame Oli ofDilaitit, accufet, Newtoun,perfewet, pliant kny',hienes of theAduocat to our fouerane for his vnder-lord, intereis, crymesviz.writtin,FOESAMEKILL albeit be the 146 Act of our Souerane lordis tuelf ParliaAS,r makandhaldin at Ed the of 1592 mentiounment, dayvpone fyft Junij, 5eiris,that his Maieftie and for better of the wiked ofeftaittis, J>e pwneifchment cryme1in coil-heuches andbe fumfetting ffyre perfones, vpon privat revengevngodliehaif of the faid Act of ParliaStatute and be vertewdifpyte, Ordanit,pairfoirfallthat of the faid in be Tref-ment, Jje committing cryme, ony tyme faireftir,fone and that the of faid and deteftable; committeris J>e haynous cryme, beingordourlie fie inconvict fall fuffer and pwneifchment fair bodeyis,)>airof, vnderlyand as is dew be the law in caufes of Trefone : As in the faid Actlandis, guidis,of Parliament at lenth is contenit. it is of verritie,Nochtvvithftanding quhairof,that faid workman within the ...