iToWALTER D. U.S.ARMYCOLONEL McCAW,SURGEON GENERAl's OFFICELIBRARIAN OF THE (1903-1913)IN ACKNOWLEDGMENTOF HIS KIND ENCOURAGEMENT . .;ANDHIS MANY COURTESIESOF THIS BOOKIN AID OF THE COMPLETIONPREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITIONofThe of the first edition this l)ook the medicalbyreceptionhas been most kind. The revised andedition,profession presenthas be(ni in with the author'scomplianceenlarged, prepared agree-ment with the ])ul)lishers.of the athe firstappearance edition, necessarilyFollowingfelt much cheered the kind andhazardous the authorventure, bySir the late Dr. S.letters of William WeirOsier,encouragingA. the late Dr. G. Dr.Dr. James Mumford,Mitchell, Jacol)i,and other friends. Professor Max Neu-Harvey Gushing, manyof in a review all the more as writtenIjurger, Vienna, generousthe turmoil of that the author breaksamid war, opines deliberatelywith standardized in the or current on themany viewpoints pastwhich he as associated with the fact that thecontinent, regardswriter "sees This alas!is,things through English spectacles."(jne of the delusions createtl in the human mind the con-many byemotions of wartime. To view with "theflicting everythingof Nature" cannot be claimed for the contents ofequal eye anyhuman calvarium. Professor Karl of inSudhoff,single Leipzig,his has defined the author's asprocedure "clear-sighted,reviews,"in modernand concedes that theopen-hearted, impartial,"A reader un-he stands his ownquite upon ground."period ...