127 754Index toAnalyticalWorRsShakespeare'sTHE BOOKLOVERS' EDITIONANU-.NDEX"THEIt)GIVINGandto NotableReferences by Passages Signifi-Topicscant Histories the Plays;Expressions; Brief ofInci-Names and HistoricalGeographicalanddents Mention all Characters; ofSketches Onesof ImportantTOGETHER WITH EXPLANATIONS OF ALLUSIONS ANDOBSCURE AND OBSOLETE WORDS AND PHRASESBYEVANGELINE M. O'CONNORNEW YORKTI1K UNHTJ1WV SOCMKTVPUBLISHERSPK E FAC E.IT has been intention to in therefer,my followingto of under the wordpages, every passage any importancethat best its whether that word is in thesubject,expressestext or and in cases of doubt as to what word anot, pas-Iwould be looked for have entered it underunder,sagetwo or more. that beBut, significant expressions mayfound I have also indexed under their mostreadily,all that toword seemed me to be such. Toprominenthave indexed all theirunderexpressions words,principalwould have been to make a whichphrase-concordance,we and would defeat the aim of thisbookalreadyhave, byit and the student with referencesoverloading wearyingto amass of allusions. Here the ofunimportant questioncomes and I have omittednecessarily in, mayjudgmentthat assome references a better editor would deem sig-as that are included. Inificant trust, however,manythat references to of under eachpassages importance topicwill not be found wanting.to make bookIn order the a convenient andmanual,include information that a student ...