ANEXPLANATORY AND PEONOUNOlNGDICTIONARY OF THE NOTEDNAMES OF FICTIONINCLUDING ALSOFAMILIAR PSEUDONYMS, SURNAMES BESTOWED ON EMINENT MEN, ANDANALOGOUS POPULAR APPELLATIONS OFTEN REFERREDTO IN LITERATURE AND CONVERSATIONBy WILLIAM A. WHEELERWITH APPENDIX BY CHARLES G. WHEELERSo eine Arbeit eigentlich nie fertig wird ; . . . mansie fiir fertig erklaren muss, wenn man nach Zeit undUmstanden das Moglichste daran gethan hat.GOETHI.BOSTON AND NEW YORKHOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY(3Cbc Riber^ibe prw, CambriboeREFERENCE& BIBLIOG.COPYRIGHT, 1 BY WILLIAM A. WHEELER86s,COPYRIGHT, IQI?,1889, 1893, AND BY OLIVE W. WHEELERRESERVED INCLtTOING THE RIGHTALL RIGHTS TO REPRODUCKTHIS BOOK OR PARTS THEREOF IN ANY FORMVNf3\A/0REFERENCE& filBUOG.ToRICHARD SOULEASAFFECTIONATEA TOKEN OF RESPECT.^960354PREFACE TO NINETEENTH EDITION.The original work, now freshly offered to the public, waspublished in 1865, and has remained since that date the author-ity in the department which it occupies, and the model uponwhich many books of like character have been constructed. Ithas been in constant demand, and, so far as it covers literaturewhen it was first compiled, remains practicallyup to the datequarter century, however, adds materially tocomplete. A of athe stock of fiction, and gives opportunity for fictitious charac-noted and familiar. publishers thereforeters to become Theoriginalhave deemed it proper to add an appendix to the work,and have entrusted the ...