SECTIONSCONICANDALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY.M? ELEMENTARY TREATISEoxf\CONIC SECTIONSANDALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY,WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES AND HINTS FOR THEIR SOLUTION.for 5Xgc of<$pcciaUg fecsignct) tfjcBYHALEG. PUCKLE, M.A.,iiST JOHN S CAMBRIDGE.COLLEGE,FIFTH REVISED AND ENLARGED.EDITION,:HonlronMACMILLAN AND CO.1884[All liinhtfi reserved.]:(ITambritigcPRINTED BY C. J. M.A. &CLAY, SON,AT THE PRESS.UNIVERSITYPREFACE.wasTHE first edition of this book afterpublished shortlythe of Dr Salmon s admirable with thetreatise,appearancewrite a short and work athat I couldhope easy uponsimilar without the obvious of hisplan, losing advantagesharmonious and consecutive of thearrangement subject.Hence the Reduction of the General of the SecondEquationwill be found to the discussion of theDegree proprecedeof the and the Parabola is treated of aftercurves,pertiesthe and but I have theEllipse Hyperbola ; arranged chapteron the Reduction of the General so that aEquation, veryof it will when the is forsmall readsuffice,part subjectthe first time.chief was to write with reference toMy object specialthose difficulties and which I had foundmisapprehensions,most common to In the later editions I havebeginners.without of to maketried, losing sight my original purpose,the book ofsuitable to the the time. Therequirementsedition has been revised Ipresent carefully throughout.have added a considerable amount of new matter, especiallyin the of illustrative ...