:AN ATLASOPGEOGRAPHY.CLASSICALCONSTRUCTED BYWILLIAM HUGHES,AND EDITED BYGEORGE LONG.PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES IN THE UNIVERSITYFORMERLY OF VIRGINIAWITHA SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY,AND OTHER ADDITIONS,BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR.CONTAININGFIFTY-TWO MAPS AND PLANS ON TWENTY-SIX PLATES,WITH AN INDEX OF PLACES.PHILADELPHIABLANCHAED & LEA,185 7.OOiIZSlEntered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1856, byBLANCHARD & LEA,in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,& P. G. Collins.Printel \.j T. K.AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' NOTICE.In reproducing the present work, various additions have been thought desirable. Forreasons adduced in his Preface, Mr. Long inserted no boundaries in the maps. Impos-sible as it may be, at this distance of time, to determine with absolute accuracy thelimits of contiguous territories, it yet was felt that without some indication of theiras generally received by classical scholars, the studentposition, would frequently feelwant of an assistance to which he had become accustomed;the and they have accord-ingly been introduced from standard authorities.The interest attaching to the gradual development of geographical knowledgeamong the ancients, has seemed to render desirable the introduction of the charts col-lected on Plate showing at a glance the progress of1, information from the earliesttimes, the studentand enabling to comprehend and appreciate ...