L I B RA FLYOF THEU N 1VER51TYor ILLl NOIS923.8AmericanEngineersLocomotiveEDITIONRAILWAYERIEILLUSTRATEDR. ROMANSby H.EditedCHICAGO. ILLINOISPUBLISHERSCOMPANYCRAWFORD-ADSITPUOI'RIETORW. H. Wklcii,1890Entered according to act of In theCongress year 1899By Crawford-Adsit CompanyIn the office of Librarian, D.Washington, C.,fw, fnuiixi^mi^^g'^wi-(^flte/a^^liXTKODUCTION..3!?(^(iabanners bands andThe soldier marches to battle withaway flying, playingin his ears. He to a andthe of the nationplaudits ringing goes perform duty,is that he should receivein so his life in Itplaces jeopardy. right praisedoingare toas a hero but while we cheer the soldier for his we; bravery prone forget—of a theanother man who risks his life in thedaily performance public dutyrailroad engineer.andcast aside the creations of andStephenson Hedley,Progress creepingskim likemechanical to us in their stead the monsters of steel thatgenius gavealike inbirds the rails. Traffic demands the samealong lightning speedshiningnervesunshine or In broad or on darkest a man of ironnighttempest. daylightthat "all theclutches the throttle of that monster and ahead to secpeersrushingare white."lightsThe never realizes the heroism of this man who stands guardpnl:)lic quietbetween death and a of until someone'strain-load blunder,passengers, throughthe diabolical a a he is sent to meet hisact of fiend, or accident,deplorablewith his hand still at the throttle.Maker,It is at ...