Data, Information, and MetricsTutorial for MORS WorkshopRich Phares15 October 20071OutlineWhat do we mean by data, information, and metrics (why three words)Data, Information, and Metrics examples from several gamesSummaryThanks!2What Do We Mean (or Why Three Words)?Data– Often thought of as a synonym for information– For our purposes data is a measurement or observation of a variable, and consists of numbers, characters, images or other inputs or outputsInformation– When data becomes organized, it is called information– It is the result of processing, gathering, manipulating, and organizing data in such a way that adds knowledge to the receiverMetrics– A system of parameters or ways of quantitative and periodic assessment of a process that is to be measured3Example Games We Will Talk AboutTitle 10 WargameSeminar WargameOther examples4Title 10 WargameSpreadsheet calculations– Seen in most Title 10 games– Used to supplement the major models– Or to provide quick calculationsIs this data?5Title 10 WargamePlanning Sheets– Seen in most Title 10 games– Used to capture player actions– Or to be provided to players to fill outIs this information?6Seminar WargameForce Lists– Force lists are often provided for several sides (Blue, Red, Others)– An example game may have players broken into cells, in which they write plans based on the lists– No actual moves may be executed in the ...