(These minutes are subject to correction and/or approval on March 15, 2005) MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF PINETOP-LAKESIDE, ARIZONA, HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2005, AT 6:15 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ASCERTAIN QUORUM Chairman Betts called the Work Session to order at 6:15 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Members Present: Chairman Jim Betts, Vice Chairman Gretchen Forbeck, Luke Smith, Stephanie Irwin, Tim Williams, and Georgia Dysterheft mission Members Absent: Brian Gilbert (excused) Community Development Staff Present: Paul Esparza, Director; Jason Crampton, Planner; Peggy Opp, Recording Secretary 2. DISCUSSION The Commission welcomed Jason Crampton, the new Community Development Planner. Corrections to the minutes of February 15, 2005 include: • Commissioner Williams stated that he said the buffering should be “equal” buffering between Wonderland Acres and the Summer Homes (rather than “more buffering” along Wonderland Acres. • Under the Work Session Discussion, paragraph one: “Vice Chairman Forbeck asked about the list of homeowners . . .” • Under the Regular Meeting Minutes, when Mr. Steve Gates spoke, change it to read, “Is in favor of the development . . .” Discussion was held concerning comments received by Commissioner Williams, Commissioner Dysterheft, and Commissioner Irwin from Rob Terrell, one of the owners and developers of Elk Ridge. ...