Department ofHousing and WorksOffice Accommodation PoliciesA Guide to the Procurement andManagement of Western AustralianGovernment Office AccommodationAugust 2004Department of Housing and Works - Office Accommodation PoliciesFOREWORDOne of my roles as Minister for Housing and Works is to facilitate the provision of office accommodation to mostGovernment agencies through powers contained in the Public Works Act.Government offices in many ways represent the public face of the Government to the community. Government officeaccommodation is also a major and highly visible component of total public expenditure. It is therefore essential thatwhen agencies decide that new office accommodation is required, the decision-making process balances servicedelivery requirements with the responsible use of public funds.The Department of Housing and Works has developed a series of office accommodation policies to ensure thatGovernment office accommodation is provided as efficiently as possible, while also enabling services to be delivered inan effective manner. These policies also address the Government's concerns in other key areas, such as sustainability and access for peoplewith disabilities.They were endorsed by Cabinet on 10 May 2004 and as responsible Minister I require that they are complied with bythose agencies listed at Appendix 2. Enquiries concerning these policies should be directed to the Commercial Property Branch of the Department ofHousing and ...